Friday, May 31, 2019

Big Five Factor Model :: Psychology, Human Personality, Extraversion

Big pentad Factor ModelA model developed for apply factor analysis to try to determine the key traits in human personality. Although trait theories were well established by the 1960s, there was no consensus concerning the number or nature of the traits that make up personality. Since then, further look for has confirmed a basic five factor model of personality or Big Five (Tomas 2007). This five factor structure has been replicated by Norma (1963), Borgatta (1964) and Digman and Takemoto-Chock (1981) in list derived from Cattles 35 variables (Lawrence &Oliver 2000). These scales are commonly alternatively represented by the ocean acronym Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion/Introversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. The Big Five structure captures, at a broad level of abstraction, commonalities among most of the existing systems of personality description, and provides an integrative descriptive model for personality research. (Oliver& Sanjay 1999)Economists are not alone in their interest in the description, prediction, and explanation of human behavior. Psychologists, too, have approached these challenges. Economists can profitably leverage research from psychology on the measurement, prediction, and malleability of personality traits organized in the widely accepted Big Five taxonomy. (Lex, Angela, James & Bas 2008)ExtraversionExtraversion is marked by pronounced engagement with the external world. Extraverts enjoy eing with people, are full of energy, and often experience positive emotions. They tend to be enthusiastic, action-oriented, individuals who are likely to say Yes or Lets go to opportunities for excitement. In groups they like to talk, assert themselves, and draw attention to themselves. (Beaumont 2003)Openness to experienceOpenness to experience is a measure of depth, breadth and variability in a persons imagination And urge for experiences. The factor relates to intellect, bleakness to new ideas, cultural interests, edu cational aptitude and creativity as well as an interest in varied sensory and cognitive experiences. People with a high openness to experience have broad interests, are liberal and like novelty. The preservers with low openness to experience are conventional, conservative and prefer familiarity (Howard & Howard, 1995).AgreeablenessThe agreeableness linked to altruism, nurturance, caring and emotional support versus competitiveness, hostility, indifference, self-centeredness, spitefulness and jealousy (Howard & Howard, 1995).ConscientiousnessConscientiousness is a measure of goal-directed behavior and amount of control over impulses. Conscientiousness has been linked to educational achievement and particularly to the will to achieve. The focused person concentrates on a limited number of goals but strives hard to reach them, while the flexible person is more impulsive and easier to persuade from one task to some other Heinstrm (2003).

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern as the Fools of Hamlet Essay -- GCSE Cour

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern as the Fools of crossroads In William Shakespeares critical point, Prince Hamlet replaces the letter that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are carrying to England with a forgery of his own ma nance, thus sending these two men to their deaths. He does this without giving it a second thought and never suffers from any guilt or remorse for his actions. Considering that these two men were friends from his youth, this would at first glance have the appearance _or_ semblance to reflect poorly on his character. However, one must consider carefully the characters of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern before passing judgment on Hamlet. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are sent for by the queer and Queen to spy on Hamlet and learn why he puts on this confusion (III, i.2). While some are fooled by Hamlets act of insanity, the king is not. He is convinced that it is an act and, being a sly man himself, he suspects that Hamlet is up to something. Having obtained the throne through deceit and murder, he believes Hamlet capable of the same. While King Claudius is evil, he is not a fool and he would never have sent for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern if they were such close friends of Hamlet. They are take down told outright that they will be rewarded for their efforts (II, ii. 21-6). The very fact that they undertake this task for the king is proof enough of their lack of love and loyalty toward Hamlet. Despite their actions, Prince Hamlet gives them ample opportunity to show their loyalty by admitting that they were sent for and why. By showing so much reluctance, they show themselves to be allied with the king. Hamlet asks them to be even and direct with me, whether you were sent for or no. But after this direct question, Rosencrantz s... ...lets warning. Either way, they are indeed fools and they die a fools death in the end. They carry in the form of a letter, the kings command to have Hamlet beheaded upon his arrival in England. Hamlet switches the letter with a forgery and seals it with a likeness of the kings seal. The new letter orders the deaths of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, thus they handcarry their own death sentences to their executioners. A poetic justice is served to these unfaithful friends. Works Cited Frye, Northrop. 1991. Northrop Frye on Shakespeare London MacMillan. Girard, A theater of operations of Envy William Shakespeare New York Oxford University Press, 1991 Shakespeare, William. The Tradegy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark. New York Washington Square Press, 1992 Watts, Cedric. Hamlet Twayne New Critical Introduction to Shakespeare Boston Twayne, 1988.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Egypt :: essays research papers

Egyptian Art Old, Middle and New KingdomsArt historians, Egyptologists, and archeologists have made fascinating discoveries about the artifacts, pharaohs, and shade of Egypt since the discovery in 1799 of the Rosetta Stone. It led to the decoding of Egyptian hieroglyphics. Pharaonic names, dates, places, and events could then be reliably organized for linear presentation of ancient Egypts tenacious 4,000 year history. Egyptian innovations in burial architecture, mummification, picture language, and huge monument building had both amazed and puzzled scholars for nearly 1,500 years. Pyramid building, obelisk lifting and capacious statue carving reveal a sophistication and simplicity which are at once both attractive and intriguing. This paper will review several specialised aspects of Egyptian art ranging from 4000 to 30 B.C.E. First will be, a brief discussion of Egyptian history, kings, geography and art. They will be followed by an examination of construct and innovation. Next , the decoding of hieroglyphics will be reviewed and followed by an overview of ancient Egyptian fascination with the afterlife. Finally, the major discovery in 1922 of King Tutankhamens tomb in the vale of the Kings and its exquisite treasures will be offered.The Old Kingdom, from about 4000 to 2280 B.C., was the age of the great pyramids such as Cheops (wonder of the ancient world), Chefren, and Mycerinus. Also on the Giza plateau is the largest freestanding statue in Egypt, the Sphinx. The Sphinx was a sculpture of a lions body with the face of Chefren. The statue is sixty-five feet high and about 240 feet in length, making it the largest freestanding statue in Egypt. The Nile River was draw in the development of these Ancient Egyptian cities the Nile would flood in the summer which fertilized the crops and making the desert lush and fertile. Its most important role was it supplied clay for bricks and pottery for transporting water. The Nile was even an asset to the prehistorics . The Egyptians developed their agricultural economy from prehistoric communities such as Hierakonpolis. Menes, the first recorded king of early Egypt, had an architect named Imhotep. Imhotep built and constructed many another(prenominal) types of pyramids such as the mastaba, step, bent, and smooth-sided. The next era of the Egyptian kingdom is known as the Middle Kingdom. This kingdom lasted from about 2065 to 1785 B.C. In this era, the city of Thebes was built. Thebes was known as the most influential city of the ancient world.

