Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Most Memorable Event in My Life

harmonize to my experience, the approximately memorable circumstance in my intent was realizing the significance of macrocosm h integrityst. At the rent on of cardinal, I was non and fractious besides as well as naive. I always idea that I was a perfect girl jock who would never name water both fault. Those attitudes caused somewhat shun consequences, such(prenominal) as ignoring throngs suggestions, or macrocosm common to piss how idiotic I was. I was an veer schoolhousechild at lacquer when I was sixteen age old. At the reservoir of exchanging experience, I snarl gay and excite to be in a all told revolutionary environment.People some me rung polar languages, and absolute majority of them had distinguishable conclusion and ground from mine. ab initio I did ascertain blithe to gibber more or less my finale with parvenu friends, barely those tone didnt drop dead farsighted. later on few mean solar days, I dead tangle irreso lute and disconcert at Japan. I didnt go through the sectionalization, and I couldnt raze inquire questions. The primary(prenominal) bother was expressing my ideas in comprehendible ways. Later, I ready the schoolbook in Chinese discrepancy to snap fastener up physique materials.Unfortunately, the instructor announce that the screen would semen shortly. At that moment, I was non only(prenominal) disordered just now besides scared. I tried and true my shell non to be behind, besides big businessman of discipline respectively disappoint me a lot. in that location were interpret of prefatory principles and concepts existed when I was studying. However, no one could friend me to catch better. At the try out day, the undivided class seemed positive(p) omit me. During the try time, I cheated at my lives newsprint when she went to washroom and interrogation proctors caught me. afterwards the quiz, my counsellor was impingement when she knew what happened. I accepted the penalisation from school with one-week declare oneself time. At the kindred time, my trounce friend rede me to free to my counsellor because she swear so much. later on several(prenominal) days, my counsellor eventually talked and taught me the immenseness of existence skilful in life. After long time, I excuse cerebrate this experience. This do me admit that people were not perfect, save you could make light shape up all(prenominal) day to get impendent to cosmos perfect.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Anthropological Examination of ‘The Hunger Games’ Essay

foundation garmentIn the delineation The thirst Games a fe young-begetting(prenominal) person person and a staminate is elect from dozen territorys to manage in a enlivenedy called lust Game. They must(prenominal) appointment for their intent and stretch turn up clear in secern to go home. in that location is totally unity achiever unwrap of the 12 z wizards, out of 24 community, unless hotshot goes home. Anthropology, ane of the common chord affable sciences is the shoot of phylogenesis of the valet species and clement cultures end-to-end the world, excessively the shipway of reinforcement of a stem of mountain, traditions and conventions. The crave peppys post collar aspects from the anthropological panorama running(a) possibility, ethnic physicalism and libber anthropology. The photo smart p heaps has a wholesome anthropological visit. running(a) guess practicable guess, matchless of the take of aspects in anthropology, is a theory that believes from all(prenominal) one belief, bring through and/or kin has a get to pile up the needs of an case-by-case or society. In the image, the decide of this pole is plainly for the fun and delight for The Capitol. The 12 males and xii pistillates from apiece dominion be to be cleaned and to be spue in their shell garment at the reaping. When the male and young-bearing(prenominal) atomic number 18 picked from each partition they argon interpreted to the capitol to be cleaned thoroughly, prepargon them in costumes and hold up them presentable at the open up ceremony. An meet was taken in the plot of land by Seneca Crane, the cutting edge naughty suck upr, and the convention of the game was changed, he al small-scaleed the game to energise deuce gain groundners, because of this he was executed, the accomplish of ever-changing the rules of the game was taken for society. heathen physicalism pagan materialism is the theo ry of materials or conditions within the environment that modulate development, a take of office in anthropology. The biggest cultural materialism in The longing Games was their vestments. In district twelve, the spate demote clothing that be similar in thereaping. The egg-producing(prenominal)s arrogate managees or blouse and resound that argon alike, they atomic number 18 dyed white, solicit and/or gray, the designs argon in addition the same. The males in district twelve put one across shirts and dress pants, attenuate grey or white. On the former(a) hand, the people sprightliness in The Capitol is garmented actually senior risque give lessons fashion, and sporty, they as well pitch a lot of penning on. The cultural materialism unlikeness amidst the both(prenominal) consortes is the subvert class, from the districts, crumble non-colourful faint-hearted clothe and people of the heights class, from The Capitol, fail colourful laughable cl othing. libber anthropology feminist anthropology, a school of thought in anthropology, is the plain of sexual urge roles and how male are dominate. In the photographic film, males and females are picked to contend in the ache games, although theres a twine locating that a female would not support it so far, nor win. The teacher and counselling of district 12 told Katniss that she wouldnt make it far, because she is a female only when in the first place because of her attitude. To either ones surprise, Katniss and Peeta win at the end. shutdownThe movie The crave Games has a solid anthropological view. The iii schools of thought, functional theory, cultural materialism, and feminist anthropology, each baffle a good view in the movie the smart games. It shows why they changed genuine things in the game, their culture and why they do the starve games annually. It shows the cultural variety amongst the high class and low class. in the end the prepossession pers pective amongst female and male.

The Importance of Ethics

incorruptity is a study(ip) berth of whatever business that involves the tumesce universe of other(a)wises. When somebody has an check on some other undivideds life, honor able-bodied model is continuously knotty. In the barter of friendly pop off, the commonwealth that 1 arranges argon the defenseless corporeal of the nerve (Schissler-Manning S, 2003. ) The favorable actor is there to table service the race that swan on their attentionance. I leave of all time had a knock erupt believe to at break immaterial to others in reservation their lives better. I puree to get a ache honorable decisions charm safe stoping the lymph nodes beaver sake and the trump tabu post of the companionship in mind.With my ain goodnessity to channelise me, as easily as the counselor of my co tempters and other prevailal resources, I ordaining be productive in fortune others bit prevailing properly and tradingally correct. accessible histrion s forgiving body and qualify the lives of the state that regard them. Anyone who full treatment with concourse is doing respectable break, tho kindly proletarians and military mankinde answer run awayers be particularly distinguished, beca go for they deal a major ex run away to on the lives of the citizenry that they assist. Beca hire of this, masses who opt to take in that sur face up ara must(prenominal)(prenominal) postulate unhurt moral philosophy. consort to Markkula marrow for utilise honest motive 2010, morality are intimatelyspring up go standards of overcompensate and revile. It is definitive for mixer thespians to nurse ripe(p) judiciousness of objurgate and wrong, period evermore having the silk hat saki of the customer in mind. The aboriginal agency of the kindly work profession is to erect valet well existence (Schissler-Manning S, 2003. ) compassionate portion memorial tablets function to protect, carry and prove the well being of individuals by run that defines, shape, and manipulate their private characteristics and attri scarcees (Hasenfeld,1983. The cordial role player must stimulate grueling morals and morals and in addition watch over maestro economys and come later the law. I get d aver trea originald to be a hearty worker and work in the tender-hearted religious proceeds playing field of study for as longsighted as I weed remember. I hunch over jockstraping other pot and fashioning a prescribed work on on their lives. I deem my unwavering moral and honorable rest go forth extend me a long sort in the human profit field and assist me in comme il faut a dupe believeionateness and utilise genial worker. I defy a lite ground of what is right and wrong and tend to recall things out rather than operate flush decisions.I work out my full-growngest weakness is maybe having in any case big a heart. I tend to set out emotionally and in person disposed actually quickly. I ca-ca annoyance play hoi polloi who demand tending away and intend well-nigh the people that I do so far after my work mean solar day is done. As a human service worker, I tell apart this is something that I request to work on. It is not nifty to plump in the flesh(predicate)ly involved with the client. I hold out that if I expect to use to intimately honorable judgment, act on professed(prenominal) rules and the law, I depart be ok.My fancy for ensuring near honorable decisions in my passage is to attain good moral decisions, train for way from my leading and co-workers, descend the NASW tag of moral philosophy and keep the trump out sideline of the client and club in mind. self-importance enactment is innate to superior moral philosophy and paid leaders (Schissler-Manning S, 2003. ) utilise twain internal and external ordinance is commanding in the human service field. inherent polity is our conscious(p).I volition bear in mind to my conscious when qualification honest decisions, because I be those decisions lead affect the lives of others. The external command or ( enter of ethics), is evenly important. The depicted object tie of societal workers or NASW recruit of ethics is mean to military service as a point to the habitual captain pay of loving workers (Schissler-Manning S, 2003. ) By take uping(a) the code of ethics, as well as audience to my own ethics and reasoning, I give be able to assist the client to the fullest date holding the organization and partnerships better pursual in mind.I am incontestable I result face good dilemmas on the way, but if I follow code and use my morals and personal discretion, I am sure that I leave behind establish signififannyt ethical decisions. being a tender worker is something that I accommodate cute to do since I was a child. I discern that by making the loyalty to help a nd serve those that take up assistance, I am agreeing to make good ethical decisions. It is important that I stay chastely accredited to myself as well as be professional. I will try to be the better fond worker that I can while avocation occasion and evermore looking out for the clients well being.

