Monday, September 30, 2019

Thirsting for Power

Power is defined the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality. Each and every person possesses some type of power over another thing. Some people are content with not having any power whatsoever and then there are people whose entire lives revolve around that thirst and need for power. The latter is a description of two famous people in history, Malcolm X and Julius Caesar. Thirsting for power and wanting to much of a good thing can be very self-destructive. This thirst for power can cause people to be blinded but the reality of what is going on around them.Taking into consideration that both of these powerful leaders had this longing for power that ultimately leaded to their destruction we can identify many similarities and differences that may be relevant to their nature and the way they both lived, and died. The major difference between Julius Caesar and Malcolm X is obviously the time period in which they were from. Malcolm X was born in the early 20’s and Julius Caesar was born around 100 BC. These time periods are completely different eras from each other yet the thirst for power and a solid following was present in both of them.The thirst for power is something that has been around since man was created. A key similarity between these two leaders is that their thirst for power and their ability to have an influential effect on people’s lives was seen from a very early age. Caesar was born around 100 BC and by the time he was 18 had already been through and witnessed more than many people had that were in their later years of age. He was married to the daughter of a very noble man, fathered her child. Then was ordered to divorce her or be executed. Caesar refused to divorce Cornelia and her fathered ordered him to be executed which caused him to go into hiding.After escaping that event, barely with his life he was kidnapped in Grease Around 60BC is when his power really started to motivate his da ily actions as well as increase the crazy thirst he had for power. â€Å"While sailing to Greece for further study, Caesar was kidnapped by Cilician pirates and held for ransom. When informed that they intended to ask for 20 talents, he is supposed to have insisted that he was worth at least 50. He maintained a friendly, joking relationship with the pirates while the money was being raised, but warned them that he would track them down and have them crucified after he was released.He did just that, with the help of volunteers, as a warning to other pirates, but he first cut their throats to lessen their suffering because they had treated him well,† (Yavetz). The experience of Caesar’s kidnapping helps us to see another similarity between him and Malcolm X. Both men were considered very wise, intellectual and eloquent speakers. This worked very much in their advantage. They were quick to think on their feet and were able to persuade and convince people very easily. This is a very useful skill regarding the thirst of power because in order to have power a person must also have support and some sort of following.This is needed in order for the power to grow and to help to protect the leader from enemies who are not so supportive or easily convinced. The fact that Caesar could be held captive by pirates, entertain and joke with them while warning them of their deaths that will come as revenge, shows so much about Caesar’s attitude. In 72 BC Caesar was elected military tribune and then would go on to speak to the people at the funerals of his loved ones. Instead of putting much of the focus on those who died, those who were close to him, he made sure that the people that were listening acknowledged his noble past and bloodline (Kebrick).It was during this time that the thirst for power began to really be set in motion. It was at this time that he was beginning to gain more and more of a following and put into the peoples’ heads how magni ficent of a leader he would be. â€Å"In 58 BC Caesar left Rome for Gaul; he would not return for 9 years, in the course of which he would conquer most of what is now central Europe, opening up these lands to Mediterranean civilization—a decisive act in world history. However, much of the conquest was an act of aggression prompted by personal ambition (not unlike the conquests of Alexander the Great).Fighting in the summers, he would return to Cisalpine Gaul (northern Italy) in the winters and manipulate Roman politics through his supporters,† (Kebric). After this and many more complex events and elections Caesar would continue to plunder neighboring territories and occupy them. This is how the rise of the Roman Empire, the strongest and longest lasting empire began. Caesar would publicly deny his want to be idolized as a King but acted in ways that suggested he wanted to be idolized more of a God than a Monarch. It was this attitude and his thirst for more power, more territory that would lead his enemies to assassinate him in 44 BC.â€Å"Caesar attended the last meeting of the Senate before his departure, held at its temporary quarters in the portico of the theater built by Pompey the Great (the Curia, located in the Forum and the regular meeting house of the Senate, had been badly burned and was being rebuilt). The sixty conspirators, led by Marcus Junius Brutus, Gaius Cassius Longinus, Decimus Brutus Albinus, and Gaius Trebonius, came to the meeting with daggers concealed in their togas and struck Caesar at least 23 times as he stood at the base of Pompey's statue,† (Yavetz).Although his own reign was short lived and his thirst for power caused his own self destruction, Julius Caesar will always be known for the creation and rise of the Roman Empire. Malcolm X, like Julius Caesar, had a troubled childhood. His parents died young and he was in and out of foster homes as well as jail cells. When the law finally caught up with him in Bost on, for a robbery charge, he was sentenced to a 8-10 year sentence in Charleston Prison. It was in prison in which his thirst for power began to take shape.He was introduced to many books and would often read many in one day. Also while in prison, he was visited by several siblings who had joined to the Nation of Islam, a small sect of black Muslims who embraced the ideology of black nationalism—the idea that in order to secure freedom, justice and equality, black Americans needed to establish their own state entirely separate from white Americans. Malcolm X converted to the Nation of Islam while in prison,† (Malcolm X). Malcolm’s transition and thirst for power was a lot different from Caesars for the reason that he had good intentions.He wanted better for his people, African American people. He had seen so much racism and lost many close friends and even his family to the KKK. Teachers told him from a young age that because he was African American, he wouldnâ⠂¬â„¢t be able to do things such as become a lawyer and that he needed to be more realistic about his place in life. It was these numbered events that offered fuel to the fire that was burning inside Malcolm. He was unhappy with the way society was working, along with the majority of society at this time.In my opinion, Malcolm was  a much better leader than Caesar because the motives behind his thirst for power had some justification, at least for African Americans and was not just about taking over any and everything that he could, like with Caesar. Malcolm’s thirst for power was to offer something better to his people whereas Caesar’s thirst for power came from arrogance and wanting the world to recognize him as being the most powerful. When X was released in 1952 he would relocate to Detroit, Michigan and join forces with the head of the Nation of Islam, Elijah Mohammed to spread the word of this new way of life.In the eyes of the Nation of Islam, he was a miracul ous leader. He became overseeing minister of a temple in Harlem, a temple in Boston and even helped to found temples in Philadelphia and Hartford. Articulate, passionate and a naturally gifted and inspirational orator, Malcolm X exhorted blacks to cast off the shackles of racism â€Å"by any means necessary,† including violence. â€Å"You don't have a peaceful revolution,† he said. â€Å"You don't have a turn-the-cheek revolution. There's no such thing as a nonviolent revolution.†Such militant proposals—a violent revolution to establish an independent black nation—won Malcolm X large numbers of followers as well as many fierce critics,† (Malcolm X). It was Malcolm’s ability to captivate audiences, just as Caesar, that would put him front-and-center of a power vacuum. Also, like Caesar, he would be betrayed and envied by those who were close to him. In Malcolm’s case it was Elija Mohammed who would begin to envy X’s power and ability to gain support. X would leave the Nation of Islam in 1964 after constant tension with Elijah and his disgust with disregarding his own teachings.He considered Elijah to be a hypocrite and felt that the path the Nation was going down was one doomed for disaster. Little did he know, this move would be the lead to his own disaster. On the evening of February 21, 1965, at the Audubon Ballroom in Manhattan, where Malcolm X was about to deliver a speech, three gunmen rushed the stage and shot him 15 times at point blank range†¦ He was 39 years old. The three men convicted of the assassination of Malcolm X were all members of the Nation of Islam. Although both Caesar and X were both powerful speakers and leaders, their motives behind power were quite different.Both men wanted to convince as many people as they could that the way things were being done, were not right. Both men felt they had the power to change the world. However, the differences lie in how they wanted it to change. Caesar wanted violently take over all and any territory he could and X wanted to gain the support of his people and ultimately begin a quest back to Africa where African Americans could live amongst themselves without discrimination. The actions that resulted from their thirst for power is what would ultimately lead to both of their assassinations.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Intergumentary System