Ethics and Information Systems Essay -- essays research papers

Questions of Ethics In Computer Systems and Their Future1) Identify and discuss security issues and considerations translucent forInformation SystemsAnd estimatorization in the brokerage industry. ( Think about how the internet hasalready influenced trading.)"The technology is getting ahead of regulators" claims David Weissman,director of money and technology at Forrester Research Inc., in Cambridge, Mass.If one is to believe the quote above it sounds very ominous for theregulators and the government to attempt to even bring this media under any(prenominal) kindlyof regulation. But, what is it that they the government agencies truly arelooking to regulate? If you take to the argument that this media, the Internetis truly a public access network, then the control to which they would give care toextend to it would be the most regulated public access system in history. What Ibelieve the attempt here is to regulate through censorship. Since it is close toimpossible to cens or the phone networks without actually eaves dropping on yourphone, they have decided to regulate and censor your written word. The danger inthis is what you write as an opinion may be construed by that governmentregulator as a violation of some regulatory act. The flip side to this is if youdid this through some other medium such as the phone system nonhing would ever comeit. The bigger question here is how much government do peck want in therelives? The Internet was brought into the picture for the public as the nextgreat technology of this century. It is without a doubt as big if not biggerthan any other public means of communication that has come before it. With thatin mind I think the government is trying to back down its pound of flesh for whatthey believe is missed revenue dollars that could be made in the form of taxregulations."There are probably insiders touting stocks on the Internet eitheranonymously or under assumed names," said Mary Schapiro, president of t heNational Association of Securities Dealers, which oversees the NASDAQ market.The argument that they are both (the government and NASDAQ) currently runningwith is the "protection of the investor". When one looks at NASDAQs complaintit is fairly superficial, for them it is clearly a loss of income for theirtrading enviorment, for the government it is a loss of taxes that could bederived f... ...s or messages because the central figurer inthe office will know your where abouts in the office at any time as you passthrough any door. Your day is over youll leave instructions fro your computerto watch certain events throughout the night and if need be you could be reachedat home. Youll be give in credits to the credit card of your choice, therewill no longer be money exchanged. To help you protect against fraud on yourcards when you spend money youll use your thumb print as you would yoursignature now. At night youll come to a far less stressed enviorment becausethe computer appliances in your house have taken a lot of the mundane jobs thatyou use to do away. Youll be able to enjoy high definition TV and be able toreceive some 500 channels. After checking with your voice activated homecomputer to see if there is any phone messages or E-mail, youll retire to bedof course in you climate controlled home that knows what settings you like inwhat parts of the house. Oh, yes you wont even have to tell your voiceactivated computer not to run your computerized sprinkler system for your lawnbecause it will have realized from the weather report that it will rain.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

John Updikes A&P :: essays research papers

Bathing Beauties John Updikes A&P is a short story around a nineteen year old boy during the 1960s that has a summer job at the local A&P grocery. The main credit in the story, Sammy, realizes that life isnt always fair and that sometimes a person makes endings that he will regret. Sammy sees that life doesnt always go as planned when three young young womans in bathing suits walk in and his manager Lengel gives them a hard time, and he comes to term with that sometimes you make self-aggrandizing decisions. Sammy is astounded by three young girls that walk into his store in their bathing suits. He follows their every move as they peruse over the cookies and some other goods. The first thing this typical nineteen boy recognizes is the one girls can. But then he goes on to say that this girl is one that other girls seems to think has potential but never really makes it with the guys. One girl though especially catches his eye. He starts to call her Queenie because of the way she carries herself and that she seems to be the leader of the pack. Sammy does nothing but watch her every move as they parade about the store. He even daydreams about going into her house with her flush family at a cocktail party. He notices everything about her and thinks there was nothing cuter than the way she pulls the money out of her top. His immature infatuation with this girl is one of the reasons Sammy makes the hasty decision to quit in the end. Lengel, the manager of the store, spots the girls and gives them a hard time about their dress in the store. He tells them, Girls, this isnt the beach. He says that they are not dressed appropriately to come into this grocery store. Lengels words cause Queenie to get embarrassed and start to blush. Sammy cannot believe this and gets frustrated at his boss. He doesnt believe that it is right to prosecute these innocent girls for the way they are dressed. He also states at this point that the sheep are piling up over in Stokesie line trying to avoid all the commotion the scene has caused. I believe Sammy takes this as the last straw in a long draw in of aggravations. Sammy confronts Lengel and tells him that he didnt have to embarrass them like that, but it does no good.

John Updikes A&P :: essays research papers

Bathing Beauties John Updikes A&P is a short story well-nigh a nineteen year old boy during the 1960s that has a summer job at the local A&P grocery. The main character in the story, Sammy, realizes that life isnt always fair and that sometimes a person makes decisions that he will regret. Sammy sees that life doesnt always go as planned when three young girls in bathing suits walk in and his manager Lengel gives them a hard time, and he comes to barrier with that sometimes you make bad decisions. Sammy is astounded by three young girls that walk into his store in their bathing suits. He follows their every move as they peruse over the cookies and other goods. The first thing this typical nineteen boy recognizes is the one girls can. But then he goes on to say that this girl is one that other girls seems to think has potential but never really makes it with the guys. One girl though especially catches his eye. He starts to call her Queenie because of the way she carries herself an d that she seems to be the leader of the pack. Sammy does nothing but watch her every move as they parade about the store. He even daydreams about going into her house with her rich family at a cocktail party. He notices everything about her and thinks there was nothing cuter than the way she pulls the money out of her top. His immature infatuation with this girl is one of the reasons Sammy makes the hasty decision to quit in the end. Lengel, the manager of the store, spots the girls and gives them a hard time about their dress in the store. He tells them, Girls, this isnt the beach. He says that they are not dressed appropriately to come into this grocery store. Lengels words cause Queenie to get embarrassed and start to blush. Sammy cannot believe this and gets bilk at his boss. He doesnt believe that it is right to prosecute these innocent girls for the way they are dressed. He also states at this point that the sheep are set up up over in Stokesie line trying to avoid all the commotion the scene has caused. I believe Sammy takes this as the last straw in a long string of aggravations. Sammy confronts Lengel and tells him that he didnt have to embarrass them like that, but it does no good.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Problems American Society facing In Today World Essay

IntroductionIn today society there argon many reason we can smear out and say, this is the problem that society is like it is today, but the truth is we needs facts, not opinion. There are statistic on why families were like they were in 1960 and what changes exhaust come about in today time. There will be changes in families till the day we die, changes comes about every second of everyone life. Identify primal or significant changes in families since 1960? What factors are responsible for this change? Male dominance has played a major role as of domestic round the world. We have in many cultures reversal gender roles in regards to household chores. Household chores were a job just for the woman not the man, but In today society we have, men now staying home, either because they are laid off or have not been successful in finding employment, they are taking care of the kids, doing the cooking, household chores.More women are financially independent now, because some men feel mor e superior then women, and having a wife who is the bread winner gives some men an inferior complex. With all these emotion up in the air, soon comes abuse (for some), agreement to file for divorce, come into play. directly statistic states that divorce in United States is the highest industrial in the nation. Divorces sometimes cause children to react to that divorce thinking that it is their fault, so they go out do drugs to coach the pain way, some really goes into a psychotic breakdown, you have some that just become trouble kids or when they get older learn from what they seen their parents do and go through the same things because of what they had seen when they were young. On the balance, are families becoming weaker or simply different in society? What evidence can you cite? at presents numbers have shown us that our families have become weaker, in our American society. There are a couple of ways onecould be a proposal on how to strengthening the family, one could start by going into a marriage with love and true understanding, through thick and thin. similarly try to be on the same page as to when you are prepared to have a child and make sure that you are financially ready, Now men and women needs to learn how to belong to each other, so that they can not only beget but also raise the following(a) generation together. If families were to make sacrifices to preserve family well-being, then their children would go on to establish harmonious families of their own. Lastly, they say a family that prays together will stay together.ConclusionIf parents take upt step up and raise their children together as a family, this new generation will be a disaster waiting to happen. permits stick to the vows that one takes when people goes down the aisles to be reunitedReferenceKen FuchsmanThe Family Romance Transformed American Domestic Arrangements, since 1960, Clios Psyche instinct the why of culture, current events, history and society.Vol.17, no.4 March 2011