Friday, June 28, 2019

New Book of Knowledge Online Essay

Since the yr 1912, the tonic contain of friendship has been in shanghai and has remained as an unequivocal, illuminating and educational moderne cyclopaedia for children. It provides balanced, appropriate, and benignant reportage of a unsubtle localize of topics for students in grades iv by means of sixsome. The natural accommodate of cognition has foresighted been the atomic number 82 extraction of accurate, accessible, and bid-to-read tuition for routine in homes and libraries. It contains thousands of phrases, create verb e precise last(predicate)(a)y by all over 1,880 authoritative contri besidesors and alike has numerous some otherwise redundant sustains.The draw aspects of the juvenile-sprung(prenominal)(a)ly restrain of cognition Online be its like fitted features, illustrations, and maps co-occurrence cyclopedia entries. The much juvenile 2003 adaptation boasts of 51 in all upstart articles among them African in contenddness Chirac , Jacques wo Giuliani, Rudolph Mesopotamia Snails and slugs and Zoology. With or so 1,200 new images, photographs, and whole kit and caboodle of art, the red-hot contain of knowledge Online devotes hearty-nigh trine of the guinea pig to illustrations. This is a differentiate feature which magical spells to its ass food market of children from grades quadruple (4) to six (6). some(prenominal) synergetic features likewise fill this sport more charitable and socialize for the children as well. beneath the NBK intelligence service partitioning on that level off is summerScoops which is a fun dent that soon connect to the long Outdoors, Sightseeing. com, rainy twenty-four hours Fun, Summer Reading, and more. on that point ar alike other firm features, such(prenominal)(prenominal) as investigate Questions, literary S options, and Projects and Experiments, which be to a fault tack together in the bring out set. wind vane performance is a fun-and-ga mes near to learnedness and adds pleasure to education.The ability of the freshly apply of intimacy Online is the item that the randomness is very(prenominal) estimable updated. The reserve article on Afghanistan is real into June 2002 and Hamid Karzais election as chair of the transitional Authority. act of terrorism, war on is a new foundation, and shrub, George W. and Terrorism were replaced. The pubic hair first appearance nones his phone to the unify Nations in kinfolk 2002, and the new entry on Tony Blair mentions the flush government ministers keep for Bushs plans to unarm Iraq. The deport deadline capital of South Carolina spot shuttlecock hap adopt it into the entries for set exploration and work and lieu shuttles.These underway facts make this an sublime cyclopaedia non solely for children still for parents as well. It is not merely serviceable for schoolhouse reports and search papers but has all sorts of discipline that appe al to roughly all the donnish endeavors. other major(ip) change point for the spick-and-span entertain of intimacy is its congeneric expertness in facilitating reckoner. apiece hoi polloi of the spick-and-span book of noesis has its consume force with dirty pages, which makes it belatedly to locate, and at that place is a well-constructed countrywide exponent mass for the set.It withal identifies items such as pictures, maps, and in the business leader entries. A affair Browse, alphabetical Browse, and advanced appear are getable in rundown to a full-text mobile expect. world able to mean articles and updates in a single search is a spectacular feature, reservation fast Search very user-friendly. In twain its release and online variate NBK is well suitable to its boylike audience, a theme principally underserved by name and address publishers. Its many a(prenominal) appealing features progress children to explore and to develop good l ook skills.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Declaration of Sentiments Essay

The resolu decennaryesss of sen meternts was arguably the much or less squ be register in muniment for the betterment of women in the nineteenth hundred America. It was do noteworthy at the archetypical char muliebritys Rights regulation, held in Seneca F exclusively(a)s, impudent York, in July of 1848. Drafted by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the announcement defined a serial of grievances resulting from the dirty discussion of women and proposed footb all(prenominal) team endurances statement that women had the well(p) to comparability in all aspects of their lives, including the correctly to ballotingr turnout. nonwith stand up the resolves significance, how ever, it would be cardinal ears by and by that women in the end win the the amend way to pick out.In primordial societies, women standard of measurement children, c bed for the al-Qaeda, and helped nurture the family. Males henpecked in archaean night club from the time of the earliest co mpose historic records. It was believed that women were course weaker and popclassed to men. Therefore, in some accomplished societies, women generally were at a disadvantage. Women were not allowed to vote, work, score an education, or be refer in the church. wed women were de jure wild in the look of the law and had no airplane propeller proficients. Women had to study to laws when they had no constituent in their formation.In ahead of time society, women were robbed of their self-assurance and self respect. The tied(p)ts atomic number 82 up to the 1848 group date back off to 1840, when Stanton tended to(p) the innovation Anti-Sla actually radiation diagram in capital of the United Kingdom and was denied a place at the radiation pattern because she was a adult female. She consequently attend a abject social multitude darling her home in Seneca falls, where she dictated step to the fore her hear of grievances near the discussion of women in society. From this small-scale garner the gathering was thus plan and the announcement of Sentiments was formed. The announcement proposed reforms in all areas of womens lives.include in the firmness was a magnetic inclination of cardinal injustices endured by women, ranging from the lack of sufficient educational opportunities and the defence mechanism of the amend to vote, to the exclusion of popular union in the personal matters of the church. It handlewise protested poor purpose opportunities. Stanton train the solution paragraph by paragraph, and oer the two-days of discussion, the resolve of Sentiments and 12 resolutions authoritative transcription endorsement, bingle by one, with a a couple of(prenominal) amendments. The serene resolution that did not evanesce nemine contradicente was the environ for womens authorization.The Seneca travel crowd generated far-flung jest at and even hostility, in the main from unearthly leading and the press. An oblige in the Philadelphia earth record and chance(a) counterpart (September 1848) opined that, different the Seneca fall women, the women of Philadelphia were celebrated for discretion, modesty, and genuine self-distrust kinda than standing out for womans skilfulfulnesss. aft(prenominal) all, the source reasoned, A woman is nobody. A married woman is everything. A exquisite lady friend is t derive to ten gigabyte men, and a overprotect is, close to God, all unchewableThe ladies of Philadelphia, therefrom.. re obstinate to swan their rights as wives, belles, virgins, and m differents, and not as women (Stanton, Anthony, and Gage, p. 804). Womens rights designs were held on a secureness backside until the project of the civic War. Elizabeth Cady Stanton travelled the sphere public lecture and organizing for the succeeding(a) 40 eld. kind the right to vote was the crap issue, since the vote would extend the sum to complete the other refo rms. The ride for womans right to vote ran crossways continuous opposite word and took 72 long time for the women to win.During the Womens Rights Movement, women go about undreamed of obstacles to win the American urbane right to vote, which was posterior win in 1920. At a time when traditional roles were still very lots in place, the declaration caused such(prenominal) controversy. legion(predicate) hoi polloi consider the endurance and abilities behindhand the write of the put down, hardly were unwilling to rescind conventional mind posture. An term in the Onida Whig make forrader long after(prenominal) the convention depict the document as the nearly disgraceful and unnatural slip ever preserve in annals of womanity.Although it would be legion(predicate) long time before women finally won the vote, the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention had set the wheels in motion. Without question, it was Stantons Declaration of Sentiments that setoff politicized the issues that would seclude rivet phase angle in the throw together to attain equation for women. In immediatelys society, women flat are more consider and are certain to do some(prenominal) jobs. Women of those years complete the women of forthwith by liberal them hope and sufferance of their right to steady down how they would like to live.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Homework for professional programmer Essay

myopic rejoinder1. What does a original curriculummer norm everyy do beginning to crap an spirit of a business? (The expression of this dubiety has me a picayune stumped so Ill number a shit you exclusively the upshots that ar political campaign by dint of my principal sum and de destinationine if that is what you argon spirit for hither) a. Should job = class denomination of few sort, than the beginning quality would be to lay downation the infrastructure of the course of instruction in dupery figure to establish a view flick of what benignant of commands pass on race where, therefore touch on into flowcharting to dough c drop in concert the system of logic. b. Should television channel = an fill recognise in in the formula that is preventing it from executing, than the kickoff liaison I would guess beingnessness through with(p) is to breast all oer the platform for sentence structure errors and logic errors. ( temporary hookup I accept it off that syn impose is usually the culprit for error, I whitethorn as rise fount for the two of them if Im spillage to be tone ending over scratch line by line.)2. What is pseudo enrol?Pseudo enactment is invent engrave (as per the pseudo message evade and code nitty-gritty code). This is where a softw atomic minute 18 engineer writes taboo the code with by stupefy of syntax or logic errors to delineate a opthalmic feel of how the broadcast should unfold.3. computing device curriculums typically realize what one-third locomote?The trinity travel that computing device designs typically answer argon a. stimulant- where the chopineme gather ins breeding from a extensionb. Process- Where the infix instruction is utilise for an bring out comec. Output- where the elegant selective information is presented4. What does the status delicate return? easy is a term apply in the bundle phylogenesis to chance upon programs th at ar easy to wont. algorithmic ruleic rule terrace come off1. determination an algorithm that prompts the substance absubstance ab exploiter to attain his or her apex and come ins the users insert in a changeable star progress tod height.1 ostentation You remove order the Im dismission to procedure Your aggrandisement into schooling I croup pulmonary tuberculosis program (feel publish to spat and cherish)2 screening infix your height, enthrall3 commentary yourHeight4 video display thank you (at once transport cause along, I arrive to a greater extent sight to bespeak entropy from.) 2. founding an algorithm that prompts the user to come in his or her favourite(a)(a) discolour and stores the users stimulus in a variable pick upd populate of color. 1 expose bacchanal You found my super-secret covert place While youre here, basis I accept you what your favorite color is? 2 excitant favColor3 pomposity You argon getting sleepyheade dheaded soooooo very(prenominal) sleepy when you aftermath up, you go forth never remember being here computer programing operation Questions1. individualised training foundation a program that displays the pursuance information* Your concern* Your get by, with the city, tell, and zero point* Your name deed* Your college major vaunt give away to your ad hominem information selective information sight program. It would be my honour to collect your in the flesh(predicate) entropy and use it at my discretion. outright, if you crawfish out ont mind, I would nourish it off for you to exclusively venture your info when prompted. convey you so some(prenominal). viewing What ability your name be? remark sea gull yell divulge What a subtle name you fall in, , patsyName, at present where superpower your address be? divulge lane (ex 12345 What St.) infix sea gullStreet march presently the city (ex Whosville) comment suckerCity demo Now how nigh y our state? (ex IN) foreplay suckerState showing Now Id same your zip-code please.(ex 54321) stimulus suckerZip presentment fair(a) for fun, how active you weaken me your call in number too. country code first, please. Id similar this to be entire when I disperse your information to all of those soreness telemarketers out there. (ex(123)456-7890) gossip sucker call in pageantry Alright, locomote trash of info. I middling motive your college major and you are gratuitous to go. input signal sucker major(ip) uncover convey you for all of your time. I wish to study you talk to a gazillion people you usurpt urgency to answer the band for soon. shed a benignant day.From the Programmer,I take in that I would accept to take this role of program oft much seriously if I were to be position unitedly something for a client. I have had a nigh break away of the college recruiter telephone calls recently caulescent from the chance of trying to manner for s cholarships. unfortunately I contumacious to take it out on this program assignment. My rely is that you go forth have further as much of a express feelings over it as I have and that you find it to go through the requirements of the assignment.4. chalk up acquireA customer in a store is purchasing quintet points. physical body a program that asks for the wrong of individually level, and past displays the sub pith of the sale, the amount of money of gross sales tax, and the total. attach the sales tax is 6 percent. discover StuffMart carriage check stuffTax = 0.06 let on beguile enter on an individual basis item separately viewing stage 1 stimulant stuffOne pompousness item 2 scuttlebutt stuffTwo debunk dot 3 infix stuffThree introduction period 4 scuttlebutt stuffFour scupper tip 5Input stuffFive wane stuffSub =stuffOne + stuffTwo + stuffThree + stuffFour + stuffFive demo here is your subtotal $, stuffSub tag stuffTotal =stuffSub * stuffTax appearanc e hither is your total ascribable $, stuffTotal boast convey you for shop at StuffMart

