Friday, December 27, 2019

Non Probability Sampling - 815 Words

Ans.1: Non-Probability Sampling: When the units of a sample are chosen so that each unit in the population does not have a calculable non-zero probability of being selected in the sample, this is called Non-Probability Sampling. Also, Non-probability sampling is a sampling technique where the samples are gathered in a process that does not give all the individuals in the population equal chances of being selected. In contrast with probability sampling, non-probability sample is not a product of a randomized selection processes. Subjects in a non-probability sample are usually selected on the basis of their accessibility or by the purposive personal judgment of the researcher. Scope of Non-Probability Sampling: †¢ This type of†¦show more content†¦For example, if basis of the quota is college year level and the researcher needs equal representation, with a sample size of 100, he must select 25 1st year students, another 25 2nd year students, 25 3rd year and 25 4th year students. The bases of the quota are usually age, gender, education, race, religion and socioeconomic status. 4. Judgmental Sampling: Judgmental sampling is more commonly known as purposive sampling. In this type of sampling, subjects are chosen to be part of the sample with a specific purpose in mind. With judgmental sampling, the researcher believes that some subjects are more fit for the research compared to other individuals. This is the reason why they are purposively chosen as subjects. 5. Snowball Sampling: Snowball sampling is usually done when there is a very small population size. In this type of sampling, the researcher asks the initial subject to identify another potential subject who also meets the criteria of the research. The downside of using a snowball sample is that it is hardly representative of the population. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Do The People Of The Pool Make It Deeper - 1116 Words

Do the People in the Pool Make It Deeper? Did you ever learn how to swim? Are you still afraid of the water? When you finally jump in, do you find the bottom to be closer than expected or deeper in fact? While swimming may not be one of America’s top concerns, crime is. In places like Miami-Dade County, Florida their perception of crime, the perception of whether they will swim or may sink, in their neighborhoods depends largely on race and ethnicity. The article, Are Hispanics the new ‘Threat’? Minority group threat and fear of crime in Miami-Dade County, investigates the levels of fear of crime and the factors that contribute to it. Similar research has been done in the past, however they did not focus directly on the large, growing population of Hispanics and take into consideration whether the Hispanic population was seen as a â€Å"threatening group† to others, or examine them as respondents who experience fear. In the previous studies Hispanics were often grouped with Blacks, however, Eitle and Taylor deem it important to separate the two. There is evidence showing that Whites are less hostile towards Hispanics than they are to Blacks yet we have little insight as to how Hispanics perceive Blacks. This disregard of the Hispanic population can be attributed to the fact that Blacks were the largest minority population, but now not only are there more Hispanics than Blacks in Miami-Dade County, but Hispanics also outnumber them in the U.S as well. When compared, resultsShow MoreRelatedMy Dream Essay863 Words   |  4 Pages Dont be whimp, you can do it. This is what I kept telling myself. Everyone else can do it, you can do it too. At least that was my dream, until it came time to making it happen. It seemed like I was forever trying to learn to swim and go under the water. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Implementation of ERP

Question: Discuss about the ERP and its implementation. Answer: Introduction An Enterprise Resource Planning is a system by which companies manages and integrates the important parts of its business. It is a management system which covers different areas of an enterprise such as planning, purchasing, inventory, finance, marketing, human resource department and logistics (Ganesh et. al. 2014). It is the most commonly used software that uses a common data base through a database management which is systemized and which cover all the area of function and perform core activities which helps in increasing efficiency of the enterprise and the quality of work (Panayiotou, 2015). Mesfine Industrial Engineering (MIE) Pvt. Ltd. is metal construction and electromechanical engineering in Ethiopia. The company has recently adopted an ERP system. Implementation of ERP is much more difficult than developing a computer application which supports a single business function. This report includes key elements of ERP, different phases of process and problems faced by MIE in its implementation. It also explains the risk associated with this project and how MIE deals with that risk. Analysis of various factors Need of Enterprise Resource Planning To have a uniform information system in their business and to re-design its processes, many firms across the world have adopted and implemented ERP system. The need of ERP mainly arises in small and medium sized companies as they have an average growth rates and also suffers from the consequences of differences between what they have in their legacy systems and what they require to compete with the global environment. SMEs also face problems related to the collection of information, they need for conducting their operations (Xu, 2017). The data is piled up in the accounting systems, stand-alone spreadsheets and is not in the integrated form. Implementing ERP has helped