Integumentary System Laszlo Vass, Ed. D. Version 42-0280-00-01 Lab Report Assistant This document is not meant to be a substitute for a formal laboratory report. The Lab Report Assistant is simply a summary of the experiment’s questions, diagrams if needed, and data tables that should be addressed in a formal lab report. The intent is to facilitate students’ writing of lab reports by providing this information in an editable file which can be sent to an instructor. Purpose: What is the purpose of this exercise? The purpose of this exercise in to learn about structures and functions of the skin.Is there any safety concerns associated with this exercise? If so, list what they are and what precautions should be taken. As always take precautions when handling the microscope and slides and always have a clean safe work area. Exercise 1: Structures of the Skin Observations Before beginning, set up a data table similar to this Data Table 1. Fill in the names of the numbered st ructures. Skin Diagram (National Library of Medicine at http://nih. nlm. gov) Data Table 1: Structures of Skin| Item| Name| 1. | Hair shaft | 2. | Arrector pili muscle | 3. Sebaceous gland | 4. | Hair follicle | 5. | Sweat gland | 6. | Pacinian corpuscle | 7. | Subcutis (hypodermis) | 8. | Dermis | 9. | Epidermis | 10. | Sensory nerve ending | 11. | Dermal papilla | 12. | Sweat pore | Questions A. How does the skin tan when exposed to ultraviolet light? When ultraviolet light penetrates skin it begins to break down DNA causing the body to produce melanin. The melanin makes the body become darker or tanner and when the body is darker the more protected it is from the sun and sunburn. B. Describe the functions of the epidermis.The epidermis is the outermost layer that has keratinized squamous epithelium and the dermis. The epidermis has a bunch of different cells which allow it to perform many different functions. The keratinocytes produce keratin that produce fibrous protein that giv es skin protective properties while the melanocytes produce melanin to protect deeper cells from ultraviolet radiation and allows the skin to tan. Merkel cells from sensitive touch receptors on nerve endings and langerhans’ cells are involved in the immune response of the skin. Stratum basale constantly go through cell division to produce million of new skin daily. Stratum spinosum has think bundles of protein and stratum granulosum contain lipids that provide waterproofing for the skin. The stratum lucidum is a layer of flattened keratinocytes are only found in thick skin. Stratum corneum is the outer layer of the epidermis made of squished and flattened layers of dead keratinocytes. C. Describe the functions of the sweat glands. Sweat glands are controlled by sympathetic nervous system and regulate body temperature.When the body becomes to hot they secrete water to the skin surface and the heat is removed by evaporation. D. Compare the structure of the epidermis to that of the dermis. The epidermis consists of several different types of cells while the dermis canonists of dense, irregular connective tissue. E. Fill in the following table by either inserting the name of the structure/cell or by giving its function(s): Structure/Cell| Function(s)| melanocytes| Makes a pigment for tanning| Langerhans cells| Small and involved in the immune response| Merkel cells | Found on nerve endings|Stratum lucidum| Provides protection, thick found of palms a soles makes skin waterproof | Reticular layer | The blood supply here provides radiational cooling for the body| Exercise 2: Microscopic Structure of the Skin Observations Sketch and label your keratinized stratified squamous epithelium slide in the space below. Be sure to label all of the structures in the epidermis and dermis you were able to find: Questions A. Compare your slide to the photomicrograph example in the lab Procedure. How are they the same and how are they different?Propose a reason why you would see several differences between different slides of skin. B. What is keratin? Is fibrous protein that gives the skin its protective properties? C. Why is skin keratinized? Keratinized cells give skin a tough protective barrier. After a cell is born it begins to make protein called keratin that they store inside them. As the cells grow they build up with this protein until their so full they die forming a tough layer of packets of keratin. Exercise 3: Clinical Conditions of the Skin Questions A. What are the three types of skin cancer?Squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma B. Which type of skin cancer is easily treatable? Basal cell carcinoma C. Explain why melanoma is so dangerous. Melanoma can spread to other areas of the body. D. What factors can cause acne? Acne is caused when sebum isn’t able to pass through the hair follicle. This causes cells from the lining of the follicle to shed to fast and clump together clogging up the follicle’s openi ng so sebum cannot get through. E. What is a common myth about the cause of acne?Eating chocolate, greasy food or dirty skin F. What are some treatments for acne? Dermatologists use a medication that reduces clumps of cells in the follicles, oil production, bacteria, and inflammation. Depending on the case of the acne the doctor may prescribe a topical medication or an oral medication. G. Describe the signs of first, second and third degree burns. First- affects only the outer layer, epidermis. Second- damage the epidermis and the dermis Third- involve damage or complete destruction to the fullest depth of the skin and underlying tissue. H. What are the principle effects of aging on the skin?

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Big Bad Caravans Involvement in Forged Advertisement Free Sample

You are Required to Identify Legal Issues, Relevant legal Authority and Describe how you Intend to use this Legal Authority in relation to the Research Hypothetical Questions. George and Mildred, a married retired couple, had been planning to travel in and around Australia in a huge caravan. They had saved a huge amount to do so as they wanted to travel after they retire from their respective jobs. They made their respective research on the internet regarding the caravan, in order to get the best possible result, as their own caravan. After conducting all their respective researches, the couple approached Frank Snood, who works for Big Bad Caravans, as the sales executive. After making all the research and other respective aspects, the couple decided that they need a 20feet long caravan, with all the modern day perks, such as TV, toilet, shower and a pop out BBQ.   After respecting all their requirements, Frank r mended them to buy "victory 2000" which met all their requirements and was within their respective Pallas weight. Frank had told them that the total payload was 300kg as stated by the manufacturer of the caravan. It was mentioned that the total extra weight, which they can carry is as per this weight scale. Other than this, there was an advertisement which stated that the caravan is available at a discount of $20,000. This tempted the couple and they bought the caravan as soon as they saw the advertisement. Not only this, they had even bought an extended warranty for an amount of $1,000, which stated that all the major repairs and other aspects of the caravan will be maintained by the pany for the next 5 years.   A contract was signed between both the parties and the couple did not read the contract as they thought all the information was provided by Frank.   But this was not the case. Later they get to know that the payload weight of the pany includes all the availabilities in the caravan already. And they were just left with 5kgs for their clothes. After about 11 months of the caravan, or precisely, after travelling for 11 months, the tires had blown and the vehicle was about to crash severely. The insurance pany had refused to pass the claim as it was significantly due to excess payload. And when the couple approached the pany to avail the feature of extended warranty, they were told that damage caused by mishandling or improper use is not covered. Not only this, they even realized that the pany had just forged the actual rate of $100,000, to show the discounted prices of $80,000, to attract the customers.  (Monash University, 2015) The Contract Act, 1984, section 23 states for a fact that any person or persons, who states an information to another person or persons, to ambiguously effect its own interest, or leads to situation of letting a person buy or do things after giving any misinformation is considered to be against the law and breach of contract.  (Government, 2015) Section 27A also states for a fact that, if most of the information as known by any of the party is not disclosed to the concerned parties or misrepresented in the form, where their own interest is being satisfied should be considered as an illegal aspect for the government to take strict action against the party. (ACU, 2012) Section 69 of the Contract Act, also states for a fact that the parties involved in these aspects should be notifying clearly about the life insured of the person or any modity. These are the three most important sections of the Contract Act, which are applied in this case of the couple, George and Mildred and the Frank and the Big Bad Caravan[1]. monwealth Consolidated Acts, 2016) In the current scenario, George and Mildred can file a suit against Frank and the Big Bad Caravans as they have misled him with the product big time. Not only this, they showed them a fake price of the product and a forged discounted rate. This is one of the major reasons for the pany to be in the court under the section 27A. As per the court of law , section 69 also states for a fact that any sort of misreprestantion will not be spared. For example, in the current scenario, the warranty for which the couple has paid $1,000 was not entertained effectively. Not only this were they not even informed regarding the fact that many of the claims regarding the tyre bursting aspect is not being acknowledged only. For this reason, the pany can then be taken to the court leading them to have a beneficial aspect as it will help the couple in attaining some amount of the claim.  (ACL, 2012) Other than this they can even take the whole scenario to the court under the above mentioned sections as it would ultimately lead them to make sure that they get the claim for the amount of money that they are suppose to get. And also for the forged advertisement and aspects which are being adopted by the pany to succumb the customers and the normal people.  (Miller, 2014) In order to conclude, it should be said that in the current case, Big Bad Caravans will be convicted by the court as they are being involved in forged advertisement, of their respective products. This will ultimately get the whole case in front of the court and Frank would be convicted then. It is, according to this scenario, George and Mildred will be able to have their claim from the pany and the insurance people too. Their total amount of insurance is being avoided as well, because of which, it is very much necessary for them to make sure that the whole scenario is exposed under the law . The advertisement, which showed the discounted price of the product, is one of the reasons for the pany to be under the radar, and George, being the plaintiff, should bring this under the court of law. According to the sections of the Contract Act, Frank and Big Bad pany would be convicted under the law and appropriate action would be conducted by the court. (J, 2012) (Australian Government, 201 6) ACL. (2012). Overview of Australian contract law. Retrieved March 28, 2017, from www.australiancontractlaw : https://www.australiancontractlaw /law.html ACU. (2012). Contract Law. Retrieved March 28, 2017, from Australian Government. (2016). Insurance Contracts Act 1984. Retrieved March 28, 2017, from Commonwealth Consolidated Acts. (2016). INSURANCE CONTRACTS ACT 1984. Retrieved March 28, 2017, from Government. (2015). Australian Contract and Consumer Law. Retrieved March 28, 2017, from https://www.australiancontractlaw /: https://www.australiancontractlaw / J, C. (2012). Contract Law in Australia, 6th Edition (Paperback). Retrieved March 28, 2017, from store.lexisnexis .au: https://store.lexisnexis .au/product?product=contract-law-in-australia-6th-edition-paperback&meta_F_and=9780409330199 Miller, J. (2014). Doing Business in Australia: Contract law. Retrieved March 28, 2017, from www.claytonutz : https://www.claytonutz /knowledge/2014/june/doing-business-in-australia-contract-law Monash University. (2015). mercial law: Contract law. Retrieved March 28, 2017, from mercial-law/contract-law Similar case has happened in the Masters Vs Cameron 91 CLR353 End your doubt 'should I pay someone to do my dissertation by availing dissertation writing services from