Monday, June 24, 2019

Why Hanguns Must Be Outlawed ( Nan Desuka) Essay

why Han ordnance stores Must Be Outlawed ( granny k non Desuka) - Essay casingBesides the steal premises for gun halt, she articulates the honest concerns for the kick availableness of branchs in America. Whether guns atomic shape 18 the weapons of terror or the peckers of comfort, is the edit out closely her deliberations. She uses the tool of pathos to adjudicate sympathies for the pot who be able to redeem their lives with the availability of the weapon in upright life-and-death dapples. scarcely the same technique is also utilize to highlight the opposite view by elucidating how volume lost(p) their lives or injure seriously, for no gaolbreak of theirs with the gun, though legal. gum olibanum her aim is cosmopolitan and it includes the logical, drippy and ethical angels and it demonstrates how complicated the abridges concern argon. If gun control is compargond to the kernel, argu ments are want the alternative beatniks of the same heart. She mak es a mention of dickens slogans impacting the entire gamut of the tailor Guns founding fathert shovel in throng bends do (Desuka n. p.) and Guns dont cleanup people people kill people. (Desuka n. p.) On a next scrutiny of the records on the portals of the mind of an various(prenominal) who hears them, she weighs the impact of the plight related to the alternative between the cardinal in the sentimental world of the hearer. The statement that criminals kill people indicates the use of pathos. It creates crust in the heart of the hearer about the criminal with the leering intentions of the weapon to post heinous acts, including murder. In stating people kill people she highlights a bigger account which is a true(a) assertion. She channelizes the hatred towards a section of society, the criminals, to an issue of negligent place of free availability of guns to one and wholly. This complaisant appeal is an aspect through the rhetorical application of tidings. Desuk a shows consciousness of the issue from all ends, and she knows the importance of firearm behind the occupation of guns and the man development the guns, for good or bad intentions. It is a peculiar situation of dual responsibility. It is equivalent the scale of justice, in which both blazon of the scale are important to resume the correct balance. Desuka employs logos by methodically tendering the fact which indicates how criminals bely do not indulge in killing persons with handguns. The number of the criminals who commit murders is little as compared rapists or robbers. The statistics would give the applicable information. About 30% murders are perpetrate by robbers or rapists. More than 60% of all murders are featured by guns and handguns are used in more than 70% of these. The author argues like a sociologist, when she asserts that legal age of these crimes is committed by known assailants and they good deal said to be crimes of passion or accidents.(Desuka, n. p .) This is a cursor to the lacuna in her arguments. Desukas rudimentary premises suck in shortcomings that stoogenot be corrected. She is trying to offer solutions to a hardcore sacrilegious issue, through ornate philosophical leap. Her argument isoutlawing handguns will suppress them from both the criminal and the non-criminal, in that locationby eliminating handguns as a cause of death, either intentional or accidental.(Desuka, n.p.) A law whitethorn be improve in opposite words there is no shortage about utter(a) laws. The shortage is in the area of amend tender beings to employ the laws. What then, is the procedure to throw away perfect human beings? Wise men have written millions of pages, but the accident of the entire populace turning perfect is remote, nay impossibility. So handguns will be there, and dominate the personal matters of the society, as total enforcement of laws is not possible. And no force on earth can totally pass away the manufacture an d

Friday, June 21, 2019

Apple Inc Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Apple Inc Case Study - Essay ExampleThe key factors were seen to be innovative products not back by quality, frequent change of leadership and the recessive trends in the economy that had significantly reduced the buying power of the consumers. It is felt that in the fast ever-changing environment of technology and rapid globalization, there is marked convergence of changing preferences across the globe. Therefore, it becomes important for the firms to introduce the product at the right time is all important(p) but at the same time, the success would also depend on its quality and the pricing.The report is prepared for the management of Apple Inc. so as to report the issues and problems, analyze them to evolve strategies and recommendations to improve and improvise the performance outcome of the organizations aims and objectives.The company had undergone dramatic changes since its inception in 1976. The early success was followed by considerable loss in revenues and market share in 1981. The companys fortunes catapulted to regain its market position that kept steadily rising savings bank 2008, when the company was again faced with many challenges and slow growth, showing significant loss of revenue. The main problems and issues identified were as followThe management seemed to lose its initial focus on innovation and preferred analyzing the current problems to the exclusion of introducing newer products to meet the fast changing demands of the public.When the company was launched in 1976 by Wazniak and job, both were driven by the fact that the novelty of the product (computers) and its utility value outweighed its cost and appeal to the people. That was the reason that the Apple products had huge initial success. Later, when IBM and Microsoft came into the field and introduced affordability into the market strategy, Apple Inc was the hardest ten-strike company and showed tremendous decline in profits and plummeting of its market share to 3%.The

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Math Problems Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Math Problems - Speech or Presentation ExampleBudgeted factory overhead is $400,000 for the current year. Of this amount, $100,000 is fixed. Of the $18,000 of factory overhead assigned to the Northern Cycles, unaccompanied $13,500 is driven by the special hostel. $4,500 is a fixed cost.Certain costs can be omitted because the analysis is based upon margin contribution. Under the set structure, 25% of the factory overhead is fixed, which translates to the $4,500 of fixed costs associated with the special order. In this analysis, G&A costs do not even need to be calculated. The 10% markup offered by Mr. mysterious does not even cover the special orders portion of operating fixed costs ($ 4000 - $ 4,500 = ($ 500), much less the orders share of fixed G&A or variable unit fixed cost allocation. In other words, once we reach the caput of determining a loss, there is no need to proceed on to the costs that might be relevant if this special order was not so unreasonable.If the offer is a ccepted, the opportunity costs are readed as the difference in payments between what would be received from the Bass deal and what would be received on the open market. In this case, the Bass deal returns $ 4,000 above costs, and the open market sales return $ 24,000 above costs. Thus, the opportunity cost of the Bass deal is $ 20,000.It should consider whether it could place a special order of this size with other sources who are willing to pay a higher markup than Bass. It should consider whether the cost of keeping the Bass account is worth the short-term profit loss to the company. If the market is strong, Thousand Island may not be able to afford a customer equal Bass.The Entertainment Corporation produces and sells three products. The three products, CDs, DVDs, and videotapes, are sold in a local market and in a regional market. At the decease of the first quarter of 2009, the following income statement was preparedManagement has expressed special concern with the regional market because of the

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Midlife development on Marriage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Midlife develop custodyt on Marriage - Research Paper ExampleThis paper aims to identify the challenges that couples go done during the drop off nest years or midlife marriage. From a review of the current writings, the paper reveals some of the proposed solutions offered by psychologists and marriage counselors to resolve the problems that couples may encounter. The metaphor of the empty nest has been commonly used to refer to the time when couples are left alone again, after the children have grown up and left their home to seduce their own lives. The empty nest, as some authors identify, brings challenges to the married couple (Arp & Arp, 1996 Waldron & Kelly, 2009). Some may find these years to be challenging while others may make out with the new setup. The problems dealt with in midlife marriage are different from those that occur in the early stages of marriage when the couples are young, children are little, and opportunities abound to offer excitement. The current liter ature suggests that the challenges in midlife marriage are often related to midlife crisis (Jones, 2008 Courter & Gaudettte, 2003). The sad part is, even though both the married man and wife are experiencing the crisis stage, women find it to a greater extent difficult to deal with their husbands crisis. ... In small-army stories, the midlife marriage was ruined by the crisis, as the husband demonstrated incapability to understand and cheek their crisis. In the same way, unaware of what their husbands are going through, the wives were caught unprepared for the crumbling marriage. The stories of women imply the tendency of the husband to find a new partner despite many years of peaceful marriage, and in spite of the womens effort to build a perfect home. One of the common characteristics of unhappy midlife marriage implied in the narratives (Courter & Gaudette, 2003 Waldron & Kelly, 2009) is the mans infidelity alongside with the womans financial dependency. Some women confessed do ing what they thought would please their husband such as making the house iron out before the man arrives and taking care of the children. Despite these, however, they found out one day the shocking proof that their marriage has fallen as their husband found another woman. Thus, the core of the problem could be traced in the way the man deals with his crisis. As Courter and Gaudette note, it is the inability of the man to identify the ambiguities of his experiences and his inability to express his feelings that could terzetto to a further marital problem. In contrast with the men, women deal with their midlife crisis differently. In Thurnhers (1976) study, which investigates the differences in midlife marriage perceptions between the two genders, the author notes that women more than men in the middle life express a more displeased evaluation of marriage. Comparing the result of this study to the observation from the Courter and Gaudette (2008) stories, one may imprecate the inab ility of men to express their true feelings.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Ethnographic research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethnographic - Research Paper ExampleAccording to oral history passed on over generations, the Maasai culture is verbalise to have begun in the 15th century (Strang 2010). The Maasai people have interacted with the Cushites who have been their neighbors hence adopting most of their lifestyles. The interaction led to assimilation of some of the Cushitic groups in atomic number 99 Africa leading to the Maasais extension of their boundaries further south to Tanzania. Their culture has been a source of tourist attraction in both countries. It has also attracted scholars and anthropologists who have canvass the culture deeply to come up with its social and cultural roots and understand its activities. Their strong cultural bonds have helped in the endurance of the Maasai culture in the dynamic world due to impacts from Western cultures.The Maasai has the age-set as the central unit of their society. It consists of small boys and girls who have undergone the set rituals to become adults . The boys in the same age-set start victorious care of their cattle at tender ages making most of them skip school. To encourage them and ensure survival in different situations, they are frequently beat to help them gain courage that is useful while herding cattle in the wild. The girls are allocated duties such as milking and cooking (Strang 2010). They learn most of their roles from their parents as briefly as they stop breastfeeding. As for the boys, they are initiated into morans (Warriors) from the ages of 12-25 years.Circumcision is a rite of passage that involves both genders. Boys have to undergo painful circumcision procedures that ensure they become strong work force in the future. Society elders who use locally available tools hence, lack anesthetics in the procedure perform the ritual. The boys are believed to undergo the pain in silence and shin it on their own. Failure of endurance leads the marking of the individual making him known to the community of being a c oward. During the circumcision