SMEs in improving their business performance by better inventory control, proper reporting to take decisions, optimization of process, improving the quality of supply chain process and increasing the transparency in the functions performed by the company. ERP directly helps in reducing the cost in order to improve oper ating margins and also to increase the quality of customer services (Bradford, M., 2015). As far as MIE is concerned, the company has used five systems before ERP in past years which were developed by the local vendors and the company itself. MIE was facing problems regarding these systems as they were very expensive to use and difficult to maintain and develop. The data provided by them was not accurate and relevant for taking timely decisions and assessing the performance. One of the major system implemented by MIE was MERLIN (mechanized evaluation of resources, logistics and inventory) which was basically a scheduling system but was susceptible to manual manipulations. Corporate cost accounting was an additional system used by MIE to monitor its transactions financially but it also had problems of interfacing with different functions. On a whole, all the legacy systems used by the company did not contribute in establishing a direct contact with customers and suppliers. On the top of that, the systems did not help the company in increasing its growth in the changing global environment. This gave the rise to the need of ERP system in Mesfine Industrial Engineering. ERP will help the company in overcoming all its challenges and increasing its success rate. MIE formed a project team for implementing this system who includes the staff who have vital knowledge about the cross-sectional business relationships and experience of old internal system. The project consists of a management team which includes specialists from the external consulting company Syscorp. This company was chosen because of its experience in the manufacturing industries. The company has a specialized talents of Microsoft Dynamics SL consultants and also took the responsibilities for facilitating the project. MIE adopted the Microsoft Dynamics SL and used it (Harris and Schult, 2016). Problems during Implementation In implementing the ERP systems, many issues or problems were faced by MIE which are categorized as follows: Cultural Problems Some areas of the business which were functioning better than the old legacy system dii not completely accept ERP. Moreover, unlike legacy systems, some process or functions of the new system did not get the full and high appreciation from the areas. Thus, this made the project team to re-engineer their original plan by showing the improvements to be made in the company and by addressing training and cultural changes. Business Problems The company adopted Microsoft Dynamic SL and to make it work successfully the participants of cross-functional workshops have to change their working practices according to it. It means MIE need to change its way of doing business. To achieve this, the company used an internal business processing reengineering program (BPR), consisted of four steps. The first two steps involved the mapping of current process and identification of the problems in the same. The third one includes applying some of the identified problems to a demo of Microsoft Dynamic SL so as to determine potential issues within the new system. The fourth and last step ask for the modification in the processes align with MDSL (Harwood, 2017). Technical Problems Accuracy of the data was the main technical problem faced by MIE. The new system needs the recovery of old data from legacy systems so as to store it in a sensible data format in the new system. This could cause the duplication of the data which was a major concern for MIE, because in some areas, old systems still kept running which can be put out of use by the new system. For doing this, IT department develop interfaces between the systems. To alter the file formats, MIE uses the same CAD system. So accuracy and replication of data were the key technical problems of the company (Kapp, Latham and Ford-Latham, 2016). Different phases of implementation process The ERP project of MIE goes through various phases. Following are: Phase 1: Organization of project The first phase involves setting of the scope of project and its outline plan and costing. Development of objectives and implementation plan is done in this phase. MIE formed a team to control and overlook the process and a committee was also formed for providing financial guidance. In this stage, the roles and responsibilities of project team, process of implementation, goals, plan and scope of the project, tracking process and implementation schedule is decided (Sun, Ni and Lam, 2015). Phase 2: System definition The scope of MISs Microsoft Dynamics SL implementation has been defined in this stage which results in the creation of blueprint of the business. Activities that are carried out in stage 2 includes defining the new policies and procedures, developing prototype of modules, reviewing the flow of information and explaining external system interface. During this phase, the core structures of project are identified. For research and development, an Integrated program management was adopted which covers the entire business. Moreover, a change was made in the timings of phase one and a change in schedule was also possible without an increase in cost. Phase 3: Environment development The system is physically implemented in this phase. The stage concerns with the design of system and the changes taking place in the working of company. As it was a large implementation, MIE divides the process in two parts. First deals with the replacement of legacy system, introduction