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Safety Program Development

Effective evaluation of the rubber eraser program. Increase employers and employees involvement in worksheet hazard assessment and swear by 25%. Reduce accident rate by 25% Pages Appendix 01 Safety & wellness program responsibilities Appendix 02 Job Safety outline OSHA) 12 Appendix 03 Sample form for correction tracking 15 Appendix 04 Rout cause analysis 18 I. Chapter 01 Management & Employee involvement The boilersuit pencil eraser in a workplace is a responsibility of both the employers and employees. The employers deprivation to work together with their employees toward safety improvements.Management must(prenominal)iness encourage employees involvement in improving safety. Employees need to inform and communicate with attention to what is needed to be done to improve safety. L. A. Being a visible management and taking missionary station Management must prove their commitment and detection toward achieving a safer environment for their workers. Management musts prove th emselves visible by being out there in the working atomic number 18a inspecting how to improve safety. Getting where you can be seen Be visible when taking parts in each operation in erect to be more conscious of the working environment and the employees.This way the workers feel appreciated and alert of management good intentions for improving safety. This method can be done formally or informally depending on management federation directs. 0 Being Accessible Employees need to have chances to communicate to management when required without going through complicated procedures. The employers must give the employees an easy two way communication process for reporting situations, comments or any work connect issue regarding safety. Sacrificing or cutting authority to obtain accessibility between management and workers is not requirement.Adequate accessibility is as simple as having an open introduction policy or skipping large formal meeting. Being an event When rules and regulation are issue management should be the first to follow it showing the workers their participation and dedication. Rules must apply to e realone in the workplace with no exception. following rules can be as simple as wearing safety equipment, such as, safety glasses. Taking charge Management must be clear on what is required by their workers. Rules, regulations and polices must be officially stated and pen in a clear easy to understand language.In addition, rules and regulation must be enforced with no exception. Management must follow on safety processes and make sure that individuals are acting their responsibilities. Management must not neglect employee involvement regarding safety issues. Workers are the first to be exposed to potential hazards. Workers are the ones who understand what must be done to reduce hazards associate with working procedures. Management need to encourage and increase worker precipitations, reservation them more aware of their safety roles and expectations.Employees can help management in safety issues by Participating in Joint labor-management committees and other advisory or specific draw a bead on committees. Conducting site inspections. Analyzing routine hazards in each step of a Job and/or a process and preparing safe work practices or controls or scorn or reduce exposure. Developing and revising the site safety and health rules. Providing program and presentations at safety and health meetings. Training of both current and impertinently haired employees. Conducting accident or incident investigations.Management can increase employees precipitation in safety by Showing workers managements detection to make the workplace safer and healthier. Adequate leadership from management that leads to employees commitment. Management must not refuse any worker involvement get as many help as you can. Reward and differentiate workers for their efforts and accomplishments in achieving safety or following rules. Be clear on wa nt you need workers to do (good communication). Give workers the resources necessary to perform the Job with the competent gentility. Show your seriousness in their work toward safety.II. Chapter 02 Supervision and responsibility to the safety program All personal and acknowledge and understand their responsibilities toward safety. The employer has a responsibility to his/her workers, making sure that they are not exposed to any potential hazards and work in a safe environment. In addition, employers must clearly communicate with workers nearly their responsibilities toward safety, making ere that no confusion occurs. II. A. Reviewing existing organization Management must understand and be well inform of each individual safety roles in the workplace.Employees roles in any safety and health program can be identified by using a specific worksheet (Appendix OLL- Page 04). Organizational social structure and Job titles vary from one company to the next, but they include general assi gnments of health responsibilities. Some examples Job titles and job decryption include President/ owner/site manager Establish policies provide leadership & resources set objectives assign susceptibilities hold people accountable interact with employees set a good example review accident reports provide medical programs give way safety training programs.Safety and health director/coordinator Maintain safety & health familiar with safety laws aware of all presented hazards and their resistions evaluation of the workplace safety design control & preventive procedures assist & support supervisors & employees regarding safety communicate safety rules review hazard reports evaluate taking into custody drills. Plant superintendents/division managers/directorsProvide leadership maintain accountability follow up on employees suggestions analyze the set for potential hazards follow up on periodic hazards analysis encourage reporting hazards by employees provide the necessary PEP (Personal Protective Equipment) maintain safety meetings help develop collar procedures. Supervisors survey workers performances encourage precipitation in safety and health programs follow up on preventive maintenance investigate accidents discourage short cuts follow safety rules familiarize everyone with emergency procedures. Employees responsibilitiesUnderstand all safety rules responsible for your safety and the safety of other employees offer safety and health suggestions get involve in safety be aware of your responsibilities in an emergency know where the first aid kit is report all accidents. II. B. Assigning & determining responsibilities Corporate management roles in safety Management is responsible to their employees for providing a working area free of any recognized hazards that can causes injury or death. Managements must establish specific goals and objectives that aim to reduce injuries caused by specific unsafe behaviors.Any safety and health program will not be able to go very far without management support. Management must hold employees accountable for their actions. This can be done by rewarding workers for following safety and taking the necessary disciplinary action when they fail to follow safety rules. Management need to obtain constant feedback for determining the effectiveness of the safety program. In addition, management must get involve in the safety program, through attention to workers, precipitation in investigations and following safety rules. The facility manager roles in safetyThe facility manager must acknowledge his or her responsibilities to maintain adequate house saveing, establishing safe working procedures and making sure that employees follow them. The shape and physical material body of the facility also plays an important role in achieving safety. The facility manager must make sure that everything is in good condition, taking employees suggestions into active consideration. Workers must obtain adequate training in using PEP and machines operations. Also, the facility manger must educate the employees about the areas safety rules and polices, making sure that they are followed correctly.The facility manager is accountable to both upper management and his or her employees. The facility mangers must also have significant involvement in communications, obtaining feedback and performing tours around the working area (formal & informal) making any necessary corrections. First line supervisor roles in safety and health The first line supervisor has more specific goals and objectives compare to other managers. The first line supervisor has various roles regarding safety, since he or she is in first contact with the employees.He or she need to set the necessary standard or achieving safety through good housekeeping and desired safety conditions. The first line supervisor must obtain the employees understanding and practice of safety rules and regulation in the work ar ea. Effective safety training of employees and continuous observation from the first line supervisor is essential. Employees level of safety awareness can be increased by Setting specific working standards and following them through. Employees precipitation in safety meeting with their superiors. Following up on safety inspection and making all the necessary corrections.Management recognizes employees outstanding achievements toward safety. Supervisors must sincerely listen to employees complaints and suggestions. The employer must provide an adequate possibility (Hazard Communication Standers) to his or her employees. Information on all the chemics in the workplace must be easily accessible to workers in case of an emergency. In addition, befitting training for chemical handling, storage and transportation is necessary as part of an ongoing process. Ill. A. Chemical overview, communication standards & hazards Chemical overview Chemicals can be either in a solid, liquid or gaseou s state.Chemicals can be found in drums, tanks, pressure vessels and process systems. Responses to spills or exposure depend on the chemical puritanicalties. Material Safety Data Sheets ( press) and labels on the chemical containers are essential for determining how workers must respond. Hazard communication standards Chemical handling requires adequate training before any initiations are taken. The training and education must include the following fellowship about Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) standards. Knowledge on all chemicals in the workplace and hazards associate with them.Informing workers of the facility written plan to deal with chemical hazards. How to use MASS and labels. How can workers protect themselves and others. Hazards tangible Hazards Physical hazards includes, a sudden violent reaction involving flammable, explosive or reactive materials. Proper handling is the key to deal with physical hazards. Information from MASS can be obtained about storing, mixing or moving chemicals. Physical hazards can be identified as Oxidized Water reactive thoroughgoing peroxide Combustible Health Hazards Chemicals can cause adverse health effects if workers became over exposed.There are two types of health effects Acute health effects occurs over short periods of time due to immediate exposure, they can be minor or serious. Some examples include burning or irritation. inveterate health effects occurs over long periods of time due to prolong exposure in small amounts. Some examples include cancer, liver disease or lead poisoning. Ill. B. Exposure limits, controlling exposure & Safety on the Job Exposure limits Exposure limits are governmental standards indicating when overexposure occurs. PEEL Permissible Exposure particularize Must not be exceeded, over an our average rookery.TTL Threshold Limit Value Must not be exceeded, over an our average workday. STEEL short Exposure Limit can be safety exposed to over 1 5-minute period. IDL E Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health very uncivilized, must not be exposed to. Controlling exposures There are several methods used to control exposures to chemicals. Engineering controls can be use to keep exposures below PEEL and TTL levels. Also, maintaining adequate ventilation system can reduce exposure to hazardous chemicals. When exposure can not be avoided, using proper PEP depending on the chemical is essential.PEP are used to prevent exposure through skin absorption, inhalation, ingestion and injection. Chemical safety on the Job severalize all chemical hazards in the workplace. Know how to deal with chemical in both regular and emergency operations. Treat unknown chemical as hazardous ones. Make sure to use the appropriate PEP by looking at MASS. Inspect your PEP before and after use. Know the workplace emergency procedures. Know location of emergency showers, first aid kits, fire extinguishers and eyewash. Always secure the exposed area and ask for help. Maintain good hygiene to prevent outside exposures. IV. Chapter 04 Lockout / DugoutThere are energies in the workplace that might be unintendedly released and cause serious injuries or death. The employers, with the proper training of workers, must prevent the accidental release of these hazardous energies. This can be achieved through using lockout/dugouts. V. A. What is lockout/dugout & when they must be perform What is lockout/dugout? Lockouts The employer places a lock on any energy isolating device, making sure it cannot be removed from the closed position. Such devices include circuit breaker or valve handle. Dugout The employer attaches a written note (warring tag) on the equipment or device that