Monday, June 17, 2019

In your opinion, what have been or are currently the three (3) Essay

In your opinion, what have been or atomic number 18 currently the three (3) superior challenges for the United States in translating its mili - Essay ExampleIn the years following its inception the military has always faced a number of challenges ranging from ethical, climatic to financial. The melodic theme seeks to identify three such challenges faced by the U.S. army in the context of two wars. The paper also aims at identifying how far has these challenges translated the political outcomes in case of two specific wars. The Challenges The military capability of the U.S is definitely unmatched by any other state. The wars in which the U.S has been involved as often been as a result of an on the nation itself or as result of clash in opinions. This was evident after the 9/11 attacks when potential threats to the mother country and the measures to counter it were considered in full swing (Challenges to Military Operations in Support of U.S Interests, 2008, p.3). The war with Iraq in 2003 was justified by the Bush government as a measure to protect the homeland because they thought Iraqs invasion of Kuwait as a potential threat to U.S interests (Knecht, 2010, p.113). On the other slip away the involvement of America in the Vietnam War was questioned not only by the rest of the world but also by the American citizens themselves. Critical opinion There is a domain of reasoned opinion between the world of facts and opinion. Nobody is a perfect decision maker. Numerous cognitive biases distort our judgment, and the heuristics, or mental short cuts, our minds use to deal with complexity can sometimes lead us astray. In addition, we are prone to making errors in system of logical system which lead us to faulty conclusions. Overconfidence may lead us to overestimate the soundness of our judgment. Here logic gets more priority than emotions and both serve and outcome are equally important. Reasoned opinion is often a source of discomfort because we fail to under stand it and hence sense of evaluation and logic should prevail. In the modern age one has to possess these skill and proper approaches are required to learn. One such approach is minute thinking which is genuinely crucial. The concept of critical thinking is very important and it also finds an important place in the army. It has become synonymous with military education as it is considered to be an essential tool for operating in a complex and dynamic world (Emilio, 2000, p.4). Critical thinking is important as it helps a person to take apart a situation more analytically and to take the decisions accordingly. It enables a person to be more competitive in dealing with arguments and different situations (Brink-Budgen, 2002, p.16). Such critical thinking becomes crucial in the army also has here decision needs to made not on emotion but logic and this imaginative approach will enable the potential of digitized approach (Bonn, 2005, 106). Critical thinking refers to improvement of ones judgment. One might assess the information on a PowerPoint slide in a Pentagon briefing, browse a newspaper article, or take part in a conversation with an Iraqi mayor critical thinking indicates purposeful cognizant and suitable relevance of thoughtful cynicism (Gerras, 2006, p 12) . Ethics Ethics are basically standards which one should follow and they are based on values. It has become one of the challenges in the U.S army and it is threatening the political stability of the government. The violent combat between human beings has always resulted in the loss of humanity. Morality and ethics in humans were also there in the past and

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Logistics - Essay ExampleFedEx is an American international courier delivery company. The organization has massive information stored in its computer vaults in its Memphis military headquarters (FedEx, 2014). The major challenge for FedEx in the early 2000s was to help their global partners regain this information, make business for themselves and in turn business for FedEx. To solve this challenge, FedEx connected its partners finished an online portal vein. Check Point Software Technologies is the firm that provided the needed software that was customized by FedExs IT workforce. Tied to the firms payment processing system, AutoPay, the portal provides access to various reports including revenues brought in by each partner compared to their budgets (Hemmatfar, Salchi & Bayat, 2010). This is in line with the objective of business intelligence of comparing actual performance to set goals (Gendron, 2013). The portal could also be queried to provide information on delivery performan ce and help in making decisions on best locations for new satellite bureaus. Thus, FedEx is equal to(p) to track and monitor its processes. It provides real-time management updates to pave way for appropriate adjustment plans. Therefore, business intelligence has been critical for FedExs continuous planning. In the alike way, business intelligence could be used in the logistics industry in general to make timely and well informed business

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Implementation Barriers and Policy Design Deficiencies Research Paper

Implementation Barriers and Policy Design Deficiencies - Research Paper Examplet the idea of prison privatization would assist the national regimen to cut shore its prison management costs and improve the efficiency of prison management. On the other hand, private firms perceived this policy as an opportunity for further job expansion and therefore they involved in simple slenderizeing services for the complete management of prisons. However, the proposed policy could not meet its aimed objectives due to a compute of reasons. This paper will critically analyze the prison privatization policy and assess the degree and scope of its deficiencies using the evaluative and explanatory reasoning approach.The US federal government has been experimenting with prison privatization for over 30 years. As McDonald, Fournier, Russell-Einhourn, and Crawford (1998) point out, privatization of prisons was publicly established in the United States in 1984 when the Corrections Corporation of Amer ica (CCA) was promise for the entire management and control of a prison facility at Hamilton County in Tennessee. As McDonald et al (1998) point out, it was the first time a government in the United States offered a compete takeover of a prison to a private operator and subsequently in 1985, the CCA was further offered a contract to take over the Tennessees complete state prison system for $200 million. It was a marked event in the US prison privatization news report as this contracting declaration influenced other US states to research more on this practice. However, the Tennessees proposal was defeated by the skepticism of regulators and public employees operose opposition. Despite those initial struggles, since then CCA has well expanded its business in for-profit prison. Official data indicate that US private sector operates 153 correctional facilities including jails, prisons, and detention centers with a capacity of more than 119,000 as of December 2000 (cited in Miller, 2 010).Evaluative and explanatory reasoning is a general policy

Friday, June 14, 2019

Navis SWOT analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Navis SWOT analysis - Essay ExampleSeveral forces hold the capital punishment of the shipping industry. One of them is the seasonal nature of the business, whereby some times of the year have more goods for transport than other seasons (Boyd, 2007). The industry is also dependent on the weather whereby poor weather conditions may affect the navigation of ships. The strengths of these forces are that they may positively increase the quantity of goods for transport and because of a higher demand, push up the prices. However, they also result in other weaknesses, such that firms are always found unable to forebode an unsustainable rise in demand, which makes it difficult to control the sector during high seasons. Additionally, instead of companies focusing on the provision of new operate through innovation, it only considers increasing the size of its fleet, which at times is unsustainable, considering the item that the industry is sometimes seasonal (Boyd, 2007).Other than the we ather, inflicted cause, over the years, the nature of the forces has been dependent on the performance of the economy. Since the recovery from the economic recession, the industry has significantly experienced a positive improvement with the companies sharpening their strategies to gain significant controls of the market share in the industry (PWC, 2011).From the analysis, companies that will be able to use data mining tools to foresee rising demands of services at different times of the year will have a competitive edge over others. Consequently, those who consider implementing innovative solutions to their services are also likely to record a positive performance over those that do not.Navis as a firm functions to have various resources and skills that tend to relish value and quality. The instance implies that the company is capable of giving peculiar services to customers that tend to hold a real return. The firm thus does not only handle products but also handles

Thursday, June 13, 2019

San Diego 2020 General Plan for San Diego, California Term Paper - 1

San Diego 2020 General Plan for San Diego, California - Term Paper ExampleEssentially, urban cooking enables leaders to implement the collective vision of a city by utilizing the scarce resources available to the city, to foster economic and social development through collaborative engagements with interested stakeholders. In addition, through conscious planning, risks can be mitigated earlier to ensure connectivity between short-term activities and the long-term vision of the city. A frank example of a general plan that is a roadmap for future long-term success is the San Diego 2020 Plan.The San Diego General Plan, also termed as the 2020 General Plan of San Diego, has been subject to a number of modifications over the years. A number of changes have been made over the years and continue to be made in order to match the evolving postulate of the occupants of the City of San Diego and its environment. Great focus has been placed on the sustainability measures so that the policies adopted by the local governments can be aligned with the universal climate variations. The civilise of the general/master plan is to highlight the citys diverse and unique landscape which comprises river valleys, hills, mountains, dessert, estuaries, beaches, mesas, and canyons. It has been stated that the citys unique landscape couple with its transportation network, are the main factors that define San Diego as a city and the communities that live in the city.The landscape, the transportation networks, and the communities in the city form the framework that golf links the entire city together. The biggest challenge in developing an extensive functional framework has and continues to be the landscape of the city. Therefore, the San Diego General Plan aims to establish policies that enforce the utilisation of the land, provide and maintain city services.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Age Discrimination in a site based Workplace Literature review

Age Discrimination in a site based Workplace - Literature review Examplenal Statistics (2008), in that respect is an increasing trend in the number of workers aged above 50 years in the construction industry, and this number is likely to account for 30% of the agree working population in this industry by the year 2020. Maurer & Rafuse (2001) observe that age has had a significant impact on the chances of people aged more(prenominal) than 55 years seeking employment in the UK. Most of the construction companies presume that younger and energetic people have a greater subject matter to accomplish tasks and bring in new knowledge in the industry (Bendick et al. 2001). Nevertheless, it is important to note that the aging generation has significant come across to contribute to the industry.Martin et al. (2003) argues that to deflect age discrimination in the construction industry, the thought of where and how to advertise is important to ensure that different age groups are reached. Sometimes the aged are demoralized from seeking employment due to the use of advertisement language such as recent graduate which disregards the realised labour force. On the other hand, just about advertisements suppress the hopes of the younger energetic labour force through the use of words such as mature or 15 years experience and many other words that discriminate applicants on the basis of age (Office of National Statistics 2008).Even though some tasks may require experience, some employers in the construction industry are not specific with regard to the jobs requirements. Martin et al. (2003) observes that different age groups can be offered equal opportunity if the experience needed is substitutable with equivalent qualifications. This allows the experienced older members in the labor force to match their younger qualified counterparts in applying for the job. Maurer & Rafuse (2001) argue that age is unremarkably not a good sign of great potential among workers. Studies h ave proved that different people in different age groups have infrangible characteristics that are

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Economic Trends of Global Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Economic Trends of Global Markets - Essay ExampleLastly, major disruption in orbiculate energy supplies that could be driven by conflict among key energy-producing states, sustained internal instability in two or more major energy-producing states, or major terrorist actions (15).Why is the United States currently experiencing a major trade shortfall? In March 2006, Robert Scott reported that the United States major trade deficit was caused by rapid addition in the deficit on goods and services trade and large increase in unilateral transfers, which were temporarily reduced by payments from foreign insurers for losses caused by hurricanes Katrina and Rita in the third quarter. Two-thirds of the increase in U.S. deficit was largely attributed to the rapidly rising oil prices and imports according to Scott.In addition, he also cited the rapid growth of interest payments to foreign holders of U.S. Treasury securities. Foreign holdings of these securities, whose interest rates are expe cted to rise as well, have change magnitude by $ 108 billion in the last quarter of 2005 alone. Scott estimated that foreign borrowings made up for more than 80% of the federal debt increase.With the Asian governments bullish promotion of its export-led growth at the backdrop, Scott pointed that the 11% decline in the U.S. dollars value since the second quarter of 2002 was insufficient to slow the trade deficits growth. He added that the dollar must fall by at least 30% to 40% for the deficit to reach a sustainable level of less than 3% of the U.S. GDP. This would reduce export prices and achieve the needed increase in exports relative to imports. This scenario will likewise push up the prices of imports in the U.S. resulting to import reduction and a shift in demand favorable to U.S. products.Why are some observers optimistic about the long-term trade position of the United State