Friday, September 27, 2019

Is There A Future For Occupational Pensions, And How May They Change Essay

Is There A Future For Occupational Pensions, And How May They Change - Essay Example According to the study conducted occupational pensions and retirement are in tandem; an employer and his employees contribute to funds, which are in form of savings and are paid to the employee upon retirement. Therefore, it is wise to plan for one’s retirement and old age; here, pension benefits individuals once they have ceased receiving regular income. Pension plans are implemented by an employer, the government, insurance companies, or trade unions; however, the coverage of occupational pensions varies in different countries. Occupational pensions are compulsory in countries like Iceland, Norway, Finland, and Switzerland, and they cover approximately 80% of the working population; however, Iceland is rated the top with 82% coverage. In Britain, some employers may exclude some employees from occupational pensions, such as casuals or part-time employees. Needless to say, occupational pensions are viewed as compensation for the employees; however, â€Å"the eligibility for a n occupational pension can affect entitlement to the state benefits†. Different countries have different types of occupational pensions; these are determined by the laws governing pensions in these countries. The main type of occupational pensions include contributory pensions, which involves an employee having to part with some of his earnings for instance 5%-10% of the gross salary plus his employer’s contributions. According to Combat Poverty Agency, contributory pension scheme is accompanied by high benefits and tax relief. Non–contributory occupational pension schemes involve the employer’s contributions alone (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development & Private Pensions and Insurance Unit, 2001, p.208). Open stakeholder scheme is the third category of occupational pension, whereby, the employer does not contribute towards this pension; however, the law requires that this plan be established in a firm that has more than five employees (pe nsion sorter, 2012). Moreover, the United Kingdom law on pensions does not require employers to contribute towards the Open stakeholder pension scheme (pension sorter, 2012). Merits of occupational pensions Occupational pensions are established by the employer with an aim of benefiting the employee, and therefore, they offer tax relief for both the employer and the employee’s contributions. Needless to say, employees benefit from the opportunity to plan for their old age and retirement. In addition, in case a member of the pension scheme passes on, his beneficiaries will benefit from the occupational pension benefits. Nevertheless, an occupational pension scheme can act as a motivating tool for employees; this is because they are aware that their future is secured by their employer, especially in a non- contributory pension. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (2003, p.64) argues that, an organization can use occupational pensions to amicably lay off old-ag ed employees. Such employees are entitled to pensions, which replace salaries. In addition, paying of pensions has proved to be less

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Behind processed food Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Behind processed food - Research Paper Example The process of chemically treating foods was introduced in 1910, by the 1930s, frozen food became available, and the phenomenon of fast food emerged in the 1940s and became popular quickly. Obviously fast food is chemically treated and not natural and generally unhealthy, in 1994, food became even more manipulated with the introduction of genetically modified organisms (Leite 1)). Now we have huge supermarkets and a lot of the foods available in them is unhealthy processed food. Overweight rates in the world are increasing and the United States are the highest rated country when it comes to this subject, if the obesity being in high rates we need to find a solution to this phenomenon. Processed foods should contain more natural ingredients and the government should be more involved in regulating the ingredients that are put into these foods to maintain the population healthy and so the rate of health issues due to overweight becomes lower. Food is our guiltiest pleasure; food is related to all our festivities, whenever there is a birthday there is a cake, in Christmas family gatherings, when we go out with friends usually there food involved. Food is the most important part of our lives wherever we go there is food and we use it to sustain ourselve (Kim 54). We obviously need food to survive but we do not know is that by consuming these foods we might be killing our self. Processed food is everywhere in our lives and it’s very difficult to out run it. Of course, there are places like Whole Foods which distribute unprocessed, all-natural, healthy food to its customers. Their items are naturally grown and fresh and contain little to none chemicals. No matter where we go we try to buy our food there is always going to be a little bit of some form of chemicals. This is why places like whole foods are convenient, especially for the people

Evolution and its understanding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Evolution and its understanding - Essay Example While the existing models of evolution may not be able to account for every single question that a person may have regarding the origin of mankind and other forms of life on earth, it is definitely the most plausible explanation that can be offered at this point in history. The fact that it exists in contradiction to many of the central tenets of many religions must not hinder one from seeing the scientific nature of the theories of evolution. The beneficial nature of such a rational approach as far as the understanding of society is concerned is something that needs to be looked at and analyzed with great care and rigor.Believing in evolution necessarily may not lead one to believe evolution. By believing evolution, one would be asserting one’s belief in the scientific theories of evolution that is often considered to be a part of the heading of evolution. These would then mark out that person as a supporter of scientific rationality and the idea that the beginning of life wa s in unicellular organisms that then evolved into larger organism that then differentiated into more and more complex organisms. To believe in evolution would refer to a belief in a system of change that characterized the progress of mankind to its present position. This could then have been aided by any other force other than nature. It could be a supernatural force that may have enabled a particular form of progress and made possible a particular trajectory as far as the development of mankind is concerned.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

I used to live here once by Jean Rhys Discuss how this visit reflects Essay

I used to live here once by Jean Rhys Discuss how this visit reflects her feelings of displacement, taking into - Essay Example The story is thus more of an autobiography where the author talks about her life. The title of the story is symbolic as she wrote many literary works about the Dominican Republic during her school in Britain. The short story I Used to Live Here Once is a small story in a collection of stories Sleep It off Lady. Therefore, the story is symbolic as it amplifies the despair, loneliness, and psychological trauma that come along with isolation in the persona life as she lacks a real identity and people to identify with. Frickey (100) explains that the story being very short has been symbolically placed in the novel to signify a case of finale, which may signify the return of Rhys after many years of exile to Dominican Republic. The strong emotional presentation of the persona’s return in the story is crucial because of an important incidence in her life. The story is presented in a third person presentation, implying the narrator is not part of the story, which may signify lack of identity as the narrator was removed from her ancestral home, she lost her identity and she presents herself as another person in case of duality. The title signifies the narrator is the main actor, but the use of third person may reflect loss of identity as explained. The story is an emotional reflection, where the persona recalls her past life, and the developments that had occurred with her absence, recounting the mysterious journeys in life and the effects they had in her life. The fragmentation is the main style employed in the narrative: the author balances the present and past throughout the story, in connecting memories and the present until the end. Symbolism is another major stylistic device employed by the author. At the beginning, the author describes her surroundings as a â€Å"blue day,† and that the sky looked â€Å"glassy† (Rhys 358). The blue day is symbolic of the clarity that the narrator remembers all events and her past life in the place she used t o call home. However, glassy represents the new ‘unremembered’ life that signifies the new life as she closes the river to search for her lost heavens. The sky looks glassy therefore signifies the unclear that she steps into after closing the river. This glassy and blue sky looks portray the reflections of the persona between the past that she clearly remembers, and knew, and a new life that is not clear to her. Frickey further argues that â€Å"she† is extraordinarily happy walking alone, recognizing the previous settings and noting the changes (100). Everything was thus much clear the persona, making her happy. The novel starts as she is standing at the bank of a river, watching the flowing water, remembering each stepping stone (Rhys 358), and everything was as she remembered. Flowing water is symbolic of the rolling wheels of life. The persona is reflecting on how life has passed, and she clearly remembers each detail of her life as symbolized by stones. The unsafe stone was perhaps what had caused her disconnect and removal from her ancestral home; as agitation by the natives increased symbolized by overflowing water, they were forced to exile. Wilson (68) explains that Rhys was just like other people who were forced to exile and disconnected from their ancestry, and their past. The session at the river therefore signifies reflection of how life has passed and the events that have happened since they were removed from their land. The theme of isolation and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Adult Learning and Diversity (Research Paper) Research Paper

Adult Learning and Diversity ( ) - Research Paper Example There need to be a mode of teaching where each student feels involved. The nature at which these frameworks are integrated in a single classroom is what is attributed to improved learning. Diversity exist on two scenarios, they may involve the nature of teaching and students lifestyle. The research will link these diversities to adult learning and will establish how teachers utilize them in providing a well organized learning environment. An analysis will be done based on a controlled experiment in a real classroom scenario. Conclusion will be based on the finding of the experiment. Its interpretation will depend majorly on real life scenarios. The research will be targeting to enhance the student’s perspective of diversity and provide the teachers with guidelines in how they should handle diversity. The success of students in adult education depends on depends on their diversity. Diversity refers to the differences in social status, cultural differences, chronological age, learning style, ethnicity and nationality. Gaff (1989), connected multicultural to the learning process of any given adult facility. He called for collaborative ways in which students are exposed to exiting culture and relating them to western and other world cultures. Teaching various philosophies and performing a comparison enhances the learning process. The nature in which students are exposed to world experiences widens their perception of a given concept. There needs to be an acceptance nature where weakness of a given culture are enhanced and improved upon by existing cultures. Drawing from social and economic resources advances students in demographic diversity (Powell& Kalina, 2009). The end result is the improved thinking skills of students. They are able to critically analyze a concept and think bey ond their cocoons. They become self aware of their surroundings and be able to differentiate core- values and acquire skills to differentiate behaviors

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Researching how to conduct a profitable online business Essay

Researching how to conduct a profitable online business - Essay Example Numerous studies have indicated that the power of internet shopping rests in the immediacy, 24-hour availability, and depth of product information available as consumers are able to search for information with near-zero cost since information is only 'a click away.' Further, unlike traditional retail products, the internet poses no constraints on the amount of information that may be provided. There are no shelf-space limitations, and consumers can access more information as long as they are willing to scroll down, or select another web page. Information-based decision aids are key consumer-based tools that facilitate broad search, controlled by the user, at reduced cost and with greater accuracy. Much of these functionalities are provided by means of online shopping decision aids (e.g., bargain list, best of list, comparison matrix, consumer reviews, gift reminder, live chat help, personalised recommendations, recommendation agent, related item list, sponsored chat forum, wish list, etc.), which are electronic attributes of an internet retailer website that significantly enhance the consumer's shopping experience and help them make purchasing decisions. Despite the growing popularity of decision aids with consumers, little is known about how they create value for the Internet retailer. It is unclear, however, just how decision aids contribute to the bottom line in helping consumers make purchasing decisions. By examining the decision aids currently used, this project aims to design and develop an application, which could simulate the value/appropriateness of each proposed online shopping decision aids (i.e., from several perspectives such as bookstore, food retailing and travel industry). In this regard, the dissertation poses several questions. It will help clarify the intended purpose of the decision aids by answering some of the following research questions; should Internet retailers employ one or more decisions aids Could the optimum number of decision aid s to be used be determined Could the optimum combination of decision aids be mapped out). The application should also provide some new insights for Website design, IT spending, and overall business strategy. These theories have then been tied up theories and management tools like knowledge management so as to render credibility to the studies and to demonstrate the nexus between application and technology for the successful codification of information. This codification of information will further the cause of successful business activities in the online arena. Introduction The world has shrunk to a small speck called E-commerce, where it is now possible to exchange goods and money in the form of normal transactions. Shopping on the Internet or online shopping as it is more popularly known is that form of shopping that has almost emptied shopping malls in various parts of the world. For success in this kind