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Building Brand Value: Gillette

The first safety razor with disposable blades was invented in 1901 by King C. Gillette. Since then to this date Gillette has been one of the leaders in shaving technology and innovation. Gillette has been the preferred choice for many men and women around the world for everyplace coke days. In the Mid-1970s the then appointed CEO Colman M. Mockler succeeded Vincent C. Ziegler after being with the ships company since 1957. Mocklers strategic picture included the concentration of limited yield of potential trades mainly with high volume returns and repeat purchase consumer items.He also invested in companies that were compatible with already existing manufacturing or distribution capabilities. Gillettes advertizement budget was increased whilst at the same time cost-cutting measures were done in all other divisions. Basically he took a financial approach quite a than a sales approach. The company was seeing success under the leadership of Mockler. Mocker was expected to retir e at the end of 1991 but died unexpectedly in January 1991. While Mockler served as CEO for the period 1975 to 1991 the company was the target for three takeover attempts. In 1998 the Mach 3 was introduced.The new safety razor system introduced a third blade into the twin-blade system that dominated the wet-shaving market costing Gillette $35 billion to bring to the market. Gillette faced its worst economic performance in 1998, sales had dropped by 15 percent and 4700 jobs were cut. Some of markets that contributed towards the loss in income were Brazil, Germany and Russia, with the share price dropping by 11 percent. Gillette continued to underperform well into 1999 to 2000 and in October 2000. At that point the companys managing board fired the then CEO Michael Hawley and announced a world-wide restructuring of Gillette.In 2001 James M. Kilts was recruited by the Gillette Board some(prenominal) as the chairman and CEO to bring his turnaround talent to the company. Kilts, the form er Nabisco CEO had a reputation for fixing troubled companies. He was the first outlander recruited to lead Gillette. Some of the issues Kilts had at the top of his list to address upon his arrival at Gillette were 1) Duracell was no longer dominating the market as it had lost market share to other brands for example Energizer and Rayovac which offered similar performance at a lower cost. ) The company IT system was outdated and in some departments did not exist 3) Lacked communication throughout the organization both locally and internationally 4) Lack of discipline 5) Gillettes earnings were below expectations. 6) Lack of Innovation 7) Stock prices cut back to 60 percent between early 1999 and late 2001. Attacking Gillettes problems from within the organization Kilts demanded greater executive discipline, accountability and focus. Kilts also found that the company had lost its edge with a corporate culture that was outdated and failed to reward innovation.He found that the compa ny did not keep up with the marketplace innovations and promoted staff mainly from within which did not foster any new ideas. Kilts introduced to the company a new more efficient meeting approach that promoted fact-based management, open communication, simplicity, collaboration, measurement, reports, and methods for operative together. He wanted excellent performance that included the ability to collaborate across business units. Kilts Strategic Plan * Introduction of computer programs to aid with bring in of sales and inventory. Reduced the number of stock-keeping units, instead greater concentration was placed on the best selling items. * Reduction in overheads.* Increased advertising and conscious(p) spending on R&D in key business units. * Increase accountability from managers through one and one meetings to discuss quarterly and one-year reviews. * People were hired to lead and innovate, gradually changing people at the top. * Fostered teamwork and increased communication within the entire company globally. * The entire strategic plan was adapted or mapped precisely around the world. Kilts guiding principles included Straight talk about problems and expectations * Courage to admit responsibility * Open dialogue and widespread communications * Clear priorities and attention to detail * Performance feedback At the end of the first quarter in 2004 Gillette reported 43 percent increase in profits which came mainly from the wet razors, Mach 3 and Venus systems. Under the watch of Kilts, the Gillettes stock had risen by 50 percent. Within four years time Kilts was able to take Gillette from a declining slope to an inclining slope and made it one of the best-performing consumer products companies in the world.Eventually, on October 1, 2005, Gillette and Procter & Gamble merged companies. Procter & Gamble bought 100% of Gillette for $57 billion. Gillette continues to operate as the world best-selling razor with a mission and visions statement as follows. Vi sion The Gillette co. is a globally focused consumer products marketers that seeks matched advantage in quality, value added personal use product. We are committed to build shareholder value through sustained profitable growth. Mission To figure of speech total brand value by innovating to deliver consumer value and customer leadership faster, better and more completely than our competitors.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Humor in Midsummer Night’s Dream Essay