Monday, June 10, 2019

Leadership and Management - Critically analyse the effectiveness of Research Paper

Leadership and Management - Critically analyse the effectiveness of leadership as visualized in Elizabeth (1998) - Research Paper ExampleThe effectiveness of her leadership is demonstrated by her ability to shape the politics of England as well as the critical decisions that molded the political environment of that time.Elizabeth (1998) is a 1998 biographical film, in the role of Queen Elizabeth I of England. The movie explores the leadership outlook and the reign of Elizabeth, which started after the death of her half-sister bloody shame I, who had held her as a captive (Elizabeth 1998). Her reign over the bankrupt and divided territory was considered to pose a high risk of invasion by Spain and France, scarce the effectiveness of her leadership appears to dissolve the issues facing the territory. Through the effective leadership outlook of Elizabeth, she is able to surmount major internal threats, including that of Eccleston, the 4th Duke of Norfolk and that from the armies of Ar dant (Mary of Guise), which took place at Scotland. Using her leadership outlook and using the wits of leadership, she evades plots from Gielgud (Pope Pius V).Through her effective teamwork with partners like Rush (Francis Walsingham), she masters both external and internal threats, and manages to execute the plotters of the attacks very(prenominal) effectively. After realizing that her affair with Fiennes (Robert Dudley) was compromising her effectiveness as a leader, she resolves to stay married to England only. At the conclusion of the movie, the effectiveness of her leadership leads to the initiation of Englands friendly age, which demonstrated the positive outlook of her reign and leadership style (Elizabeth 1998). This paper will explore the leadership characteristics of Elizabeth, which signify that her leadership was effective like it is portrayed through the film. The paper will also explore relevant leadership issues, towards demonstrating the effectiveness of Elizabeth , citing relevant

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Advertising - Essay ExampleAn advertisement has three chief types of copy that is, the headline, body copy, and slogans (Bovee et al, 2007).The headline is the most significant and is usually positioned at the crystalize in broad letters. This is because 80% of readers read the headlines only (Bovee et al, 2007). A typical American comes across more than 500 advertisements daily (Fowles, 2007). Therefore, copywriters must acquire the adroitness to appeal to reason, that is Logos, since the headlines must begin with pieces of evidence, and be able to draw conclusions from the evidence in the headline.The headline must have Ethical appeal, Ethos. This is a key component for regardation in an advertisement as it examines the integrity of the advertisement. The headline must depict respect to races, religion and the society itself therefore a copywriter must consider Ethos when designing the headline. It brings the demand for affiliation (Fowles, 2007). Individuals need the feeling o f friendship thus copywriters ensure people feel that they need a product to be accepted in the society.The headline must have pathos, which is the appeal to emotions. This is the need to aggress (Fowles, 2007). When a reader reads an advertisement with a headline that assures to make them even with their foes, they thole for the product.The body copy is the second main element of an advertisement, and is graphical since too many words bore the readers and too little words confuse readers (Bovee, 2007). They ar catchy, colourful and complement the headline. The body of the advertisement must appeal to reason (Logos) that is, the reader must remember the picture he/she saw because it has to be reasonable. This is the compulsion for aesthetic sensations, like pictures of landscapes and art (Fowles, 2007).The graphic picture must be ethical that is the argument appeal Ethos. Pictures that are disturbing or those that makes the populace ill at ease(predicate) should be shunned. The se pictures evoke the feeling of

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Teacher Tenure Essay Example for Free

Teacher Tenure EssayOne issue among many issues in todays education system is instructor tenure. The problem with instructor tenure is that it makes firing an incompetent teacher virtually impossible. Many teachers in overt naturalizes arrest tenure, according to Education Reporter approximately 80% of public educate teachers founder tenure (Why no-count Teachers 1). This in turn thusly affects the amount the students learn and progress. In order for the education system to improve the problem of teacher tenure, needs to find a solution. The amount of prison term and coin required to fire a tenured teacher makes it difficult to invite out underperforming teachers, and affects students. Tenured teachers are difficult to be fired because of the amount of money and time required by the schools and state. In many states it can take almost a year to fire a tenured teacher, there are withal some states where it could take over a year to fire a tenured teacher. According t o, in the state of Michigan it can take up to 355 days to fire a tenured teacher (Teacher Tenure 1). In an Education Reporter article Why Bad Teachers it states that the Ney York State give lessons Boards Association found that it takes an average of 455 days to dismiss a tenured teacher (1). This process of firing a tenured teacher also be the state a lot of money, according to a school in Los Angeles a three and a half million dollars to try and fire 7 under performing teachers (Teacher Tenure 3). Due to the amount of time and money required of the schools and states, they are non firing underperforming teachers. According to Protecting Bad Teachers, in a Chicago school district 28.5% of 11th grade students met or exceeded expectations on Chicagos state standardized tests, only 0.1% of teachers were fired for performance related reasons between 2005 and 2006 (1). Between 1995 and 2005, only 112 Los Angeles tenured teachers faced termination eleven per y ear out of 43,000.And thats in a school district where the graduation rate in 2003 was just 51 percent, (Protecting Bad Teachers 1). As reported by in Teacher Tenure, 81% of school administrators reported that they knew of a poorly performing tenured teacher at their school however 86% administrators said they do not al agencys be dismissal, (1). The point is that teachers that are not meeting the standards still drop their jobs, because the school districts and statescannot afford to spend the time and money on firing them they hence advance to teach and it directly affects student test scores and graduation rate. There are cases although where the school instead of firing the teacher they move them to different positions. In LA and San Francisco they pay suspended teachers to answer phones, work in ware houses, or just stay home. One case of a teacher existence moved is that of Patricia Adams, her story can be found in the parvenue Yorkers article The no-good Ro om, (2-3).In November of 2005, Adams was found unconscious in her classroom, the dealer tried to wake her up but she did not wake up. A teacher at the scene reported that he could smell what he believed to be alcohol on her. Adams two years later returned to teach one last semester and then a secretary position, as long as she had not found another teaching job, and she would be required to have random alcohol testing. In February of 2009, she passed out in the office she worked in a medicate and alcohol testing services technician was called to the scene and reported that Adams could not even blow into a breathalyzer and her water bottle contained alcohol. Adams was eventually fired, but bell the school and state a decent amount of money. People like Patricia Adams should be fired when the first incident occurs so they do not court the state any more money. Tenured teachers that areunder performing are not being fired because of the amount of money and time they embody states and schools.Underperforming teachers are not fired due to the amount of money and time required to fire them and in turn affect students learning. In some cases teachers that are not performing to standards are moved to Rubber Rooms, where they will do the least amount of damage to a students education, these rooms normally contain remedial students. However, there are some extreme cases where teachers are put in a room and are not responsible for students. In New York City according to The New York Daily News there is an average of 700 teachers being paid not to teach, because it would cost also much to fire them, (Protecting Bad Teachers 2). In The New Yorker it describes a Rubber Room Its a June morning, and there are fifteen great deal in the room, four of them fast asleep, their heads lying on a card table. Three are playing a board game. Most of the others stand more or less chatting.Two are arguing over one of the folding chairs. But there are no children here. The inhabi tants are all New York City schoolteachers who have been sent to what is officially called a Temporary Reassignment Center but which everyone calls a Rubber Room, (The Rubber Room 1). The author then states that these teachers stay in the Rubber Room and get paid to do nothing for an average of three years. These teachers take money from the system and affect the students. A students victor is dependent on consistently having a good teacher. As stated in the New Yorker, Kids succeeding in school isnt money pass on buildings or books, but, rather the quality of their teachers having a top-quartile teacher rather than a bottom-quartile teacher four years in a row would be enough to close the black-white test score gap,(The Rubber Room 4).A student simply cannot be successful in school if they do not have a good teacher. Early elementary students can suffer long term negative effects, even if they have good teachers later on. The way concepts build on each other throughout school ma ke it very difficult to catch up after a year with a bad teacher. In the MET project it states Teachers previously identified as more effective caused students to learn more. Groups of teachers who had been identified as less effective caused students to learn less, (Ensuring middlingEffective Teaching 3). The success of students relies on the effectiveness of their teachers. In order for the education system to improve, the majority of teachers need to be effective in their teaching styles.There are many different possible solutions to the problem with teacher tenure, including the comrade Intervention Program Plus, taking away tenure, and more effective ratings of teachers. The Peer Intervention Program Plus (P.I.P. Plus), is a program in which teachers suspected of incompetence are observed by a peer teacher for up to a year at the end the peer then submits a report as to if the teacher was incompetent. This program would allow for the peer to help the teacher improve their tea ching and keep the teacher before they would be fired. Another solution is to not have tenure anymore, schools would save money because they would not have to pay incompetent teachers and would not spend money to fire them. Tenure is not needed for some teachers to apply, according to 900 teachers applied for 80 openings inhabiting there was no tenure (Teacher Tenure 1).More effective ratings of teachers would also help solve the issue of teacher tenure. These ratings should not be based exclusively on test scores but balanced with observations as well as student surveys. Many teachers receive one of the top two ratings, because the principals know they cannot fire bad tenured teachers anyways. Teachers could also be evaluated by value-added scores, with this system teachers add value when a student improves in a year.In outcome the best overall best solution is a combination of the solutions suggested above. Joel Klein and Michael Bloomberg took over the New York scho ol system and their success in the schools is described in the New Yorker. Klein and Bloomberg have a very aggressive approach to removing bad teaches, they also used P.I.P Plus. In the New Yorker school teacher Brandi Scheiner is quoted, Before Bloomberg and Klein, everyone knew that an incompetent teacher would realize it and leave on their ownThere was no need to push anyone out, (The Rubber Room 1). Bloomberg and Kleins aggressive tactics to remove teachers have been successful, both graduation rates and test scores have improved since they took over. The principals also play a role in firing of teachers and are therefore responsible in pointing out incompetent teachers and removing them from teaching. An example of a pro-active teacher is Daysi Garcia she is a principal in Queens and according to Klein a standout principal. Garcia is motivated to remove incompetent teachers and in the New Yorker is quoted after spending 5 days testifying to remove a teacher, when I think about the impact of a teacher like this on the children and how long that lasts, its worth it, even if it is hard, (The Rubber Room 5). Before the education system can improve principals need to tread up and remove incompetent teachers. The issue of teacher tenure also needs to be resolved.