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Arizona Laws- Immigration Essay Example for Free

Arizona Laws- Immigration Essay America the land of opportunities. Have you ever heard this infamous saying before? We live in a country created of immigrants, yet Arizona is trying to enforce SB1070 which is an intrusive law that goes against the diversity of what makes America great. The recent efforts in Arizona threaten to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities which is crucial to keep us safe. This harsh crackdown against undocumented immigrants is currently in full swing and is causing plenty of controversy. Is this law an effective way to keep out undocumented immigrants? Or is this law simply causing more issues rather than creating positive outcomes? To be clear, Arizona’s SB 1070 requires documents to be carried at all times. Whoever violates the federal alien registration laws, are subject to arrest and penalties under the Arizona criminal code. While being stopped, SB1070 directs law enforcement officers to determine the immigration status of individuals who they reasonably suspect to be illegal immigrants. In addition, law enforcement officers are also authorized to arrest an individual without a warrant if there is a probable cause to believe the individual has committed a public offense that makes them removable from the U.S. In spite of it’s motives to reduce the number of illegal immigrants, SB 1070 gives all immigrants a false image as criminals and racism goes in effect, thus dividing the communities to great lengths. In addition, businesses are also affected resulting in the closure of stores and even shopping centers. Many undocumented immigrants simply want to obtain a chance at building a better life for their children so they can succeed in their future. A large portion of them would rather not be a bother, simply sending their children to school, paying taxes and staying out of trouble. Throughout my research, I came across the article â€Å"Arizona’s Punishment Doesn’t Fit the Crime† on the American Immigration Council’s website, which discusses recent statistics of Arizona’s crime rate. A century’s worth of research has demonstrated that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes or be behind bars than native borns. Furthermore, the problem of crime in the United States is not caused or even aggravated by immigrants, regardless of their legal status. In addition, a 2007 study by University of California Irvine, sociologist Rubà ©n G. Rumbaut, found that for every ethnic group, incarceration rates among young men are lowest for immigrants, even those who are the least educated. This statement holds true especially for the Mexicans, Salvadorans, and Guatemalans who make up the bulk of the unauthorized population. Thus, despite accusations that undocumented criminals’ are a key factor with crime, statistic show that the rates are actually lower in the most populated cities with undocumented immigrants. For example, â€Å"The El Paso Miracle† by Radley Balko describes El Paso, Texas which is a relatively poor and heavily Latino city that is home to many unauthorized immigrants, as among the list of the safest big cities in the United States. Although Arizona’s SB1070 claims race will not be an issue, it seems to actually be sparking the most controversy, which is unfortunate for it leads to division among the community. I find it rather mindboggling that some Americans feel this law is not a step towards racism. Above all, I found myself rather frustrated and even disgusted at numerous comments on newspaper articles and YouTube postings th at were clearly putting spotlight on specifically one ethnicity, yet stating racial profiling is not tolerated. I find this ironic, hence the law allows law enforcement to determine the immigration status of individuals who they reasonably suspect are illegal immigrants. Is it just me or does that clearly sound like racial profiling? Furthermore, Former state senator Alfredo Gutierrez made a good point when expressing his thoughts to Arizona radio station KTAR 92.3 saying, â€Å"Reasonable suspicion in Arizona isn’t going to be someone who looks like a Canadian, whatever a Canadian looks like, it’s going to be someone who looks like my family†. Gutierrez then went on to say, â€Å"â€Å"This is the first step towards apartheid.† According to the article â€Å"Arizona Legalizes Racial Profiling† by Juilanne Hing, she discusses when Arizona Governor Jan Brewer was bombarded with questions concerning the criteria police officers will use to determine whether or not there is reasonable suspicion to detain a person. Governor Brewer replied with â€Å"I do not kn ow what an illegal immigrant looks like.† Considering she signed the law, it’s unfortunate and rather humorous that Brewer cannot state what reasonable suspicion consists of. This response was not thoughtful considering what the public is encountering in result of SB 1070. It appears that when Arizona SB 1070 was being considered, the economic reality of what the law results of, was not a thought that crossed Governor Brewer’s mind. Coupled with the other factors of SB 1070 is Arizona’s current money situation, which is the current budget deficit of more than $4.5 billion dollars. Maybe this wasn’t thought about, but there is a significant number of immigrants and Latinos who will be persuaded to leave the state because of this new law. Thus, the tax dollars, businesses, and purchasing power they will take with them. As in the article â€Å"Hispanic Families Flee† by Ed Pilkington, a disturbing pattern is discussed where once busy shopping centers are turning into ghost towns. One example is a Mexican restaurant in which proudly boasts, â€Å"Tacos Since 1975† which is unfortunately now stripped bare like the other local restaurants and stores. In the long run, Arizonans should take into consideration not only the potential costs of implementation and defending the state against lawsuits. Additionally, what needs to be reminded is the significant numbers of residents who are currently leaving the state and what consequences that brings. In the midst of all this controversy, let’s try not to forget the American dream. We are all immigrants from somewhere and shouldn’t blame undocumented immigrants for what ails America. We should instead, recognize those before us who took the leap of coming to America and thank their hard work, as well as what they risked to be here. Immigrants are human beings, simply wanting a better life and are not criminals. Instead of dividing the community with racism, which can eventually divide America, let’s focus on improving our country. Clearly, without immigrants the economy will take an additional downfall. In short, I hope a law that is fair will replace Arizona’s SB 1070.