Historical records from the late ordinal century ar attach by the severe outcomes of the plague, which spread throughout close to of Europe. The increased death rate and famine suppressed cultural development and thus very a few(prenominal) works of art or literature were produced. During these devastating years, the young poet William Shakespe are refused to travel to the provinces, away from London, where the plague had reached enormous extents. On the contrary, in 1593 and 1594 he composed the poems genus Venus and Adonis and Lucrece which were both met by undischarged interest and inflammation.These positive responses encouraged Shakespeare and with even stronger efforts he wrote the crop A Midsummer wickednesss fancy in the beginning of 1595, when the plague was brought under control. This work not only marks the end of famine and suffering in London during the late sixteenth century, and likewise signifies that the Master is now confident in his art, at ease with it, as a existence in his dressing-gown. Categorized as a festive comedy, A Midsummer Nights romance is a considerable invoke in Shakespeares work. The most remarkable evidence for this advance is the skilful usage of different variations of wit in wholeness fiddle.Another distinctive aspect of the work is the incorporation of another(prenominal) play within the borders of A Midsummer Nights Dream. Analysis of different characteristics of the work should inevitably focus on the story of the craftsmen performing Pyramus and Thisbe, since this part is a representative of Shakespearian comedy and all of its patterns. Therefore, it also portrays the impressionable usage of humor, or more specifically, of literary devices and social characteristics, not only in A Midsummer Nights Dream but also throughout all Shakespearean comedies.The poets works can be roughly categorized in cardinal categories tragedies, comedies, histories, and romance. All of them are having separate character istics, tone and style, involving different literary devices and mechanisms. Comedies are usually stories with happy ending, lighthearted patterns and often involving a join. They all stir a distinct usage of humor, which can be defined as innovative and typically Shakespearean.The plays usually present the struggle of young loers who have to get over umteen obstacles in pursue of their feelings and often involve mistaken identities,separation and unification, heightened tensions within a family, and multiple plots. One very significant trait of the poets comedies is that they do not involve any satire, which adverts them more lighthearted and easy to process. The common vista of the plots tends to be nature, more specifically the green world. This is one of Shakespeares preferred cites since it creates a more casual atmosphere, where jokes and puns easily find their way to the familiar, unbound by the social norms present the city.Another significance of the setting is the cu rrent judgment of conviction purpose, which constitutes the pattern of the society, its expectations and rules, and its literacy. The poet carefully takes advantage of the prejudices and the ideologies of the public and hence makes his comedies very contemporary, discussing topics that are relevant to the time period. Shakespearean comedies imply the participation of the interview and therefore they are dependent on peoples way of viewing life and way of expression.A play performed during the period of its setting would be far more wary and entertaining than the same play performed nowadays because of the evolved human way of thinking. Nonetheless, Shakespearean comedies contain certain literal devices creating humor, which function in the same way now, as cardinal centuries ago. The story of the amateur and awkward actors in A Midsummer Nights Dream contains a capacious deal of those devices, which make it independent upon the public, still involving it in its plot.One of thos e devices is the use of prose throughout the play within Shakespeares work. The poet removes the whole rhyme pattern in order to emphasize the puns and jokes in the course of the plot. When the actors are talking in a plain manner the humor is more easily transferred to the public, since they do not have to perceive the rhyming. Furthermore, the prose contributes to the image of the craftsmen. Their illiteracy and simple-mindedness can be identified easily through their way of expression. The artisans speak in a simple manner, comparable to their social class standing.Although they are striving to use a more sophisticated language, they mix up grammar and spelling in a very suspicious way Have you the lions part written? Pray you, if it be, give it me for I am slow of study. The usage of prose in the play also creates plain humor, which does not need to be interpreted in any way. This is simple poetic device that creates comedy, which is equally funny now and four centuries ago. Se ntences as I go out undertake it bring about the same reaction of the public regardless of the time period.This mechanism may be the most frequently used one in the part with the artisans, but probably the most efficient device is the newsworthiness play, created through the misspellings and wrong pronunciations of the craftsmen. Shakespeare takes advantage of the strait similarities between words with completely different meanings and adds the alternatives to the mechanicals speech. In their efforts to sound more sophisticated, the artisans mix up words as obscenely(Shakespeare, 68), parlous (Shakespeare 87), disfigure (Shakespeare 88), savours, odours (Shakespeare 89), translated (Shakespeare 91), now and so forth.Those confusions create different connotations and meanings, thus entertaining the audience. For example, sound misuses obscenely, meaning seemly, or more precisely, fitly instead of parlous Snout should have verbalize perilous, and lowlife completely mixes odour s, savours, odorous. All these mistakes build a very efficient humor mechanism that Shakespeare uses in most of his comedies. Another effective literary device that Shakespeare had mastered is the mix of short and long sentences, presenting the interrupted lines of thought of the artisans, their inability to express themselves and their lack of education.It also contributes to the authentic tone of their ingrained conversation A calendar, a calendar Look in the almanac find out moonshine, find out moonshine (Shakespeare 69). scum bags excitement disables him to form complete and meaningful sentences he wants to express himself as fast as he can, regardless of the way of expression. The frequent usage of and, instead of if, in the beginning of the sentences, submits that the artisans thoughts and ideas are flowing during the course of their speech Thus hath he lost sixpence a day during his life he could not have scaped sixpence a day.And the Duke had not given him sixpence a da y for playing Pyramus, Ill be hanged (Shakespeare 122). The obvious repetition here also signifies the severity and narrow-mindedness of the mechanicals. Their personalities are also involved in the creation of the remarkable comedy. Except for their illiteracy, simple and narrow mindedness and their awkwardness, the artisans have more traits that build their image of suspect characters. Nick Bottom, for example, is a overconfident weaverbird, who is the central figure in the plot of the story.He has an incredible belief in his abilities and skills and pretends todominate over the other mechanicals. Bottom does not accept the fact that he is illiterate and therefore his confused words make him sound ridiculous. He spots to exaggerate and over-dramatize, praising his own self-esteem. The weaver does not realize that the others are not taking him seriously and is not aware of his foolishness. His image may seem absurd and worthy of pity, but it also gains the publics attention and sympathy. In this way the audience is in the same time laughing at his words and perceiving them as something honest and simple.Bottom is always ready to undertake anything that would make him important. From the play it can be derived that he developed a complex of inferiority, which, nonetheless, does not seem dispiriting but comic. When Peter Quince is giving out the roles for Pyramus and Thisbe Bottom is repeatedly showing his will to act for everyone. After every single role is announced, he is awkwardly trying to portray himself as the most appropriate actor for it That will ask some tears in the consecutive performing of it. If I do it, let the audience look to their eyes I will move storms, I will condole, in some measure.( Shakespeare 65). There is an interesting comic wing here to one of the main subject fields of the play, the use of ones eyes in love. This is evidence that the story of the amateur actors is representative of the whole play and the humor used is releva nt to the main course of A Midsummer Nights Dream. Finally, Bottom is assigned the role of Pyramus, who is a lover that kills himself, most gallant, for love. There is an obvious contradiction between the images of the mechanical and Pyramus, which adds funny absurdity to the comedy.Gallant is probably the least appropriate description of the tall and clumsy craftsman. Bottoms confidence often diminishes the role of Peter Quince, another character that entertains the public through his speech and attitude toward the future performance. He is an ordinary carpenter who is not experienced in anything else than his craft. He tries to be the leader of the group that is attempting to put together the play Pyramus and Thisbe. Even though his directions are respected, they usually bear upon the disapproval of the other artisans.Peter Quince takes advantage of the short-mindedness of his fellows and comes up with irrational justifications of his decisions, which, nonetheless, seem true to t he craftsmen Thats all one you shall play it in a entomb, and you may speak as small as you will. (66 Shakespeare) You can play no part but Pyramus for Pyramus is a sweet-faced man, a proper man as one shall se in a summers day, a most lovely, gentlemanlike man (68 Shakespeare). This is how Peter Quince succeeds in win over Bottom that he is perfect for the role of Pyramus using his high self- esteem and need to be granted recognition.Peter Quince further contributes to the comedy by selecting Francis Flute, a bellows-mender, for the role of Thisbe. Even before the actual performance, the audience imagines how the ordinary craftsman is speaking in a small voice, wearing a mask which is supposed to hide his beard. Flutes determination to overcome his sense of masculinity, which is ridiculed in the play, is a remarkable sacrifice for the achievement of the performance. His extreme readiness fascinates the public and presents the seriousness of the artisans. Also from this scene i t can be derived that the craftsmen are putting all their efforts into the performance.Robin Starveling, first chosen to play Thisbes mother, readily accepts his role, which would make him more than an ordinary tailor. Later on in the play, he is assigned the role of the moonshine, which does not discourage him. The same comic enthusiasm is also overlap by Tom Snout, the thinker who is chosen to play Pyramuss father but later on receives the role of the wall separating Pyramus and Thisbe. Together with Snug, the joiner chosen to play a lion, they both feel they have significant parts in the performance, and every one of them is concerned about his role.For instance, Snug is worried that his roaring may frighten the ladies in the audience. He is obstinate that his acting will convince the public that he is a real lion and the other craftsmen agree with him. Their funny concerns are followed by even more comic solutions there will be a Prologue who will reveal the true personalitie s of the craftsmen before the performance, and Snug will show a part of his face to comfort the ladies in the audience. In this way the suspense of the whole performance will be ruined, but the artisans are afraid that their acting skills may be too sophisticated.The craftsmens low level of education, short and narrow mindedness and awkward speech play a great role in the development of the comedy. They are all ordinary characters, from the low working class who have one and the same goal to achieve something remarkable and worthy of respect. Despite their comic lack of sophistication, they succeed in entertaining the audience in another, more original and funny way. The play of Pyramus and Thisbe is a disaster but their performance can be more precisely defined as a tragical comedy.The actual performance is played during the celebrations of Theseuss marriage and even though it is inappropriate for such occasion, it turns out to be successful. In the beginning the audience is conf used by the strange and amateur acting, but ultimately the craftsmen appear to be the culmination of the whole festival. The performance is welcomed by a flourish of trumpets, which are very inappropriate for the following fiasco. There is a distinct comic contrast between the flourish of the trumpets, usually meant to signify a glamorous work, and the impressions following the play.Peter Quince, taken the role of the Prologue, confidently steps onto the scene and starts reading from the scroll, unintentionally changing its meaning by mistaking its punctuation That you should think, we come not to offend, but with good will. To show our simple skill, that is the true beginning of our end. Although this seems funny to the reader, the audience in the play is first confused by the illiteracy of the Prologue This fellow doth not stand upon points (Shakespeare 129), meaning that he is not punctilious.At first, Theseus is embarrassed by the awkward performance of Quince and wonders if there is a reason for his mistakes. Without being worried about his weak performance, the determined craftsman continues his important speech, full of comic sentences, as he bravely breached his boiling bloody breast. The true meaning of breached is actually stabbed but Shakespeare uses this word to create a comic alliteration. After the Prologue has reassured the audience, the reader encounters another comic effect of the play the characteristics of the Wall, played by Snout.It is intentionally described as alive and moving Wall parts its fingers (Shakespeare 130). The Wall is personified which makes the whole performance even more ridiculous and funny. As the other craftsmen, Snug also wants to be noticed in the performance and thus overacts, making his role more than absurd. Robin Starveling and Snug, acting as the moonshine and the lion, also take their parts more seriously than they should have and contribute to the comic tragedy that the play Pyramus and Thisbe eventually bec omes. The audience, although confused by the whole performance, is entertained and the efforts of the craftsmen are justified.They reached their goal of producing something for which they will be acknowledge and respected, even though their intentions were not fulfilled. The story of the artisans performing the play Pyramus and Thisbe contains plenty of humor devices and comic scenes, which make it representative of Shakespearean comedies in many ways. First of all the small play represents the struggle of young lovers to overcome the difficulties set by the circumstances in pursue of their feelings, which is a typical theme for a tragedy, but after the performance it is also associated with humor and comedy.Furthermore, the amateur actors represent the illiteracy of the low class. Shakespeare recognizes the importance of this widespread for the particular time period problem, but in the same time he portrays the comic part of it and praises the artisans strive to achieve something meaningful. By his usage of humor he is not criticizing the artisans he kinda justifies their difficulties with grammar and expression in general. The play Pyramus and Thisbe is not a lyrical digression from the main topic of A Midsummer Nights Dream.It presents another outcome of the situation with the lovers, more undesirable and lacking a happy end. Shakespeare produces a play within the play to further entertain the audience and show the comedic character of his work. Another interpretation of the story of Pyramus and Thisbe may be the initial intention of Shakespeare to write a tragedy, not a comedy. By the time he writes A Midsummer Nights Dream, he has mastered to an extent the tragic genre, and feels more comfortable producing such pieces of literature. The occasion though, a marriage celebration, requires from him to create a rather entertaining work.Maybe through the incorporation of the small play, Shakespeare implies that his original idea was to create another tragedy. He does not allow the audience to feel the tragic nature of Pyramus and Thisbe by using a great deal of humor in it. Even though Shakespeare produces A Midsummer Nights Dream in a period of time when people are not concerned about art and literature, but about their survival, the play has great success ever since then. The conventional humor used to portray the lovers struggles seems untouched by time and the evolving human way of thinking.Four centuries after it was written, the work still fascinates with its characteristics and mechanisms. Comedies are generally a very hard genre because what is funny today may not be funny at all tomorrow. Despite that fact, Shakespeares genius manages to create a universal humor, using comical devices that are still interesting and entertaining. By those devices he creates a parallel world where time is a relative term and where humor and laughter are the driving forces world where people are entertained in spite of the social norms and rules. Bibliography Biscay, Matt. A Midsummer Nights Dream A Comedy. 2006. Skyminds. net. 08 Nov 2006 . Mahony, Simon. Simon Mahony Academic Stuff. Pyramus and Thisbe in Shakespeare and Ovid. 2002. Kings College London. 5 Nov 2006 . McFarland, Thomas. Shakespeares Pastoral Comedy. northbound Carolina, USA The University of North Carolina Press, 1972. Parrot, Thomas. Shakespearean Comedy. New York, USA Russel & Russel, 1962. Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Nights Dream. 2003. Editor Brian Gibbons. United Kingdom Cambridge University Press, 2006. Teague, Francis. Acting Funny Comic Thoery and Practice in Shakespeares Plays. London Associated University Presses, 1994.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Smart Card Marketing Solutions Essay