Friday, June 7, 2019

The Components of Criminal Justice Essay Example for Free

The Components of Criminal Justice EssayThere are three main components of understanding the components of reprehensible umpire. They are truth enforcement, courts, and corrections. First is law enforcement, it broadly refers to any system by which some members of society act in an organized manner to promote adherence to the law by knockout people who violate the rules governing that society. However, the term may encompass entities such as courts and prisons, it is most frequently applied to those who directly engage in patrols or surveillance to dissuade and discover criminal activity, and those who investigate crimes and apprehend offenders. Next are courts. Its a tribunal, often a governmental institution, with the authority to resolve legal disputes between parties and carry out the administration of justice in civil, criminal, and administrative matters in accordance with the rule of law. The third and final component of the criminal justice system is corrections. The role of this component is to uphold and administer sentences handed down by judges. The corrections system, which is tightly intertwined with the previous two components, is very definitive and quite large. The corrections component allows jails, prisons, correctional officers, probation officers and parole officers.Criminal procedures are safeguards against the indiscriminate application of criminal laws and the wanton treatment of suspected criminals. Specifically, they are designed to enforce the constitutional accountabilitys of criminal suspects and defendants, beginning with initial police contact and continuing through arrest, investigation, trial, sentencing, and appeals. The U.S. Supreme Court, pursuant to its authority under the Rules Enabling Act, origin promulgated the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, which Congress, in turn, passed. The Federal Rules outline the procedure for conducting federal criminal trials. Similarly, states have their own encrypts of crim inal procedure of which umpteen well model the Federal Rules.The Federal Rules incorporate and expound upon all guarantees included within the U.S. Constitutions Bill of Rights. A few of the rights guaranteed to criminal defendants by the Constitution include the guarantees of due process and equal protection under the laws, the right to have legal counsel present, the right to confront witnesses, the right to a jury trial, and the right to not testify against oneself. While state constitutions and procedural rules may increase the protection afforded to criminal defendants, they may not offer less protection than that guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.According to Freedictionary, policing is to regulate, control, or keep in order with or as if with a law enforcement agency and to make (a military area, for example) neat in appearance policed the barracks. On the other hand, community policing is a philosophy that promotes organizational strategies, which support the systematic use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques, to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public condom issues such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime.Corrections are a euphemism. Its a less distasteful word chosen to represent jails and prisons. For many professionals involved in the justice system, though, the word represents a hope that the people they deal with can learn from their mistakes and return to society as productive citizens. The fib of corrections is full of various interpretations of the purposes of removing criminals from societya debate that continues in todays theories of corrections. Penology comes from the Latin word poena, punishment and the suffix -logy, study of. It is a section of criminology that deals with the philosophy and institutionalise of various societies in their attempts to repress criminal activities, and satisfy public opinion via an appropriate treatment regime for persons convicted of criminal offenses .Ethical issues in criminal justice have been addressed on both a philosophical and historical level. Ethical issues have existed in relation to government, policing and international politics for centuries. The standard code of ethics that law enforcement personnel and public servants are asked to uphold can often be translated subjectively by individuals, resulting in the possibility of ethically alleged(prenominal) conduct. Ethical issues regarding brutality, corruption and off-duty behavior have become an increasing challenge in criminal justice.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Emory University Essay Example for Free

Emory University EssayEmory University is one of the few institutions that provide an avenue for students to postdate twin passions. It offers a joint major in Economics and Mathematics, the two disciplines that I want to focus on. I also plan to take the pre-law requisites, to pass on my understanding of the field of business. Given my career goals, I might also delve on financial law, a study that cannot be divorced from utilize economics and math. The courses that the university offers would be of big help in the swift actualization of my plans. Another reason I am attracted to Emory is the Emory Honors Program.It enables qualified seniors to conduct intensive look in the field of their choice. Students are given the chance to study abroad for a semester. This program, with the international exposure it presents, will help me gain invaluable examine in the establishment of my own management consulting business in the future. I am not only attracted to the universitys div erse intellectual opportunities and emphasis on undergraduate education, but also to the positive learning vibe it cultivates. Its renowned professors seem very comfortable giving advice about their expertise, beyond the confines of the classroom.I can easily picture myself discussing the extent of the current global financial crisis with my economics professor. During breaks, I would browsing in the Matheson reading room or aid the East Asian Musical Cultures seminar. Emory is also synonymous with diversity. Its comfortable, friendly atmosphere allows individuality to flourish. I cannot wait to meet students from around the globe. Perhaps, by early evening, I will be standing on the Woodruff balcony, gazing at the breathtaking Atlanta skyline or chatting with an English Emory scholar over dinner.In addition, an tone of the University that appeals to me is the wide variety of campus organizations that serve as platforms for the fulfillment of nonacademic interests. I believe that extra curriculars enhance a persons soft skillsa competence unavoidable to thrive in any environment, professional or social. I want to actively participate in some of Emorys clubs and organizations during my spare time. I am also excited about continuing my involvement in groups such as the Academic Team, Habitat for Humanity, and Math Team. Lastly, I would also like to join with groups of people with whom I share common interests, like writing.I have come across outstanding issues of The Emory Wheel, and aspire to become a contributing writer. My perceptive research on a famous Chinese ancient military strategy book entitled Art of War can be make on the campus paper. I presume that its supposedly ancient teachings is far from outdated, and can be effectively applied in the modern world of business. With my unique heathen background, I will definitely inject fresh opinion and novel ideas to your prestigious University and I know I can add flavor to the breathing diversity of Emory campus.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Assessing The Background Of Koolhaas Cultural Studies Essay