of IPM and SFDM and ended with MDSL project. The main aim of first part is to give new capabilities for the production. The second part was almost of one year consists of purchasing, inventory, implementing requisition and order management. By this time legacy systems were eliminated and MDSL becomes the executive system (Fischer, et. al. 2017). Phase 4: Conference Room Pilot (CRP) A small-scale pilot of the system runs in this stage and for this a facility called production shop was chosen. This facility uses the materials which are at the low volume form external suppliers and internal units. The main aim of the pilot is to define business processes, principles and procedures, software, hardware and data transfers. Second pilot was also run for nonproduction purchasing and to explore the interaction between legacy systems and Microsoft Dynamics SL, a third pilot was also carried out (Piazolo, et. al. 2017). Phase 5: End user training This phase deals with providing trainings to the users enabling them to enhance their abilities and confidence in running system, to increase their potential in relating the system with daily operations and to give them a better view of global systems features. This will improve their skills and understanding to a desired level. Various modules are covered under training like finance, HR, distribution, manufacturing, project modules and system training (Altamony, et. al. 2016). Phase 6: Final preparation This is the final phase of implementation known as go-live. All the stages completed and the work is to put an ultimate test of the production uses of software. This phase includes several issues that are to be carefully addressed by project team. The main functions to be performed in the project were live preparation and reconciliation of data and live database initialization. Phase 7: Go live to Dynamics SL In this phase, the main problem is to transfer the data from legacy system to the new system. The volume of data that needed to be transferred is greater than any normal transaction load. For doing this successfully, the data has to be kept in stable form for some time. Initial data which is transferred include some transaction data and if any changes occur in the data on the old system, they are then logged and passed through the new system. The next step in go-live process concerns with the running of MRP system in order to make the whole system fresh. After the completion of go-live, old system kept on view only mode which enable the comparison between new and old system. At the end, legacy system are been phased out (Goyal, 2011). Project risk MIEs ERP project covers the various areas of entire business which are associated with risks. A risk analysis method (RAM) was used by the team to determine the most important risks and their chances of being present in the company. Every risk associated issue was critically viewed by the team. Some of the major risks are: Failure in deciding goals due to the conflict between the directions in the organization Absence of reliable IT hardware and software during implementation MIE and Syscorp provide inappropriate support after implementation. Opposition by the management and supervision for accepting the new change Instead of treating as a change in process methods, management treated the project as a simple IT implementation (Halford, 2016). Inefficient education given to the workers regarding the new system Failure to the new system due to the inability of loading data. Inadequate systems of testing volume, stress and conversion of data. Failure in giving priority to ERP because of the improvements going in the business. Difficulties in maintaining bridged legacy systems. Accounts of the company may get impacted with this project (Abu-Shanab, Abu-Shehab and Khairallah, 2015). Considering the above risks, the team adopted a characteristics analysis method (CAM) for the successful management of ERP project. The method lay emphasis on the aspects of management that are required to be covered to manage ERP. Human Resource Management was given a special attention in this project as it exceeds the critical level according to CAM. In addition to this, communication management, purchase management and other leadership skills are at the critical level. CAM provides a clear view to MIE regarding the cost incurred and time spent in the project along with the technical and operational risk involved (Jinno, Abe and Iizuka, 2017) Conclusion After facing all the difficulties and dealing with all the risks, MIE successfully implemented its ERP system. The company has understood all the aspects regarding such a large project and has formed a solid team for its implementation. The team used the special skills of consultants for producing a sound framework for the project. For managing the risk, CAM and RAM are the tools which are been used by the company. Once the system became at its executive level, all the benefits will be enjoyed. The lower IT cost will be visible when the system will be stable and when the users adjust to the changing working practices. Instant benefit will be of delivering the customers on time. Improvement in the supply chain process will also be there as the transactions become easier through electronic communication. Proper management of database will also be there as the data is stored centrally and is extracted from operational and technical databases. From the case study of Mesfine, it can be co ncluded that ERP implementation should be encouraged in the companies as it is the best way of sharing experiences with the companies of same nature. Issues or problems related to post-implementation should also be considered such as strategic needs and the requirements for sustaining the effectiveness of