Smart mentality Marketing Solutions is a federation established in 2003 that provides prepaid card swear out to customers seeking an alternative to credit cards and as a form of electronic records for merchants in regards to recording a customer buying behavior. Smart Card Marketing Solutions (referred to in this paper as SMKG going forward) offered four types on services GoSmartCard, hurrying money, Velocity Merchant, and prepaid wireless. Each of the services, in addition to the audience, defend ground on the market, strengths and weaknesses of the company, and marketing strategies.Types of Service and CompetitionGo Smart Card The GoSmartCard is a service that allows companies to use the card and incentive programs. This is offered to merchants and retailed and personal compute information. The platform itself is a real-time internet based application that monitors the transaction in real-time and allow for merchants to access the information. The disceptation could be any c ompany or retailer that offers gift cards. This service is offered by many retailers already. This service is already in the market and for some time now.Velocity MoneyThe service includes two card types Pin Debit Card, which is used by customers as one would a traditional calculate card and a Master debit card, which operates like a traditional Master card. Both are attractive features but there lies a flooded market with lots of competitionVelocity MerchantThis service allows electronic check processing. This feature has been offered by Tele-Check for many years. The advantage to this feature is the e-commerce site that offers additional features such as private labeling on Master card and instant money transfers. Those are two attractive features.Prepaid WirelessNow prepaid wireless is a service offered, which allows the retailer does not keep up to pay for a product until after the sale is made. This is a very attractive feature for retailers.Access to the Market FeasibilityTh e stopping point of feasibility is to is to assess the economic viability of the proposed business. The feasibility study needs to answer the question Does the idea make economic sense? The study should provide a thorough analysis of the business opportunity, including a look at all the possible roadblocks that may stand in the way of the cooperatives success. The issuance of the feasibility study will indicate whether or not to proceed with the proposed venture. If the results of the feasibility study are positive, then the cooperative can proceed to bob up a business plan. (Williams, 2011)After review of the customers website, services offered, and over goal, the Market feasibility does not make sense. The market is saturated with competition such as Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX, Rush Card, and many more. The company does not appear to have done the necessary research to determine the whether there is a need for this service in the market. In addition, this would hint to t he fact a proper business plane was not completed and reviewed. Their validity of market acceptance appears to be assumed versus researched and studies.Conclusion Overall, SKMG could have done more research on the need of their services. Primary market research is one of the starting points for this customer to have been able to determine acceptance into the market. Appendix I shows the current state of their stability in the market.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Rugged Individualism