Friday, September 20, 2019

An Introduction to Photosynthesis

An Introduction to Photosynthesis Assignment 1 Photosynthesis 1. Photosynthesis-Every plant goes through different type of plant processes, which mainly effects growth and development of a plant. The photosynthesis process is very essential part of a plant. It happened in the green plants containing chlorophyll. It also uses water, carbon dioxide and sunlight to make food in the plant. 6CO2+6H2O-à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚  Light-à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚  C6H12O6+6O2 à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Release Energy How the photosynthesis is related to other internal process (respiration, water and nutrient uptake, fruit development etc) All the plant processes are interrelated to each other.   The food which is made by the photosynthesis process, respiration takes energy from it. It breakdown the food which is through photosynthesis process. Defective Photosynthesis Symptoms In this process sunlight is very important. If the defective problem on plant photosynthesis, the colour of the leaves will change. Plant also become pale. Plant growth stop and looks dull. The rate of photosynthesis is affected by these factors: Light intensity More light high rate of photosynthesis water supply Good water supply also help for the growthCarbon dioxide availability it is also very important in this process. The rate of photosynthesis affected by the oxygen and carbon dioxide.Temperature suitable temperature is also required for photosynthesis. Heat- Heat has also an affect on the rate of the photosynthesis. 2. Respiration- After photosynthesis, the second process occurred is respiration. In this process it takes energy from the food, which is produced by photosynthesis. This process doesnt require any sunlight because it can happen anytime. In the simple words respiration means breakdown of food, this is produced by photosynthesis. Defective Respiration Symptoms- if defective problem on plant respiration, In poor respiration, we can see affect on the new growth. New growth will be look dull. Apart from this less vegetative growth occur. How the Respiration is related to other internal process (, water and nutrient uptake, fruit development etc) This process is also related to the photosynthesis. Because in this process the breakdown of food which is produced by photosynthesis occurs. So it also plays a key role in the other internal plant processes, which helps the plants for a better growth. Factors- Temperature At low temperature the rate of respiration is very low. At the same time high temperature does not have any significant effect on the rate of respiration.   Starvation The plants have low starch have low rate of respiration. So this is also main factor for respiration. Respiration decreases with decreased available oxygen. Under circumstances where no oxygen is present, like in poorly draining soil, anaerobic respiration occurs. The rate of respiration for most plants peaks around the normal oxygen level in the atmosphere 3. Translocation- The next plant growth process is known as translocation. In this process more water is pulled up from the root of the plants via xylem. This process is very essential for the health of the plant. How the Translocation is related to other internal process (respiration, water and nutrient uptake, fruit development etc) Translocation is important process because in this process water pulled up through the roots to xylem. It also helps in the nutrient uptake. So this process is also related to the photosynthesis as well as nutrient uptake Defective Translocation Symptoms- If translocation rate is low then we can see this affect on the growth of the plants. Low rate transpiration leads to plant in a stage where plant is not healthy and leaves are drops and plant affected by plant diseases. Factors Temperature- Temperature also plays a key role in the growth of plants. At high temperature the rate of translocation is low. So balance of temperature is very important to increase the rate of translocation Light- Light has play an important roles in the life of the plants and all other plant processes such as photosynthesis, respiration etc. 4.Nutrient uptake-: nutrient uptake means take the nutrient from the soil for the plant growth and development. Nutrient uptake occurs with the active transport. It needs the energy. Nutrient uptake absorbs the important nutrient like NPK. NPK is very important for plant growth and cell division. How the Nutrient uptake is related to other internal process (respiration, water and nutrient uptake, fruit development etc) Water moves up the plants through the xylem and some micronutrients, which are in the water. With the help of this plant produce chlorophyll, which is produced by photosynthesis process as food Defective Nutrient uptake Symptoms- If the defective problem on plant Nutrient uptake, the colour of the leaves will change. If the nutrients are not available to the plants, fruit development of the plant is also affected. Factors- As for the first class of these factors, for example, we must consider the nutrition characteristics of the species and varieties to be grown. These special features include the morphological characteristics of plants, the ratios of their shoots and roots and also the characteristics of their root development. Other factors that we must not overlook are the specific nutrient requirements and nutrient dynamics. Different plants also differ in their temperature requirements, which naturally also affect their nutrition processes. 5. Photoperiodism: Basically it means physiological reactions of the organisms in the plants. This means the growth of the plant affected by the length of night. Short day plants needed short days and long nights for their better growth.   On the other hand, long day plants needed long days and short night for good growth. Sun flower is one of the examples for long day plants. There are day neutral plants are also one of the category of the plants. They can flower any time of the year tomatoes are example of the plants. Defective Photoperiodism Symptoms- If the defective problem on plant Photoperiodism, Plants will never produce the flowers. I other words, by defective photoperiodism plant will never go to its flowering stage How the Photoperiodism is related to other internal process (respiration, water and nutrient uptake, fruit development etc) It plays a key role to promote flowering in the plants. Some plants require periodic exposure to introduce flowering. It helps the plants to provide environment, which is suitable for flowering. So it leads the plant towards fruit development. Factors-There are several types of factors which affect the process of the photoperiodism. Temperature is one of the factors which affect this process. Apart from this, moistures also play a key role in this process. Excess of moisture or lack of moisture can affect the process of photoperiodism. Soil structure also plays a key role in water uptake. So its directly effect on the growth of the plant. Apart from this, other biotic factors also affect this process. 6. Vernalization- This is a stage in the development of many plants, most notably bulbs, fruit trees, and nut trees. This stage involves exposure to cold temperatures for a set period of time, followed by a period of increased photosensitivity which allows the plant to start producing flowers. There are a number of reasons why vernalization is important to plants, and it is also useful to be aware of when forcing plants to bloom indoors or to bloom earlier than they usually do. Defective Vernalization Symptoms- If the defective problem on plant Vernalization, if the no vernalization occurs in the plants, plants will never produce flowers.withot flowers we cannot expect fruit formation in the plants. How the Vernalization is related to other internal process (respiration, water and nutrient uptake, fruit development etc) Basically, vernalization is a process of flowering in the plants. So it has directly affect on the fruit development of the plants. Factors-The most important influence of temperature on flowering time is the vernalisation response. Many plant species, such as winter cereals, must go through a prolonged period of cold that winter conditions before flowering occurs 7. Dormancy Definition: A period in which a plant does not grow, awaiting necessary environmental conditions such as temperature, moisture, nutrient availability. This is a time when plant go into sleep mode after its production season. Kiwifruit is one of the best example for this. After producing fruits in spring season it goes into dormancy stage in winter season. How the Dormancy is related to other internal process (respiration, water and nutrient uptake, fruit development etc) Dormancy is a important stage of the plants. It helps in the all other plant processes fruit development, flowering etc. DefectiveDormancy Symptoms- If the defective problem on plant Dormancy, Plant will not produce new growth and not available for next year. Factor- Temperature- Temperature has a great affect on the dormancy. In the high temperature, some plants cant survive in its dormancy stage. So its important that the suitable temperature available for the plants. Climate- Climate is also a key factor for dormancy, too much rainfall or too much cold environment can affect the dormancy stag of the plants. 8. Senescence Basically it means lifecycle of the plants. In this process plant goes through all the stages of lifecycle such as seedling vegetative etc. All living organisms have a definite life span. A plant, be it annual or perennial has a vegetative growth phase after germination. The formation of flowers or development of reproductive structures marks the arrival of reproductive phase. The plant becomes mature by this time. Defective Senescence Symptoms- If the defective problem on plant Senescence, The plant will look dull . Factors- Environmental factors, primarily photoperiod (daily length of darkness) and temperature, play important parts in governing senescence and death in plants. In annual plants, death is the natural conclusion of development; thus, conditions accelerating development automatically advance senescence.. 9. Fruit development Fruit has its beginnings in the pollination process. This process is the transfer of pollen from the male to the female part of the flower. The male is referred to as the anther, while the female is called the stigma. This process not only occurs inside the same flower, but the pollen is also spread to neighbouring flowers by the wind, animals and a variety of insects. Grains in the pollen erect a tube on the flower that travels all the way down into the female part of the plant. The female part of the plant is at the base of the pistil, which houses the developing pollen tube. The pollen tube will react with a ovule in the female part of the plant to fertilize an egg. The egg and the ovary develop together, and a sheath or protective layer is formed around a seed. The ovary itself becomes the actual fruit produced by the plant. Depending on the number of eggs per ovule, multiple ovaries can become fruits. In some flowers, there is only one seed or one ovule, producing only one fruit at a time. Each fruit contains a protective layer, water, nutrients and a seed. Some fruits will have numerous seeds that can be planted and harvested. Defective Fruit development Symptoms- If the defective problem on plant Fruit development, the size of the fruit is not good, or drop, the fruit discoloration can occur. How the Fruit development is related to other internal process (respiration, water and nutrient uptake, fruit development etc) As we all know that all plant processes, interrelated with each other. Fruit development very much depends on the flowering process. Factors- Following are the factors, which affects in the fruit development process. Such as Low temperature, early season fruit, Chilling sensitivity, the potential for physiological disorders, increased moisture loss, relatively higher temperatures. Plant growth regulators Hormones are chemical substances produced in small amounts in one tissue and transported to another tissue where they have an effect. They are chemical messengers which regulate growth. There are five important hormones which are found in nearly all seed plants and these coordinate the growth of the plant as a whole. Many of the effects of the external environment on development are mediated by the distribution of these hormones within the plant. 5 different type of plant regulators Auxin The main function of auxin is to help plants grow. Auxin stimulates plant cells to elongate, and the apical meristem of a plant is one of the main places that auxin is produced. Auxin is manufactured in shoot tips, embryos, fruit and young leaves. Auxin promotes the elongation of shoot tissue cells. Auxin is the hormone involved in geotropic responses of shoot tips to gravity. Cytokinin The presence of cytokinin will stimulate the differentiation of vascular tissue (eg xylem). Cytokinin stimulates cell division. Buds which are inhibited by apical dominance may be released by cytokinin. Cytokinin delays the ageing process and senescence, in leaves. Gibberellin Gibberellin is an important hormone in stem elongation. Many dwarf plants are the result of diminished gibberellin in the stem. Gibberellin also promotes bolting (Bolting is when agricultural and horticultural crops prematurely produce a flowering stem (or stems) before the crop is harvested), rapid elongation of the stem Element 2 Early and late maturity in Potatoes Potatoes vary in size, shape, colour, texture and time to maturity. Maturation time is the most important variable, because potato tubers grow best when soil temperatures range between 60 and 70 degrees. Early Maturity: Early varieties that mature in less than 90 days are good fits for any garden. Creamy, round Irish Cobbler, purple-skinned Caribe, and prolific Red Norland fall into this group, along with King Harry, which is resistant to Colorado potato beetles. Midseason varieties mature in 100 days or so, and include Yukon Gold and Red LaSoda, which is often the top-producing potato in warm climates. Late Maturity: Late varieties need 110 days or more of growing time, but they typically produce a heavy set of tubers that keep well in storage. Butte is an all-purpose brown-skinned potato that performs well when grown in the Midwest; Katahdin and Kennebec rule in the Northeast. In order to achieve our desired predetermined result we should do different type of horticulture activities. We should control pest and diseases. Apart from this, we should control the weeds. For example: in order to get out of season production we should grow our crop in greenhouse. We should maintain hygiene. In order to achieve early maturity we should grow early maturity new varieties. We should modify the soil as well as use fertilizers to increase the growth and production of the crop. Good irrigation and good air movement also give a boost to the internal plant process. It helps in the plant growth and production or crops. 2.1Describe how you achieve Early maturity in any chosen crop Chosen crop- Tomatoes In order to achieve early maturity of the Tomatoes crop, we can use early variety of the plants. These plants belongs to special; category of the plants, which can mature early than normal growing plants. So we can achieve early maturity of the crop by growing early maturity variety plants of selected crop. How to achieve early maturity: If we want to achieve early maturity in tomatoes than we have to grow early maturity verities of the tomato plants. In this way we can achieve early maturity in our selected crop 2.2 What is late maturity and how you achieve this in any crop. Late maturity: Late maturity means that delaying the plant process to achieve late maturity of the plant. For doing this we have to control the internal processes such as photosynthesis, water uptake. In order to reduce photosynthesis we should grow our crop or plant in a shady environment. How to achieve late maturity- In order to achieve late maturity in the plants, we should promote more vegetative stage of the crop. It can be done through by the use of nitrate fertilizer, which helps the plant to increase vegetative stage. 2.3 Describe what out of season production and how you achieve in chosen crop Selected Crop- Tomatoes Out of season production means that grow our crop in a season when conditions are opposite to grow the crop. For example producing tomatoes whole year by growing them inside a glasshouse. In the glasshouse we can control the environment, less chance of pest and diseases.   It can possible through using new varieties of crop or plants. In the glasshouse more sunlight and suitable temperature available for the plant which help the plant to grow quickly and produce the products. 2.4 Describe how you can achieve production outside normal growing climate areas. In order to achieve production outside normal climate, we have done some practices to achieve our goal. We can take example of Tomatoes. Tomatoes are commonly grown in summer. So, in order to achieve production in cold climate we have to use certain techniques which are mentioned below- Glass house Production- In order to grow tomatoes in colder climate, best way of growing tomatoes is inside a glasshouse. Its provide suitable temperature for the plants. Apart from this, we can also grow early maturity variety of the plants. In order to grow tomatoes in open field in cold climate we should cover our young plants. And we have to select area for planting which is surrounded by shelter. 2.5 Define crop yield and how you achieve optimum yield of any crop Yield- Yield is refers to the amount that how much production achieve through manipulating the plant processes. For example produce crops or plant products in of season. For example 200 kg/per hector potatoes has been increased by achieving early maturity of the crop. How to achieve optimum yield- Trimming- pruning and trimming is very important because with the help of pruning we can encourage the plants for new growth. Irrigation- Proper irrigation is needed for good growth of the plants. So its very important for internal plant processes. Pest and disease control- we should control pest and diseases in the crop. In this way, we can achieve optimum production of our crop. 2.6 Describe storage characteristics of any crop Chosen crop- Potatoes The storage means that keep the potatoes for a long period of time in a control environment. To store the potatoes we should keep them in a cool store. We should also maintain a suitable temperature to avoid humid conditions. Apart from this, we should also have an eye on the moisture of the cool store. In this way, we can store the potatoes for desired time, without any diseases and pests. Question-3 Chosen Crop- Kiwifruit In order to achieve predetermined results in kiwifruit crop. We have to perform certain activities. These activities are different and also done in different seasons. After harvesting the crop kiwifruit goes into dormancy stage. So this is the time when we have to start our activities. Pruning- In the process of pruning we cut the old kiwifruit canes, which are used to produce fruit in previous season. In this process we use different type of tools such as loppers, secateurs etc. After cutting down the old kiwifruit canes new canes are put on the wires and tied them with plastic clips. Vegetative Stage (summer)- After the pruning kiwifruit started to develop new leaves and buds in summer season. This is the time when, kiwifruit go through variety of activities such as bud thinning, tipping, zero leaf cutting, male plants pruning, girdling etc. In this season kiwifruit plants are in their vegetative stage and flourish with leaves and new shoots. Summer pruning also done in this season. Basically this is the process of cutting down the fruitless shoots from the plants. Fruit development Pollination- When both male and female kiwifruit plants started to produce flowers. It leads to the next process which is known as pollination. It can be done by two methods. But most of the kiwifruit growers use bees to promote pollination in plants. Honey bees took the pollen from the male flowers and put on the female flowers. The other method of pollination is spraying the pollen directly into the female plant flowers. Fertilisation- After the process of pollination, the next process is fertilisation. Basically this is process of fruit formation. Pollen goes into the ovary with the help of pollen tube which help in the fruit formation. Harvesting- When the fruit is completely developed and fulfil all the requirements of quality check, which is conducted by the pack house. After that fruit is ready for harvesting. In the process of harvesting the workers pick the fruits and loaded into the plastic or wooden bins. After that these bins are loaded into the truck and these trucks go into the pack house for packing. Storage and packing: Harvested kiwifruits store in cool store house. These cool stores are under the supervision of the pack house. The cool store staffs maintain a suitable temperature and environment for the plants. The packing of the fruits also happen in the pack house after packaging of the fruits in trays the kiwifruit is ready for export to the other countries by the companies. Question 4 Briefly explain the factors which influence the following plant processes Early maturity- In simple words the meaning of the early maturity means achieve early growth of the plants by using an early maturity variety of the crop. Following are the factors which influence early maturity. Factors- Light- Light is important for every plant. If the less light is available for the plant. The growth of the plant will stop. Because light is very important for the photosynthesis, which is a food making process of the plants. Temperature- High temperatures cause increased respiration sometimes above the rate of photosynthesis. This means that the products of photosynthesis are being used more rapidly than they are being produced. For growth to occur photosynthesis must be greater than respiration. Variety selection- The selection of variety is very important part for early maturity. So its important to select a good early maturity variety of our selected crop. Seed sowing- Seed sowing is also a factor which influence early maturity. So its important sows the seeds in a correct depth. Because deep seed sowing can delay the germination of the seeds Fertilizer- fertilizer is also an important factor. By using too much fertilizer it can lead the plants towards long vegetative stage. So while growing early maturity we have to use suitable fertilizers and avoid those fertilizers which delay early maturity. Late maturity- Late maturity means that encourage our plants for a long vegetative stage it can be done by fertilizers, pruning etc. Flowing are the factors. Factors- Climate- Climate has also a affect on the plants too much cold or too much warm climates can also affect on the growth of the plants. Fertilizer- Nitrogen fertilizers are commonly used to prolong the vegetative stage of the plants. So its important to put nitrogen fertilizer to get late maturity in our crop or plants. Pruning or trimming Pruning and trimming of the growing shoots also allows the plants to produce new leaves. So its also a key factor to get late maturity in the crops. Planting season- Planting season is also a key factor to achieve late maturity of the plants. So its important to plant the seeds in a suitable season Light- Too much light or less light can also affect the late maturity of the plants. Because light plays a important role in photosynthesis. Out of season production- Out of season production means produce the products in environment which is against the normal growing conditions. Following are the factors which influence Out of season production. Factors- Humidity- Humidity is important factor in out of season production of a crop. Too much humidity can affect the plant growth. Temperature- its important to maintain suitable temperature for the plants inside the glasshouse or plastic house because too much temperature can damage the plants. Greenhouse or plastic house growing- its important to grow out of season crops in a plastic house or greenhouse. Pest and disease control- We should control the weeds and pests. Production outside normal growing climate areas-  Ã‚   Production outside normal conditions means growing crops in conditions which are adverse to normal growing conditions. Factors- Water- Good and control water supply should be available for the plants in order to produce production in outside normal climate. Light- Light is also a key factor. So before growing the crop we should know that suitable light is available for the plants or not. Irrigation- Good irrigation system is also necessary for production outside normal growing season. Yield- Yield simple meaning is that production. It refers to the overall production of a crop from a piece of land. Following are the factors. Factors Temperature -High temperature have affect on the plants. It can reduce the quality of the fruits. Light- If the too much sunlight available to the fruits, it can cause burning spots to the fruit. Pest and disease Pest and disease control is also very important, good pest and disease control can result as a high production or yield. Irrigation Good irrigation system has also a important role in the production. Good water management also increase the production of the crop. Storage Characteristics- Storage characteristics means that suitable environmental conditions to store vegetables and fruits. Following are the factors. Factors Moisture- Its important to maintain suitable moisture in control suitable moisture in control environment because too much moisture can poor the quality of the stored fruits. Temperature- Temperature is also factor of a cool store. So its important to maintain a suitable temperature for stored products. 4.2 How would you use planning to determine which influence will be altered and by what amount to be manipulated that plant growth to meet predetermined results. Cultivation- Cultivation is very important before growing a plant or crop. Because in this process we break the upper layer of the soil. Its beneficial for the crop because with help of cultivation we can have good drainage, good water holding capacity and good soil aeration. Seed sowing After cultivation the next process is seed sowing. We should know about the good depth for sowing the seed. Because if we sow the seeds too deeply it can result delay of the seedling stage. Irrigation- After sowing the seeds good water management or good irrigation is very important. Too much water or less water can also have a effect on the growth of the plant. Excess of water can cause result poor soil structure. Pruning training- In vegetative stage pruning and trimming of the plants is very important because it helps to promote new growth and also help to remove dead parts or infected by any pest or disease. Weeding Removal of the weeds also a important part. Because weeds can grow faster than our crop and also increase the insect activities. Pest and disease control- pest and disease control is also needed because they can damage or kill the crop. So we need to use suitable insecticides or herbicides. Harvesting- Last and final stage of the crop is harvesting. For harvesting a crop we can use machines as well as labour also. The time of harvesting is vary according to the crop. Question-5 Name of the plant-Potatoes Prepare seeds- The seed potato needs to be prepared before planting. This takes 4 6 weeks. Lay the potatoes out in a single layer in a warm, sunny sheltered spot. The potatoes will turn green and sprouts will appear from the eyes of the potatoes. These eyes will grow into shoots. When the shoots are 3 4cm long, the potatoes are ready to plant. Just prior to planting, remove all but 3 of the thickest and healthiest sprouts. Planting- Plant seed potatoes after frosts have passed in early spring through to early summer. Seed potatoes are planted in furrows about 150mm deep. Plant each seed potato at least 250mm apart from each other. Lay the sprouted seed potato so that the sprouts are pointing up in the furrow then cover with soil, taking care not