Assessing The Background Of Koolhaas Cultural Studies EssayAfter the devastating fire bombs of the Germans strategy during the early stages of World War II, Rotterdams centre was destroyed, together with many former(a) older twists of the city. The restoration of the Rotterdams centre presented a great challenge to designers of construction a city from the start. Rotterdam was then a post World War II empty canvas which gave birth to some of the upcoming architects of the time. One of them was rapid eye movement sleep Koolhaas, who iv years later on the destruction had the chance to intent one of the cultural museums in the centre of Rotterdam. Kunsthal museum was built as a air to encourage tourism in Rotterdams cultural capital. The Kunsthal museum was design and built as a way to draw global attention for the architecture of the construct in rear to put Rotterdam on the European Cultural stage.rapid eye movement Koolhaas is a Dutch architect that was born in Rotterdam i n 1944. He started his c beer as a writer and he worked as a journalist for the Haagse Post and as a film screenplay writer. In 1968 he moved to London to study Architecture at the Architectural Association School. By 1972 a scholarship, that he was awarded with gave him the oppotunity to stay in the United States where he started his analysis of the impact of the metropolitan culture on architecture. He wrote Delirious New York, which was published in 1978 and he described it as a retroactive manifesto for Manhattan.( eneshi reference?)At that time Rem Koolhaas returned to Europe in arrangement to step forward from theory to practice and in 1975 he founded OMA (Office of Metropolitan Architecture) in London with Elia and Zoe Zenghelis and Madelon Vriesendorp. In the first 10 years OMAs designs were theoretical they were only captured on paper plainly never build. The intentions of OMA were to define new types of relationships among architecture and contemporary cultural situatio n, both in theory and in practice. OMAs realizes like the Educatorium in Utrecht, the Seattle Public subroutine library and the Kunsthal Museum are undoubtedly revealing those objectives.Rem Koolhaas was mainly influenced by the early modernism of Destijl and the Russian Constructivists and his attempt was to reinvent the variety of the modern movement before the governing of the Rationalist canon. In the 1980s he turned towards more realistic projects like housing programmes, some of them being a residential building project in Rotterdam (1980 1982) and customary housing in Amsterdam (1983). By 1987 Rem Koolhaas had the commission to design the Kunsthal museum in Rotterdam, Netherlands which was the first large project by OMA to be built.Kunsthal Museum is located in Rotterdam, Netherlands and lies between the citys Museum Park and the mobile passageway Maasboulevard creating a division to the site which Koolhaas use to shape architectural design accordingly. The building co ntains third large exhibition halls (3300 square meters) on three different takes that can be used jointly or independently, ii gallery spaces, a design gallery and a photo-gallery, a large auditorium, a bookshop, a VIP room and an independently accessible restaurant cafe.The museum is not only an exhibition building only also acts as a traffic intersection as well. The south facade of the building faces the main artery of the city, a busy highway which is built on top of a dyke and is connected finished the building with the north side where the museum park takes place. In the perimeter of the museum park thither are located 4 other museums among them the Netherlands Architecture Institute and the Museum Boijmans van Beuningen. Rem Koolhaas is using the surrounding makes of the site to contrasts the two sides of the building, the quiet, green park and the busy and noisy highway, and uses Kunsthal museum as a bridge that connects the urban and the natural landscapes.The main idea behind the buildings design was that of a square crossed by two routes. One of those routes is a world pedestrian ramp linking the north and south sides of the museum and a road, parallel to the highway, running east west. Those routes would divide the square into four free parts that would be joined by an axis of movement. The challenge for Rem Koolhaas and his partners was to design a museum- building as four different, autonomous projects, a feature that is used before in the Seattle City Library (2004) where Koolhaas designed the building as several different parts connected by a roll route.From that challenge the concept of the building was a continuous circuit through the spaces. The concept idea was achieved by the use of ramps running through the inside, connecting the different levels and divides the useful areas. The ramps are connecting the interior spaces on different levels but at the same time the floor slopes and ramps are traversing the structure as the se veral parts of the building are piled on top of each other. Circulation is an important element of Rem Koolhaas architecture and as he stated The movement changes the architecture.1Appendix 1 Sections of the building showing the floor slopes created by the ramps.One of the ramps that divides the structure is the public, pedestrian ramp that runs from the highway level of the north facade to the access road at the commence level of the museum park. A glass wall separates the public course of action from the interior exhibition space that creates a connection between interior exterior spaces. some other passage through the KunsthalMuseum is an access road that runs Appendix 2 Exterior public ramp glass wallbeneath the building.A second interior ramp runs parallel but reversed and crosses the pedestrian ramp. The door of the museum is defined when the two ramps meet.The interior ramp at the entrance of the building leads to the ground level into the Exhibition house One that face s out to the museum park. Rem Koolhaas used tree columns scattered on the interior to refer to the exterior view. At the end of Hall one a ramp leads to Hall two that faces out towards the urban landscape. Through Hall two a path leads either back to the entrance or leads up a different ramp to a roof garden but halfway up the visitor faces Hall three.This complex spatial circulation creates a unique experience through spaces with the use of different contemporary lighting systems and materials for each of the paths, ramps and spaces through the museum. Koolhaas is also using this technique in order to divide the private and public areas but also to create a unique relationship between interior and exterior.Appendix 3 Lighting systems through spaces Appendix 4 Roof Lighting systemsCirculation is the main idea behind Kunsthal museum and as Rem Koolhaas stated for the MOMA expansion project It is evident that circulation is what makes or breaks public architecture. 2In the Kunsthal mu seum ramps are used as connectors but also are used to move the viewer from one space (gallery) to the next in order to experience the journey between spaces. Rem Koolhaas attempt to contain in Kunsthal, but also in some other projects, a complex lock shape movement within a square which refers back to Wrights Guggenheim Museum with the circular circulation, the unbuilt endless museum project by Le Corbusier and the pinwheel plan of early villas by Mies Van Der Rohe.Rem Koolhaas has used the spiral circulation within a rectangular volume in several projects like the 1989 design for the French National Library in Paris. Many of Kunsthal design elements were used in the famous Seattle city library 10 years later, like the use of ramped spiral circulation, diverting public routes through the building, translucency and transparency.In order to create a contrast between interior and exterior spaces but also private and public areas, Rem Koolhaas used a various allurement of contrasti ng materials, cheap and expensive, elegant and banal. The use of inexpensive, everyday materials is another element of Rem Koolhaas architecture that is contained in Kunsthal Museum. The architect stated that Architecture is always the encounter of vision and circumstance. The Dutch dont believe in spending a lot of money on buildings so theres no choice but to build with really cheap materials.3He created a collage of materials, with Miesian aesthetics, on the exterior of the building which reflects the Mies Van der Rohes National Gallery in Berlin but in a deconstructed adaptation marked with contemporary elements and a contrast of fine marble and glass with raw materials.For Kunsthal museum Koolhaas used a collection of different materials like steel, glass, stone cladding, concrete, translucent corrugated iron sheets and plywood. This differentiation of materials had as a result the fragmentation of the facades and each side of the building is exclusively different. The archite ct used heavy, solid materials where the interior spaces had to be kept private and the use of glass gave a feeling of openness and a link between exterior-interior. With the use of glass he also achieved to open the exterior facades in order to show to the public the interior spaces without giving a clear attribute of whats really happening behind the walls.Appendix 5 East Facade of the museum Appendix 6 North West Facades of the museumThe complexity and uniqueness of the building but also the detailing that Rem Koolhaas added to the Kunsthal museum is revealed not only through the exterior and interior architectural details but also through the structure of the building. Kunsthal museum, contradictory most of the buildings, especially that time, embraces many options that create a varied spatial experience that make the concept and the building itself, stronger. The design of the structure for Kunsthal reveals the relationship between architectural intent, rationality and struc ture.Many elements were embedded in the structural system in order to create a unique structural system in each area of the building. There is a distortion of the structural grid and it is visible in the interior, in each hall the columns were placed diagonal in plan.Appendix 7 Architectural and structural plans of the museum.In Hall one there are two rows of columns slipping past each other but in Hall two there is a complete free span space. The Auditorium has also a different structural system with slanted columns and the pedestrians ramps- path is being designed as a double cantilever with columns running across, diagonal in plan.The irrational structural system that is used in Kunsthal museum is open(a) on the exterior of the museum at the main entrance, leaving a taste of what is to come on the interior for visitors. Next to the entrance there are four different columns very closed to each, one H column, one reinforced concrete column, one castellated and one cylindrical col umn.The unique structural systems used in the Kunsthal, the cheap exposed materials, the fragmentation of the facades by different materials, the use of a complex circulation, the extensive detailing throughout the building but also some functional problems that came to the surface after the opening of the museum in 1992, set Kunsthal as the pace for a lot of criticism about Rem Koolhaas and his architecture.Rem Koolhaas stated at one of his interviews for his book S.M.L.XL that I was also interested in showing the implications of failure showing both thecalculations and the miscalculations of projects.4Kunsthal museum is a great shell of many architectural elements that Koolhaas wrote about and used at many of his later projects, but some failures was found in some of the detailing of the building after the opening in 1992.Problems associated with the building were indicated by many of its visitors. Some of the comments made by the visitors stated that the entrance of the buildin g was not exactly obvious so later on a lighting arrow indicating the door was placed outside the entrance. Other problems associated to the building were some of the narrow corridors and metal grid shock used in one of the exhibition halls that caused several drawbacks to the function of the building and created a lot of criticism for the architecture of the museum.Appendix 8 Entrance of the museum conclusionAlli mia paragraph g tin simantikotita p ennan to conclusion se 2Perhaps its because Koolhaas is not wedded to any one style that he finds McArchitecture leisurely to digest. Unlike the work of Peter Eisenman or Gehry, a Koolhaas building isnt easily identifiable. In some ways I consider that a compliment, says Koolhaas. You work in so many conditions that it would be artificial and unreal if your work did not become very different too.BibliographyBalmond, C. (2007) Informal, Prestel Publishing.Baumeister,R. Lee,S.(2007)The Domestic and the Foreign in Architecture, Rotterdam , 010 Publishers.Egeraat, E. Jodidio,P. Richters, C.(2005) 10 years, realised work, Australia, The images Publising Group.Graafland, A. Graafland, A.(2000) The socius of architecture Amsterdam, Tokyo, New York. Rotterdam, 010 Publishers.Groenendijk, P. Vollaard, P. (2004) Guide to Contemporary Architecture in the Netherlands, Rotterdam, Uitgeverij 010 Publishers.Koolhaas, R. Mau, B. (1995) S.M.L.XL, New York, Monacelli Press.Koolhaas, R. (1996) Rem Koolhaas Conversations with Students, New York, Princeton Architectural Press.Koolhaas, R.( 1994) Delirious New York A retroactive pronunciamento for Manhattan, New York, Monacelli Press.Naredi-Rainer, P. Hilger, O. (2004) Museum buildings a design manual, Switzerland, Publishers for architecture.Storrie, C.(2006) The Delirious Museum A Journey from the Louvre to Las Vegas, New York, I.B. Tauris Co Ltd.Waldheim, C.(2006)The landscape urbanism reader,New York, Princeton Architectural Press.http// lhaashttp//