History as we know has worldly concerny ways of describing it, with all the historical crim passwordts that occurred in the past it is a result of our Ameri end system. As Americans, we pass away in a take of opportunity and because of that we have the freedom to live . Every individual should be able to support themselves out that wouldnt include the governments aid. This idea was originally introduced in Herbert Hoovers speech when he was president of the United States. Although this idea refers put up during the Great Depression, Hoover believed that Americans shouldnt be assisted somehow by the government, financially speaking.In my perspective, I see rugged laissez faire as to either(prenominal) individual who is non being aided from the government, but also not just financially, but incentively by dint of the mind. As I read along through discussions that relate to the American Dream, Hoovers idea of rugged individualism became more visible. Similarly books like Rag ged Dick by Horatio Alger, The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald and A Rai password in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry, are comparable that the idea of rugged individualism is still being used and even through todays society.To illustrate rugged individualism through the book Ragged Dick, Alger created a book disclosing the 19th century lifestyle of a poor boot black. In this book rugged individualism shows because of how Alger describes the motivation through his main character Dick. He was fourteen years young and worked as a bootblack aka shoeshiner boy and slept in dirty torn up array on the streets of New York City. Alger portrayed him as any ordinary boy that lived the hard life in the streets he smokes and drinks occasionally.However, Dick would still practice intelligent deeds and some gentlemen would be impressed that how would a bootblack be so humble and attentive in his work in the streets of New York. .. He was above doing anything mean or dishonorable. He would not stea l, or cheat, or impose upon younger boys, but was frank and straight-forward, manly and self-reliant. His nature was a terrific one, and had saved him from all mean faults. Dick is a good example of someone who I thought that reflected ruggedindividualism.He was brought up by himself and never had untold of a role mode to look up to while growing up. He relied on himself to get customers to get their boots shined, he didnt complain about victuals on the streets or how filthy is his clothes was from the work that he does. In my point of view, Dick didnt have help from anyone, or didnt expect anything from anyone, and if he did he would be more than grateful and smart enough to invest it in the right ways.In the book, he was treated very well by an older man and his son, and during that eon in the book he acted very humble as he explains that he lives on a cardboard box on the streets and didnt genuinely see that hygiene wasnt so important to him, but what was important was how he was going to feed himself and live in the future. And as soon as he found a plan to get better at what he does he uses that money to save for an apartment and to invest in for the future. Although wealth can bring you happiness and success in life, it can also you direct you in the wrong places.The main character of the book by Fitzgerald is Gatsby who is a blind drunk man. He tries to use his wealth to attract the attention of a women named Daisy. This is not the right way of to get someone to love you but hes also idea that his money can bring him success of happiness. He believes that his money will make him succeed in his attempt to get Daisy to fall back in love with him. He would be known to throw the largest parties every saturday, and his guest wouldnt even know who is he truly and why theres a party. At that time in the early 1920s, every person in new york city loved to party.Furthermore Daisy likes the fancy things, the partying and it all seems so good, but her hear t is still commit to her husband. Therefor Gatsbys plan was not successful because his plan wasnt a way of receiving love back. Rugged individualism may not seem evident, but it does in a way that Gatsby wanted to help from his money to get his pipe dreams to come true didnt work out. For he wanted the parties to draw her attention, even his large land and big mansion couldnt help him to fulfill his dreams with Daisy. Lorraine Hansberry created a book that was about dreams.In the story A Raisin in the Sun, the main characters distributively have their own dream that they want to fulfill. The Youngers family struggle to attain these dreams through out the end of the story. Walter who is the man of the house wants to afford things for his family and give them a decent life to live and not having to hold back for his wife and kids. Theres Beneatha his sister who wants to be a doctor and their Mama who just wants to best for their family. Although things didnt go as planned, fights a nd tension between Walter and his family even his wife, things became a learning lesson to each one.Mama always knew best, and when it all came down to one decision, it had to go Mamas way. That Walter had to turn down the offer of a big check to delay them from staying away from living at a all-white neighborhood. This taught Walter that his son, Travis, looks up to him as the man of the family, and in the long run, his decisions will be reflected on his son. He wouldnt want his son to think this is right. Walter was stubborn throughout the book that he just wanted to money to provide for his family, another house to live in, pearls to wear on his wife, and a better life for his son.But Walter didnt earn that money, it was just the life insurance of his father and he didnt earn any of it himself. In this book Walter is the example of rugged individualism because although he was stubborn to realize that it was wrong to receive that check to not live in an all-white neighborhood. If he accepted it, the money coming in wouldnt be because he worked hard for it, it would because he wanted the white people to have their way of keeping their neighborhood an all-white neighborhood.But no one shouldnt be told to live a certain area because of their skin color. So when Walter rejects the offer, he is also accepting the fact that he will have to work harder to provide, and try to uplift his family in some way. Its better than uplifting his family in the wrong way by accepting that offer. That insurance check was tempting for Walter to accept, but he didnt and later when his son would grow older, he can then explain to him that he has worked for every bit of that money that kept his family together.In America today, we still struggle with people who dont live up to the idea of rugged individualism. I believe it isnt really called by that term, but people know it as the American Dream. People who arent beaten(prenominal) with both are those who think reaching your lifet ime goals dont require any effort or any struggles. For those who become millionaires are results of hard work and labor movement that put in to achieve in life. Anything worth having is worth fighting for, and along the path there needs to be struggles and failures, but it is still a choice to keep trying and to not give up.History as we know has many its ways of describing it, throughout all the historical events that occurred in the past it is a result of our American system. As Americans, we live in a land of opportunity and because of that we have the freedom to live. With the three books that ive mentioned, they are examples of the having the opportunity to uplift themselves in their lives. In each book they have reflected to the idea called rugged individualism which was introduced by Herbert Hoover when he was president of the United States.According to Hoover this idea meant that any each individual should be able to support themselves out that wouldnt include the governme nts aid. Even so, I see rugged individualism as to any individual who isnt being aided from the government, but also not just financially, but incentively through the mind. As I read through the three books, each author had their ways of reflecting rugged individualism through their characters, and with the struggles and decisions they made through the books.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Explain the Benefits and Opportunities to the Business of Using Internet Marketing Within the Marketing Mix a Selected Business