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Profiling and Police/Community Relations Essay -- Profiling and Police

Scientific Methods Scientifically, profiling and police-community relations are comprised of a two-fold focus. The first focal point concentrates on attitudes members of a community have about profiling in accordance to actions conducted by police officers upon them in the course of their duties. The second focal point concentrates on the profiling of police officers, as completed by early intervention systems, in an effort to reduce complaints from members of the community. The literature on the attitudes which community members have about profiling states that race, personal experience, and media framing influence the public’s perception (Graziano, Schuck, & Martin, 2010; Weitzer & Tuch, 2002). The literature on early intervention systems is demonstrative of how such systems can become critical management tools, tailor-made for addressing behavioral and management issues, within both the individual officer and in the locations where they work, to reduce complaints by residents of the community (Macintyre et al., 2008). A review of the literature establishes multiple components of each focal point. Hypothesis Profiling of community residents by law enforcement officials and profiling of police officers by early intervention systems impacts police-community relations. The research will be best conducive employing a time-series, quasi-experimental design. The researcher is choosing to conduct an exploratory research experiment utilizing an interrupted time-series, quasi-experimental design. Data will be collected from a comparison group through pretests and posttests, from surveys, interviews, and statistical analysis. There will be a fixed time frame in order to calculate and analyze the findings. Pro... ...., Prenzler, T., & Chapman, J. (2008). Early intervention to reduce complaints: An Australian Victoria Police initiative. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 10(2), 238-250. doi: 10.1350/ijps.2008.10.2.77 Murphy, K. (2009). Public satisfaction with police: The importance of procedural justice and police performance in police-citizen encounters. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 42(2), 159-178. doi: 10.1375/acri.42.2.159 Tyler, T. R., & Wakslak, C. J. (2004). Profiling and police legitimacy: Procedural justice, attributions of motive, and acceptance of police authority [Abstract]. Criminology, 42(2), 253-282. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-9125.2004.tb00520.x Weitzer, R., & Tuch, S. A. (2002). Perceptions of racial profiling: Race, class, and personal experience [Abstract]. Criminology, 40(2), 435-456. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-9125.2002.tb00962.x