enterprise information system. References Panayiotou, N.A., Gayialis, S.P., Evangelopoulos, N.P. and Katimertzoglou, P.K., 2015. A business process modeling-enabled requirements engineering framework for ERP implementation.Business Process Management Journal,21(3), pp.628-664. Abu-Shanab, E., Abu-Shehab, R. and Khairallah, M., 2015. Critical success factors for ERP implementation: The case of Jordan.The International Arab Journal of e-Technology,4(1), pp.1-7. Altamony, H., Tarhini, A., Al-Salti, Z., Gharaibeh, A. and Elyas, T., 2016. The relationship between change management strategy and successful enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementations: A theoretical perspective.International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research,7(4), pp.690-703. Bradford, M., 2015.Modern ERP: select, implement, and use today's advanced business systems. Lulu. com. Fischer, M., Heim, D., Janiesch, C. and Winkelmann, A., 2017, May. Assessing Process Fit in ERP Implementation Projects: A Methodological Approach. InInternational Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems(pp. 3-20). Springer, Cham. Ganesh, K., Mohapatra, S., Anbuudayasankar, S.P. and Sivakumar, P., 2014.Enterprise Resource Planning: Fundamentals of Design and Implementation. Springer. Goyal, D.P., 2011.Enterprise Resource Planning. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Halford, C.D., 2016.Implementing Safety Management Systems in Aviation. Routledge. Harris, R. and Schultz, T., 2016. Teaching ERP Implementation with Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step.Proceedings of DYNAA,7(1). Harwood, S. (2017).ERP: The Implementation Cycle. Routledge. Jinno, H., Abe, H. and Iizuka, K., 2017. Consideration of ERP Effectiveness: From the Perspective of ERP Implementation Policy and Operational Effectiveness.Information,8(1), p.14. Kapp, K.M., Latham, W.F. and Ford-Latham, H., 2016.Integrated learning for ERP success: A learning requirements planning approach. CRC press. Piazolo, F., Geist, V., Brehm, L. and Schmidt, R. eds., 2017.Innovations in Enterprise Information Systems Management and Engineering: 5th International Conference, ERP Future 2016-Research, Hagenberg, Austria, November 14, 2016, Revised Papers(Vol. 285). Springer. Sun, H., Ni, W. and Lam, R., 2015. A step-by-step performance assessment and improvement method for ERP implementation: Action case studies in Chinese companies.Computers in Industry,68, pp.40-52. Xu, H., 2017. What SMEs need to focus on in order to obtain benefits of ERP systems?

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Project Charter for Construction of football pitch at Coventry University

Brief description/ project purpose The main purpose of the project is to construct a high-tech football pitch for use of the students at Coventry University, which shall minimize the cost of renting playgrounds and avail easy access of the facility for the students. Currently, the university students experiences inadequate football and pitch facilities provided by Coventry University.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Project Charter for Construction of football pitch at Coventry University specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In addition, the existing facility does not provide modernized services that attract greater participation of the students. To achieve the objective of ensuring maximum student participation with an estimated 60%, Coventry University projects to install excellent sports and football facility with an extensive practice and seating capacity. The project shall be solely funded by Coventry Unive rsity obtained from its available resources. The university shall outsource the construction and consultancy services from the external providers. However, the University building and human resources departments shall serve to fill the labor and expertise gaps with a view of reducing the project costs. Statement of requirements The underlying problems projected for solution by the project The project shall address the challenges facing students at Coventry University. These issues include the following: The students have continuously lacked adequate and modern football pitch and facilities supplied by Coventry University. This situation has since resulted in low or poor university ranking based on student survey results to assess their satisfaction levels with respect to service delivery of the Coventry University. High costs for students wishing to access modern and efficient football pitch facilities remain an eminent problem. Surveys indicate that although a relatively large numb er of students seek out external services to practice; therefore the establishment of the football grounds within the university shall minimize the dangers associated with externally uncontrolled risks. Deterioration of football and associated talent in the University following lack o properly constituted playing and field facilities. The university participation in football games has remained minimal with poor performance due to lack of talent growth.Advertising Looking for coursework on project management? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The existing poor playing and practice facility has led to low student participation. Therefore, the University’s realization of this impending situation necessitates the construction of the football pitch the meets the current and future demands for students and the world’s football requirements at large. Needs of the project The underlying problems identified by the project a llows for a critical examination of the needs pertinent to solving them. Below is a list of needs that the project must address with an aim of solving the problems: The project for the construction of the football pitch facility must be located near the University premises for easy access of the students. The project must provide more advanced and quality football pitch that shall reduce strain on the existing facility provided by Coventry University. The proposed construction should offer affordable extra facilities for the students than those provided by the municipal and private investors around. This aims at ensuring a return on investment within the feasible investment period. The project Opportunities The project can provide numerous opportunities to the stakeholders, including the users, sponsors and the client if well completed as per the feasibility study conducted by the project lead team. Some of the opportunities anticipated after the successful completion of the proje ct include the following: Judges and Sons construction shall be highly accredited if they complete the project within the three fundamental aspects of quality, timeframe, and budget. In this case, the company shall benefit from future developments within the university and outside constructions. This opportunity shall distinguish its service from the rest of the players in the construction industry given the fierce completion currently experienced by the company. The project shall boost the quality of University ranking based on improved student survey results because of increased satisfaction levels. Upon realizing a return on the investment, Coventry University can channel the proceeds into other investment projects to boost its financial capacity for increased development. The project shall result in growth of football talent at the University because of increased participation of students. Project objectives Studies show that any project or activity must be guided by properly neatens objectives. These objectives should comply with the qualities such as measurability, preciseness, time-frame, and achievability. The project anticipates fulfilling numerous objectives after its completion of the construction. These objectives include the following: To increase the current number of student participation in football activities at Coventry University by at least 60% by the end of December 2013. To provide a high-quality playing facility for the students by the end of December 2013 To ensure efficient management of time during the entire project period To maintain high standards of sustainable environmental safety throughout the project period To ensure high safety at the construction site at all times to minimize site injuries To develop and publish the construction designs and plans within the first 5 months of the planning period To ensure that the project cost is within the budgeted amount of 3 million pounds To ensure proper accountability and management of project funds Project Sponsor, client and project manager Project Client Coventry University shall own the project under proposed construction thus, the Coventry University shall be the client to the project Project Sponsor Coventry University shall fund the project solely from its available resources. Although the client shall outsource services from the external construction company, it shall provide some substantial labor from its building and design department. The project sponsor and the project manager shall conduct review meetings within which they shall deliberate on the project objectives, deliverables, and budget. Project manager The project manger shall remain the overall manager of the project throughout the duration of the project. The project manager shall successfully plan, implement, monitor, evaluate, and control the project aspects. The project manger shall be the coordinator between the project and the sponsor through preparation of the weekly progress reports in the best interest of the client and in line with the project standards.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Project Charter for Construction of football pitch at Coventry University specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Project Scope The project shall entail the requisite planning and design of the construction of the football pitch. The closure of the project shall be subject to proper completion inspection and revision where necessary to ensure compliance with the set deliverables. The project shall include stages within which to accomplish specific deliverables discussed below. Project Deliverables To provide playing ground and facility that is cheaper by at least 15% compared to facilities provided by the nearby private grounds. To provide a project Gannt chart that outlines the project schedule of activities and their completion time. To deliver sustainable environmental safety during the project duration To incorporate multiple security measures that include CCTV and other automated access procedures. To design the best methodology that can determine and produce the safest and hygienic conditions Project Stakeholders Budget The project proposes a total spending of approximately 3 million pounds. These amounts have been subdivided into specific work packages with a view of maintaining consistency and accountability of the funds. The project proposes a 15% incremental budget amount due to anticipated changes in the spending based on the assumed factors such as inflation and rising costs of labor. However, the adjustments and additional utilization shall be subject critical evaluation and approval from the project manager. The projected budget variation shall be within the range of positive or negative 15% of the total project value (+or – 15%). Projected project Budget Amount (Â £) Planning and design 630,000 materials and labor supplies 900,000 Site construction requirements 1,100,000 Pre and post construction Monitoring and inspections 300,000 Closure of the project 70,000 Total Spending 3,000,000 Total plus additional leeway spending (15%) 3,450,000 Organizational Breakdown Structure Advertising Looking for coursework on project management? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Project Risks The project team shall seek to identify potential risks by carefully checking the essential project components. This process aims at ensuring that stopgap measures are established to avoid the risk losses or mitigate the risks through contingency measures. The table below summarizes the potential project risks during the project duration. Potential Risks Actions to mitigate the Identified Risks Insufficient Funding The project shall utilize the services of the lead project accountants and financial controllers to ensure effective and efficient utilization and accountability for funds. Strict budget regulations shall be set in place to ensure minimal or no variation from the pre-planned budget estimates. Delayed project Deadline (completion timeline missed) The project Officer and manager proposes to utilize efficient communication as a strategy for proper comprehension of the progress. In addition, the project Gannt charts shall assist in scheduling Lack of ap propriate skills and expertise The project shall undertake a skills analysis prior to the commencement of the project, where in outsourcing shall serve to fill the identified skill gaps Environmental hazards Analysis of risks should be established to minimize the occurrence of hazards. Effective and efficient risk plans to ascertain the safety and healthy situation of the project participants and the environment remains essential. Supplies delays by the contracted suppliers Judges and Sons shall create a legally binding contract agreement that demonstrates punitive financial penalties for failure to comply with supply requirements. Misinterpretation of the project requirements The client and the project facilitators shall sign the requirements agreement. Additionally the project shall utilize project diagrams, schedules, charts, and documentation to ensure proper understanding of the project demands. Withdrawal of the client There shall be a design of a client confirmation a greement that shall bind the client to remain committed to the project up to its completion stage. Project Assumptions The project shall work under some specific assumptions and factors in which they shall be assumed as constant. These assumptions include; The project funds have fully been channeled toward material completion of the project The construction site for the proposed football pitch has been successfully identified by the University management Approval for the project plan has been granted The number of football funs and participants remains on an increasing trend over time Project Control Procedures During the commencement of the project, the University Management shall organize a lead team for the completion of the project. In this process, the University management has established a monitoring committee that shall oversee the project progress whose main purpose shall be in line with the approved project standards. The monitoring committee shall constantly undertak e to evaluate the progress and report the outcome to the project manager. The evaluation report shall serve as the basis for remedial action where appropriate with an aim of addressing the key project problems. Progress and financial reports The project architect shall be charged with the responsibility of ensuring daily management of the project design and costs. The selected architect shall remain the chief or lead consultant personality in the Design and Technical Team (DTT). The project team shall, in line with the standards set forth organize and deliver monthly progress reports. The Project Officer (PO) or the project manger shall chair these meetings. Construction Stage During this phase, Judges Sons Construction Company shall carry out the monitoring on quality on a regular basis with a view to maintain the best-of-breed outcome. The project proposes a weekly quality and design review plan carried out at the construction site. During this practice, the Lead Design Team, the Project Officer, and the Project Manager shall be present. This is to ensure that all the project issues identified are dealt with immediately while gaining firsthand experience with the ground rules. Communication Process Effective communication is critical and essential for any successful and efficient decision-making. Therefore, it is important that a smooth flow of information to ensure efficient communication channels during the project period. The project lead team under the communication department shall ensure smooth transfer and dissemination of information to all departments and project stakeholders on a regular basis and often as may be necessitated by the project circumstances. Throughout this process, project meetings held weekly and monthly shall help to facilitate efficient communication and clarify issues in the light of the project requirements. The communication shall be aided by efficient channels, including electronic media such as email, telephone calls, and co nferences to ensure dissemination of key project information. All the departments relevant to the project should come up with a uniform communication strategy that harmonizes the communication process to ensure effective delivery of information. The project shall implement a mixed form of communication that shall include open door, vertical and horizontal plans. This coursework on Project Charter for Construction of football pitch at Coventry University was written and submitted by user Rihanna Key to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.