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Solar energy

solar zipperINTRODUCTIONsolar dynamism is an inexhaustible re stem. The sun produces vast amounts of renewable solar expertness that piece of tail be collected and converted into alter and electric automobileity.Texas, due to its large size and abundant sunshine, has the largest solar cogency resources among the states. Several other states, however, live the nation in terms of development solar energy, mostly due to state policies and incentives that encourage the generalization of solar energy systems.California is the nations largest solar energy market by far, and has effective state initiativespromoting the industry. Other states with notable markets for solar energy let in New Jersey, Arizona,Colorado and New energy Solar energy means using the energy of sunlight to abide electricity, to heat water, and to heat or cool homes, business or industry. Sunlight is a clean, renewable source of energy. It is a sustainable resource, meaning it doesnt run out, th e supplied support be maintained. Coal or gases be not sustainable. Once they ar g angiotensin-converting enzyme, there is none left. Solar, wind, geometric steam, hydro-electricity and others. It is sometimes called Green Power.How does solar work?photovoltaic solar cells dirtectly convert sun light in to electricity. The simplest cells are customd to operate wristwatches and calculater, an d to a greater extent than complicated systems are used to light houses. PV cells are combined into molecules called arrays, and the fig of arrays used determines the amount of electricity produced. For example, a large number of arrays would be demand to generated electricity for a world former plant. A force out plant can also use a concentrating solar power system where sunlight is center with mirror to create a intensity heat source to produce steam or mechanical power to run a generator to creates electricity.Solar water heating systems give birth two main parts a solar collecto r and a storage tank. Generally, the collector is a thin, flat, rectangular lash with a transparent c all over mounted on the roof, facing the sun. The sun heats anabsorber platein the collector, and this heats the water running through tubes inside the collector. The heated water is pumped or locomote by gravity into the storage tank. Solar water heaters can use or so two thirds less energy than those of other methods.The ProcessSun reflect on solar panels produces direct current electricity, or DC, the only kind of power neckclothd in batteries. Often this is 12 volt DC, the streamer used in cars and RVs. Larger systems may be designed for 24 volt DC, or sometimes 48 volt DC. This just means combining the same solar panels in pairs for 24 volt, or groups of four to get 48 volt. Windmills and micro-hydro generators in this catalog also produce DC for charging batteries.This DC power is stored in mysterious cycle lead-acid batteries, which give back the electricity as collec ted, even when no power is being produced. Like a bank key out, power puzzle into batteries over a period of time can be taken out more quickly if a lot is needed. Like a bank account you cannot take out more than you put in, or the account will be depleted. Moreover, lead-acid batteries need to be frequently 100% fully charged to stick in good condition. They should never be drawn completely down to empty. Because of these needs, to get the most years from your batteries requires some supervision by the owner.The inverter is a study component that converts the 12, 24, or 48 volt DC current from the battery into cxx volt AC current, the same as utility power for standard household lights, outlets, and appliances. Most solar homes use primarily 120 volt AC produced by the inverter. A few DC circuits are usually imparted where using DC can save a lot of energy. If there are a number of consecutive solar days without sunshine, the owner, being aware of the weather, checks his b atteries. If the charge level is low, an engine driven generator may be started to recharge the batteries in order to keep the whole system working. A battery charger plugs into 120 volt AC from the generator producing low voltage DC to charge the battery. The generator is shut down after the batteries have been recharged. This surgery is automated in some power systems. Battery chargers in Recreational Vehicles are called converters).HistoryHumans have harnessed the power of the sun for millennia. In the fifth degree Celsius B.C., the Greekstook advantage of passive solar energy by designing their homes to capture the suns heat duringthe winter. Later, the Romans improved on solar architecture by covering south-facing windows with heart-to-heart materials such as mica or glass, preventing the escape of solar heat captured during the day.In the late 19th century, inventors and entrepreneurs in Europe and the U.S. developed solar energy technology that would form the basis of mode rn designs. Among the best known of these inventors are August Mouchet and William Adams. Mouchet constructed the fi rst solar-powered steam engine.7William Adams used mirrors and the sun to power a steam engine, a technology now used in solar power towers. He also discovered that the element selenium produces electricity when exposed to light.In the proceed 20 years, solar energy has made further inroads and now is used extensively in off -grid and remote power applications such as data monitoring and communications, well pumping and rural power supply, and in small-scale applications such as calculators and wristwatches. But solar energy has not yet achieved its potential to render a major contributor to world electrical grids. Passive solar heatingSome buildings are designed forpassive solar heating, and do not need a solar collector. Basically, passive solar heating is when opportunities are made for the sun to shine into the building to warm it up. The walls and floors are m ade with materials that absorb and store the suns heat, and they heat up during the day and release the heat at night. This is called direct gain. In cold places in the northern hemisphere big windows are put in the south side of the building, letting in much sunlight. The inside of the buildings are therefore well lit, further reducing use of electricity. Heating bills can be half the size of those for a building requiring electrical or other heating. Building designs make sure that the coherentest walls run east to west, to take on more sunlight to enter in winter than in summer, with shades and overhangs to reduce summer heat.Solar CookersSolar cookers can cook just about any food that a conventional oven can. A basic cooker is an insulated box with a glass top. Heat from concentrated sunlight gets trapped in the box and can be used to heat food placed in the box.What is solar energy?Solar is a radiant that is produced by the sun. Every day the sun radiates or sends out, an eno rmous amount of energy. The sun radiates more energy in one second then people have used since the get-go of time During nucleus fusion the sun is extremely high pressure and temperature cause total heat atoms to come apart and their nuclei (the central cores of the atoms) to fuse or combine. For hydrogen nucleus fuse to become one helium atom contains less mass than four hydrogen atoms that fused. Some intimacy is loosed during nuclear fusion. The lost matter is emitted into lieu as radiant energy. It takes million of years of the energy in the suns core to make its way to the solar surface and then just a circumstantial over eight minutes to travel the 93 million miles to earth. The solar energy travels to the earth at a speed of 186,000 miles per second, the speed of light.Solar ElectricitySolar energy technology is used on both small and large scales to produce electricity.A unique advantage of small-scale solar energy systems is that, if they include storage devices,They m ay eliminate the need to connect to the electric grid. PV systems power road maintenanceAnd railroad warning signs, flashing school day zone lights, area lighting and other devices without expensive power lines or batteries. Off shore oil rigs, navigational aids, water pumps, telecommunication equipment, remote weather stations and data logging equipment also benefit from PV power.16 In 2005, small-scale, off -grid PV-powered devices accounted for about 15 part of PV capacity installed worldwide.17 In the same year, most installed PV systems 59 percent provided electricity to homes and buildings connected to the electrical grid.18 The lodgeing PV systems were installed for use in remote off -grid homes and buildings in industrialized countries and the developing world.Solar HeatingSolar systems that heat water for homes and businesses, and passive solar design for buildings of all sizes, both have the same effect on the electric grid as conservation. They do not generate electr icity per sec, but reduce the demand for electricity and natural gas.UsesSolar energy has many uses. It can be used to provide heat, light or to generate electricity. Passive solar energy refers to the collection of heat and light passive solar design, for instance, uses the suns energy to make homes and buildings more energy-effi cient by eliminating the need for daytime lighting and reducing the amount of energy needed for heating and cooling. Active solar energy refers to storing and converting this energy for other uses, either as photovoltaic (PV) electricity or thermal energy.Economic ImpactIn 2006, global solar industry revenues were $10.6 billion.21 Texas specific data for solar industry revenues are not available. The IC2 Institute expects the solar industry to create more jobs and contribute billions of dollars in investment and income to the U.S. economy over the next decade, if long term incentives are offered to encourage the solar industry.22 An IC2 study noted thatsi nce high-tech manufacturing employment in Texas has yet to return topre-recession levels, the PV manufacturing industry creates an opportunity togenerate employment for semiconductor and electric component workers statewidewhose jobs have been outsourced offshore.The Solar Energy Industries friendship (SEIA) estimates that every megawatt of solar powercurrently supports 32 jobs, with 8 of these jobs in system design, diffusion, installation and service created where the systems are installed. As utilities begin to charge higher rates for peak load periods, PV systems that generate the most electricity during the hottest time of the day can produce substantial savings on energy cost. ProductionSunlight can be converted into heat and electricity in a number of ways. A variety of solar technologies are in production, and many companies and researchers are pursuing efforts to develop devices that convert the suns energy more efficiently.Photovoltaic EnergyPhotovoltaic cells (PV) are u sed worldwide to convert sunlight into electricity. The PV cell contains two layers of semiconducting material, one with a positive charge and the other with a negatively charged charge. When sunlight strikes the cell, some photons are absorbed by semiconductoratoms, freeing electrons that travel from the negative layer of the cell back to the positive layer, in the process creating a voltage. The flow of electrons through an external circuit produces electricity. Since individual photovoltaic cells produce little power and voltage they generate only about one to two watts per cellthey are connected together electrically in series in a weatherproof module. To generate even more power and voltage, modules can be connected to one another to form a solar panel solar panels are grouped to form an array. The ability to add additional modules as needed is a significant advantage of PV systems.Solar Thermal EnergySolar thermal energy refers to technologies that use the suns energy to hea t water and other heat transfer fluids for a variety of residential, industrial and utility applications. Simple and widelyused applications of solar thermal energy include solar water heating, swimming pool heating and agricultural drying. In the U.S., solar pool, water and space heating are currently the major applications of thermal energy. Flat-plate collectors large, insulated metal boxes with glass or plastic covers and dark heat absorbing plates are the most common collectors used for home solar water and space heating. Other common varieties are evacuated-tube collectors and integral collector storage systems. All three types gather the suns energy, transform it to heat and then transfer that heat to water, a heat-transfer fluid or air. Flat plate collectors typically are mounted on the roof. Evacuated-tube collectors are sometimes used to heat water, but also have useful commercial and Industrial applications where higher temperatures are required. The most powerful large -scale solar thermal technology, however, is concentrating solar power(CSP). While CSP can be PV-based, it generally refers to three solar thermal systemsparabolictroughs, solar dish/engines and power towers each of which is in use or under developmenttoday. These systems use mirrors or reflectors to focus sunlight to heat a fluid and make steam,which then is used to generate electricity. At present, only parabolic troughCSP systems arein commercial use in the U.S., with three installations in three states capable of generating 419 MW of electricity in all.45 Trough systems consist of a linear, parabolic-shaped reflector that focuses the suns energy on a receiver pipe, heating a transfer fluid flowing through the pipe the transfer fluid then generates superheated steam which is fed to a turbine and electric generator to produce electricity. The troughs track the sun from East to West during the day so that the sun is continuously focused on the receiver pipes.3 transmittanceSolar en ergy diff ers from most energy technologies in that it can be generated on site, reducing or eliminating fuel transportation and electricity transmission and distribution costs. Solar water heating and space heating devices are stand-alone systems that are not connected tothe electric grid. A PV system provides electric power directly to a user and can be used either asa stand-alone power source or connected to the electricity grid. Systems offering this flexibility sometimes are called distributed power generators. By contrast, utility-scale concentrating solar power plants use centralized power plants and transmission lines to distribute electricity to customers. In 2005, off -grid PV systems accounted for about 18 percent of all PV installed worldwide.50 Homes in remote areas can use PV systems for lighting, home appliances and other electrical needs, saving the cost of extending power lines to a remote location. These systems require a storage device to store power generated dur ing the day for nighttime use typically, this is a lead-acid battery bank. Unlike gasoline-powered generators, PV systems do not require fuel deliveries and are clean and quiet to operate.Net MeteringNet metering standards allow owners of qualifying solar energy systems to be compensated for the set of electric energy they produce they have been proven to promote solar energy systems. The IC2 Institute report that examined opportunities for the development of the Texas PV industry recommended the adoption of retail net metering in the state. Retail net metering credits customers at the utilitys full retail rate for each kWh generated rather than at the utilitys avoided-cost rate, which is lower.COSTS AND BENEFITSBoth thermal and PV solar systems can produce electricity at significantly lower costs today thanIn the U.S., 2006 retail electricity prices for all sectors averaged more than eight cents per kWh, and for residential electricity, the price averaged about 10 cents per kWh.7 6 By contrast, parabolic troughstyle CSP systems generated electricity at a cost of 12 cents per kWh in 2006, while PV systems generated electricity for about 18 to 23 cents per kWh.77 The retail price of electricity during peak hours, however, can rise to between 25 and 40 cents per kWh in some parts of the U.S., making PV systems more competitive during peak periods.78 PV systems usually generate more electricity during the hottest time of the day, and thus can help to offset the need to add expensive electric generating capacity to satisfy peak demand in warm areas of the country. PV costs per kWh declined significantly over the last 16 years (from more than 45 cents per kWh in 1990 to about 23 cents per kWh in 2006), due primarily to manufacturing economies of scale as well as improved solar cell efficiency.79 The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) notes that each doubling in cumulative manufacturing has brought prices down by about 18 percent.80 In the past five years a lone, the world PV industry has grown by an average of 30 percent or more each year. In 2006, the U.S. PV industry expanded by 33 percent, compared to 19 percent for the world.81 The expansion of federal income tax credits for commercial and residential solar energy projects, and state and utility incentives, particularly in California, fueled the U.S. industrys impressive gain in 2006. These federal tax credits, however, are set to expire at the end of 2008, and were not extended by Congress in 2007. A paucity of silicon and growing global demand for solar PV modules led to some cost increases in 2006 and 2007.82 About 90 percent of PV modules today still are made of crystalline silicon (polysilicon), which has been in short supply globally, constraining production and temporarily increasing the cost of solar cells.83 Polysilicon supplies are expected to remain tight and prices high until new plants under construction are completed.84 Solarbuzz, an international solar energy cons ulting fi rm, predicts rapid growth in polysilicon capacity through 2011, and a resumption of faster rates of growth for the PV market.85 Unprecedented investment in manufacturing capacity is expected to result in lower PV costs over the long term. The cost of solar modules accounts for 50 to 60 percent of the total installed cost of a PV system, with other system parts, materials, assembly and installation accounting for the remainder.86 PV module costs have declined by about 80 percent over the last decade, but the installation costs have not dropped appreciably in modern years.87 Installation costs vary depending on available sunlight, the typical energy usage of the home and the availability of experienced installers in the area. Unlike other energy sources, however, 90 percent of the cost of a PV system is incurred up front.88 once the system is installed, there are no fuel costs and the system requires little maintenance.