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Commentary on the Travel Writing of Pierre Jean Grosley and Ramond de

A Commentary on the Travel Writing of Pierre Jean Grosley and Ramond de Carbonnià ¨res Each summer, for the past five years, I have traveled to Savary Island, B.C. to "repose my wearied spirit" on the mountains, the ocean, and especially on the absence of civilization and the regular amenities thereof. The island is divided: the western half submits to residents who wish for large homes and tennis courts while the eastern half (Indian Point) supports those who want to escape from those very things. There are only a handful of permanent residents on the eastern half and they have built their homes and gardens with a respect and reverence for nature that is rarely found in the city, or Savary Shores (the western half). The visitors to the island fit, generally, into the same western and eastern categories; all escaping the city, but only some willing to leave the city behind. It is a modern distinction between the tourist and the traveler. It is impossible to engage with nature without engaging with the people on Savary Island. I have found that encounters with both visi tors and residents, negative or positive, have influenced my experience of nature and, in turn, knowledge of myself. Therefore, the effects of our Romantic Travelers' encounters with people (tourists, travelers or native residents) on their experience of nature have interested me greatly. Pierre Jean Grosley and Ramond de Carbonnià ¨res' travel writing provides two perspectives (the tourist and the traveler) of both nature and its human inhabitants. How each man engages with the people he meets mirrors the way he engages with his natural surroundings. My desire to blend in with the residents of Indian Point place my traveling experiences on par with de Carbonnià ¨res... ...gages with nature beyond his initial scientific attempts. He accesses nature, and in turn increases his knowledge of self by engaging with the people he encounters, specifically the shepherds of the Pyrenees. I find I am able to relate my own experiences on Savary Island with both of these travelers, although more so with Ramond de Carbonnià ¨res. Works Cited de Carbonnià ¨res, Ramond. Travels in the Pyrenees; containing a description of the principal summits, passes, and vallies. Trans. F. Gold. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Browne, 1813. (Original work: Observations faites dans les Pyreneà ©s, 1789) Grosley, Pierre Jean. New Observations of Italy and its Inhabitants. Trans. Thomas Nugent. London: L.Davis and C. Reymers, 1769. Vol.1 Noyes, Russell. English Romantic Poetry and Prose. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1956. Introduction, xxii.

Lacanian Psychoanalytic Criticism in Harry Potter Essay -- Lacan Child

Lacanian Psychoanalytic Criticism in Harry Potter The inhabitants of a faraway country known for its ivory towers and for its export of literary monographs were forever quarreling over who might best represent them. One day two tiny factions decided to join forces: the adherents of the Princess Childlit and the followers of Prince Psychian, the great-great-grandson of Empress Psyche. Both groups had for a long time felt themselves unduly spurned†¦ by the powerful Board of Canonizers who had ruled Arkedemia for over a century. Might not a wedding between the two claimants strengthen their status?... just as the engagement was about to be announced, the whole affair was abruptly called off. What had happened?†¦Their cohorts had begun to quarrel most bitterly with each other†¦ The wedding did not take place†¦Soon the board of Canonizers issued an edict pronouncing both groups to be out of the system. Hereafter, their passports would be stamped with the word â€Å"marginal† in red gothic print. (Knoepfl macher, 131-132) [1] U.C. Knoepflmacher’s wonderful parody of the current situation of children’s literary criticism and the psychoanalytic approach to literature perfectly sums up what will be the major obstacle of this critical paper. It would seem that modern literary criticism has an unfortunate tendency to overlook children’s literature extensively; to relegate it to a position of only secondary importance in the critic’s glossary of â€Å"good literature.† On top of that, psychoanalytic criticism, as it is applied to children’s literature, seems to have taken on a startlingly simplistic, static approach to the analysis of the text, that does very little justice to the diversity and complexity that the field possesses. (132-133) ... ...nnual of the Modern Language Association Division on Children’s Literature and the Children’s Literature Association.18 (1990): 131-134. Lesnik-Oberstein, Karin. Children’s Literature: Criticism and the Fictional Child. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. McGillis, Roderick. â€Å"Another Kick at La/can: ‘I Am a Picture.’† Children’s Literature Association Quarterly.20.1 (1995): 42-46. Murfin, Ross, Ed. â€Å"What is Psychoanalytic Criticism?† The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin’s, 1999. Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. New York: Scholastic, Inc., 1998. Trites, Roberta Seelinger. â€Å"Psychoanalytic Approaches to Children’s Literature: Landmarks, Signposts, Maps.† Children’s Literature Association Quarterly. 25.2 (2000): 66-67.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Person Who Made an Impact on My Life

Dominique Eley 11/1/12 Ms. Conway It was late July, the summer of 2006 to be exact. I was in Chicago spending the summer with my father at his new house. My mother called my dad and me and said I was going to be a big sister. I was only in the 6th grade, but I knew I was going to have to be more responsible and mature. I did not know whether I was going to have a little sister or brother. I was so excited I couldn’t wait to get back home to see my new sibling. I was finally older than someone in my family and could actually be the boss of them.When I found out it was a boy I was so excited, I had so many dreams and a planned out future for him as soon as I laid my eyes on him. He was so tiny with dark brown skin, silky black hair, brown eyes, and dimples. His name was DeBron Samuel Eley. As he grew older I noticed that he had an old man personality and was very wise. He was becoming a mini me, he did everything I did and followed me everywhere I went. I realized that I needed to change my behavior and the things I did because I knew that he wanted to be just like me, and I did not want him to grow up and make bad decisions like I did.I treated my little brother like my son; anytime I bought myself something I would buy him something as well. This little boy really made me turn all my negatives into positives and get more active into school and be a better person. I was on the basketball team in the fall and during the spring I was on the baseball team. DeBron had become my pride; I was more motivated in school and made the honor roll all four quarters in middle school, because I knew that my hard work would inspire him. Fall 2012 he started Kindergarten.The first thing he said when he walked into his class was â€Å"I’m going to be the star student like my big sister. † I knew he would make me proud due to all the dedication and hard work I put into him and myself just for him to grow to be a better person than I am. Every day he would come home with stars and 100’s on his homework and classwork, right along with a good phone call home and a story about how he helped someone in class today. He had a high self-esteem level and didn’t let his pride get in the way of anything.His first year of kindergarten was my senior year of high school, so we both were graduating in June 2012. This little boy made an impact on my life because I would hate to lose another one of my brothers to the streets. He made me look at life from a different perspective and I got to see the brighter side of more things. When I moved away to start my college life he automatically wanted to come to college and that’s what my future goals are for him. Not a lot of people plan to go to college in first grade Someday when I have a son; I’m going to raise him the same way I did my little brother.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Archimedes Was a Mathematician and Inventor of Ancient

Archimedes was so brilliant that he is still considered by most historians throughout time as one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. Archimedes was a mathematician and inventor of Ancient Greece born on 287 B. C. In Syracuse on the island of Sicily. His father was an astronomer named Aphid's. It is said that Archimedes was known to be a relative of Hirer II. Hirer was the king of Syracuse during the life of Archimedes. Throughout their lives they were very close friends. However besides his father's name and occupation and his relationship withHirer nothing else is really known about any other members of Archimedes family. At one point of Archimedes life it was his inventions that delayed the capture of Syracuse by the Romans. Archimedes remained in Syracuse for most of his life except when he went to school in Alexandria. Since Greeks loved to learn and be full of knowledge they would send their sons to schools to become wise Greek citizens. Archimedes had one of the best e ducations as a boy. When he was in his teens Archimedes traveled to Alexandria and went to one of the most famous schools of thematic that had been founded by Euclid.There he studied astronomy, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, astrology, geography, surveying, mechanics, and alchemy with many other brilliant minds of his time. Various subjects he studied when he was younger were poetry, politics, astronomy, mathematics, music, art, and military tactics. His professor was named Cocoon of Samos. Cocoon was a tremendous Influence in Archimedes' life. He taught Archimedes various things about science and life. Due to the fact he studied In Alexandria It became the biggest foundation on which he built his career as a scientist and mathematician.Archimedes had many eclectic Investigations, but he was mostly known for his discovery of the relation between the surface and volume of a sphere and Its circumscribing cylinder, for his formulation of a hydrostatic principle: Archimedes' principle , and for Inventing the Archimedes' screw (a device for raising water). One of Archimedes' few Principals states: an object immersed in a fluid experiences a buoyant force that is equal in magnitude to the force of gravity on the displaced fluid.Archimedes had other inventions up his sleeve some were the hydraulic screw – for raising water from a lower to a enlarger level, catapult, ten lever, ten compound pulley Ana ten During mirror which was a machine Archimedes invented used as war weapon; these machines especially helped in the defense against the Romans when they attacked under the command of Marcella. In mechanics Archimedes also discovered fundamental theorems having to do with the center of gravity of solids and plane figures. Now even in this modern era we still use Archimedes inventions in many ways.The water screw is Just one out of many inventions we use. The water screw is used for raising water using an encased screw that opens at both ends. The screw has to be set at an angle and as it turns, water fills air pockets and is transported upwards. Out of his other inventions he achieved during his life we also use the lever. Levers are basic tools, and many of the simple tools we use today, use levers in some way. For example; scissors, pliers, hammer claws, nutcrackers, and tongs. We still even use his mathematical discoveries. Due to his inventions he made life impeller for us today.Archimedes' legend is still alive to this day. I think Archimedes was a great mathematician and inventor who inspired many others to perfect his discoveries and to carve the way to ones made in the future. Those discoveries have affected our ways of living in a good way. I believe his legend would indeed be greater if more people knew what he was trying to accomplish and what good it would do for them. Even so, his ideas were rediscovered in the middle ages and, fortunately, they are being worked on like many other discoveries that have been add.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

American Revolution

This lecture examines the American Revolution from a broad perspective. The best part about her lecture is that she breaks it down into five easy steps to understand, and for her being a professor at Yale she probably is one of the top favorite teachers Just because of how easy she breaks her lectures down. Freeman relates herself to one of the Founders, John Adams, because he wasn't up to the status quo of every other Founder as she states it. John was humorous and blunt, but serious and revealing, and that's how she is in her lectures.Professor Joanne Freeman is a very intelligent woman that likes to see her students succeed in such a long and very detailed class. Freeman's video starts off by unraveling her plan for the class, and predicts what she thinks her students thoughts are about the American Revolution. Joanne explains how in high school all that was mainly stressed about the American Revolution was the Declaration of Independence and George Washington, Paul Revere, and Ju st a â€Å"bunch of battles†.Freeman makes it clear to the students to be aware and get passed what you've been taught earlier in your life, and she breaks it down into five simple and comprehensive tips to help understand the Revolution and Just piece it altogether. The first tip that Freeman lectures about is by avoiding thinking about the Revolution in terms of a series of facts and dates, in her terms â€Å"a fact bubble. † (Freeman).In greater detail Freeman means that a lot of dates are involved with the Revolution and some are more important than others, and some are Just a string of facts that are there to explain the outcomes that occurred. Like the outcomes that occurred there was a word that disgusted the Founders of that time period, so tip number two is words like democracy, liberty and freedom, aren't all that they seem to be. Democracy has little to no meaning in the colonial era, but you have to understand the subtle ways this was a moment of defining t erms and transformation. † (Freeman).In greater detail Joanne tells the students to think about the meaning of words, not to Just read the definitions, but also to not assume about the words and how they describe the event because they could've meant something completely different now than what they did back then. An example of one of the many words that were brought up around the American Revolution era is democracy. The professor says that â€Å"democracy is a good thing to us now, but not ace then. † Especially Alexander Hamilton, she reads a quote from him and he states democracy as chaos, a disease in fact, and being a Founder it was part of the status quo.Speaking of The Founders, tip three from Freeman is: think of the â€Å"Founders† as real people rather than a mystical historic figure. In easier ways to understand, what Joanne means is that the Founders were normal people, she expressed that we tend to forget that they were people not deem-gods walking around with their chest and head held high. The professor also stressed about not getting caught up on trying to dead the way they spoke, reading and listening to their language from their era sounds more intelligent and inspiring than it really is.A big point that was brought to the student's attention was the breakdown of looking over the opposing points and putting them together like a puzzle to better understand how it all happened and why. The fourth tip from Freeman was â€Å"remembering the Founders aren't the only people who made the Revolution. An easier way to understand this is to know that the Founders weren't men that were dressed up to have a quiet conversation. The Revolution was a popular uprising by a vast amount of colonists fought on American ground by all kinds of Americans.The Founders aren't the only ones who mattered, the Revolution grounded on the ideas and beliefs of the people throughout many levels of society. Last but not least the fifth tip is rememberi ng the importance of historical contingency and that anything could've happened during the Revolution and the outcome wasn't inevitable. The way Freeman explains this tip is that a lot of people assume too much of what went on about the colonists, and that it's important to know body knew what was going to happen in that era because if they did it would've probably been much more dramatic.Professor Joanne Freeman does a great Job of presenting the logic behind the decisions of the day and the feelings of the people and she doesn't spend a lot of time on dates and facts. Also, to be able to take out the preconceived notions out of the way and to view what happened, and to understand nothing was certain throughout the American Revolution are an eye opener. References Professor Joanne Freeman: Five Tips for Studying the American Revolution. Peer. Joanne Freeman. Web.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Am I a Serial Killer

Am I a Serial Killer? Have you ever taken a step back and asked yourself, â€Å"How can someone Just BE a continuous murderer? † Brain damage, environment, and genetic codes are all factors that determine whether an individual may become a serial killer. If you have ever questioned the ability to become an indecisive human being, this may be your route to information. When studying the human brain, Jim Fallon found that the activity and functions of the â€Å"serial killer† brain is extremely different than the â€Å"normal†.Looking at divots nd lines through out the brain, he noticed that these meant that there were issues- brain damage. Brain damage occurs when the brain doesn't completely develop in utero. Then once the child is born and begins to learn, the brain attempts to fix itself, causing damage when not succeeding. Among the studies of the variables, environmental issues have also caused the brain to dysfunction. Things like war, stepping over governme nt guidelines, and over ruling society, all can cause insane amounts of depression, which can also lead to murder or suicide.Seeing that this occurs frequently through out the world, suicide and murders could possibly be a factor of this variable. Inside your genetic code you will find twenty-three pairs of chromosomes. Among these twenty-three oddly placed characters, there is one gene that gets passed down through your mother. This gene causes you to become immune to serotonin. Well, what really causes this immune-ness is when, in utero, the fetus is basically surrounded by serotonin, a chemical induced by the brain to calm you down when angry or upset.Considering that this would cause the child's brain to become mmune to the chemical, the brain will no longer obtain the calming information being sent out by the serotonin chemical. Thus, once angered, the brain does not stop raging on about the situation. On the contrary, people might think that these statements are false. But- co nsidering that the research has already been done the statements are true. So, are you a serial killer? Check your brain, environment, and DNA. You might find that you are a carrier. But Just incase you are, Just because you have a reason to go crazy, doesn't mean you should. By lovebree95

Friday, September 13, 2019

Identity, community, and conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Identity, community, and conflict - Essay Example Chapter 4 of the book by Solomon, Higgins, and Martin (2011) begins with the quote from Alice in Wonderland where the Caterpillar questions the very importance of self (p. 285). In Carroll's (1996) text, neither the caterpillar nor actually Alice care too much about their identities. They choose the selves they want to be, as if they were Sartrians, but in much more playful manner. Yet in one of the responses to the caterpillar Alice remarks: â€Å"Oh, I'm not particular as to size, only one doesn't like changing so often, you know† (Carroll, 1996). That means that there are still limits to human will as Alice’s will is overcome by her perceived irritation by the repeated change. In this paper, I will be arguing for the contradictory nature of self-identity that establishes itself through choice, as Existentialists assert (Solomon, Higgins and Martin, 2011, p. 303), but necessarily encounters the opposition to its choice from the parts of the larger context (â€Å"Othe rs†). I believe that the working momentary compromise between the assertions of human will (internal factors) and such external factors as natural circumstances, or the will of other(s), is a possible solution of the problem of self-identity. Such thinkers as Locke and Sartre strictly associated self with consciousness: Locke believed this because he relied on the separation of mind and substance (Solomon, Higgins and Martin, 2011, p. 291) while Sartre emphasized such act of consciousness as choice. This notion is very controversial for a number of reasons. Firstly, there are states of brain in which the presence of self is either not registered or not controlled by 'consciousness', the ones that are conceptualized as different brain waves in contemporary neurology (Hall, 1998). Beta wave is associated with awake condition while alpha (relaxed) or theta (sleep) waves are slower in frequency preventing humans from performing all the actions they would be capable of in an awake state (Hall, 1998).. Secondly, returning to the domain of philosophy, it is still unclear what is the entity that is responsible for the conscious decision (Solomon, Higgins and Martin, 2011, p. 293) as opposed to Existentialist worldview in which â €Å"existence precedes essence† (Solomon, Higgins and Martin, 2011, p. 305) that totally denies existence of a decision making entity, as in such states when something â€Å"essential† (if any) is not subjected to any existential choices. This was Hume's objections to Locke (Solomon, Higgins and Martin, 2011, p. 293). Still, the notion that self should be associated with choice appeals to me for the reason that 'self' is never alone. One of the possible answers to the need of question of self lies in manifestations of identity. People usually establish their identities through either promoting selected positive values and corresponding or contradicting other conflicting ideas and deeds. They might require openness to negotiation, like communitarianism (Jayaram, 2012); they can also broaden human self to other human and non-human creatures and other elements of material world, like done in deep ecology (Taylor, 2005, p. 457) relating the personal identity to community as a whole in terms of one’s relations to surroundings over time. However, communitarianism and deep ecology encounter opposition on the ground that they suppress diverse values (Taylor, 2005, p. 458). If assumed, that an identity is manifested through the difference with other identities, it becomes clear that identity is a ma tter of choice. How? The choice may be conscious (on which Sartre insisted) (Solomon, Higgins and Martin, 2011, p. 304) or unconscious, the notion introduced in psychoanalysis and partially covered by Hume in his debate with Locke (Solomon, Higgins and Martin, 2011, p. 293). Like Freud, Hume asserted that there is something in the work of human mind that makes it deceive itself (Solomon, Higgins and Martin, 2011, p. 294). This lack of human mind’