An effective Marketing Mix including all 7 is a way of identifying a tradings achievements of marketing objectives, meeting customer needs, is balanced and consistent, creates a competitive advantage and matches collective resources. Product ASOS wins their products very effectively as they use clever visual tools such as 360 tier view of their product, video and picture to enhance the quality of the product itself. They also provide a direct of products and table service including c potentiometerhes, accessories, shoes/sandals etc and its provided for men and women.They include their own brand and precedent wear which shows that they take for spirited quality in their product. ASOS eat menti aced in their annual hatch that their 20 biggest brands argon now represent by a shop in shop providing a rich brand experience for their customers and a fantastic distribution platform for ASOS brand partners. ASOS also sells a range of products matching famous celebritys outfits that customers would want to buy. ASOS, online or in their magazine provides customers the latest fashion info and what not to wear giving them an advantage to promote their products.Their pipeline attract over 5. 2 million visitors per month Price The damage has a lot of impact on the service buyers satisfaction level. Often, paying a higher price makes a customer more satisfied. Price is often considered a proxy for quality and vice-versa. What is important to nock that services being all the more intangible, the price becomes an important factor for the actual service inhalation to happen, after service awareness and service ac go throughledgement. Thier price for the products vary depending on the product quality, brand etc.For the designer items it can be expensive, although ASOS may provide same looking product without the brand name reservation it affordable. With the price they offer ASOS is making a Profit over ? 10,009,000 figure taken from ASOS annual report as the y have increased number of active shoppers over 1. 2 million Promotion The promtion plays a role in the perception the possible stooge audience may have about your service. at that place has to be a fit between the promotion and the positioning. Promotion leads to service (brand) recognition and further establishes a proxy to evaluate quality of services establish by potential ustomers. ASOS uses their business is purely based upon the internet everything is promoted through the World Wide Web on the website and off. They have promotion on former(a) websites and also ASOS has developed an application to allow customers to track particular products on its sites through their web browser, some(prenominal) websites they are looking at. The online retailer has used functionality within the latest version of Microsofts Internet Explorer 8 web brower, which Microsoft released on March 19. statusPlace represents the location where a product can be purchased. It is often cognize as the distribution channel. The place can be situated as a physical repositing or as virtuals stores on the internet. ASOS. com is rapidly becoming the market leader in the UK online fashion world. all told the products are sold ONLINE and not located allwhere else where people can purchase ASOS items. ASOS does have a warehouse where all stocks are kept and together has a office located in hardfordshire. Processes processes are important to deliver a quality service.Services being intangible, processes become all the more polar to tick off standards are met with. Process mapping ensures that your service is perceived as being dependable by your target segment. This is the procedures of activities which lead to an exchange of value. The process should include how customers are handled from first and last point of contact. ASOS is determined to be number one in the online market. They have thought through their process and kept it clear and have made it customer satisfactory. ASOSs s trategy consists of aims that has a well-defined process.ASOS have control of their website, their information/images etc are presented without any doubt intelligibly promotional. Payments are all done through their website online as they are only an online business. similarly they have a step-by-step information on how to use and buy off their website, they also have page on delivery information. Here they can track down on where shopping is, know how much is cost to deliver, know when to expect the delievery etc. People People is crucial in service delivery. The best food may not seem equally palatable if the waitress is in a sour mood.A smile always helps. Intensive training for your human resources on how to handle customers and how to deal with contingencies, is crucial for your success. People Are their employees, customers their family and friends, and any other people associated with ASOS. com. Employees are important to this strategy of marketing ruffle up as in can be t hose who deliever the products to customers. So they have to polite, helpful and have the knowledge of the business for them to answer any questions provided by the customer.It can also be the employees that answer the phone when any customer calls for any quiries. ASOS. com also have employees updating their website and replying to emails and online comments on their feedback page. ASOS employees has the knowledge, training and other aspect helping the business with marketing for their business. ASOS customers are also people that help in the marketing of services as they interruption the business information. Physical evidence Pyhsical evidence affects the customers satisfaction.Often, services being intangible, customers depend on other cues to judge the offering. This is where physical evidence plays a part. Would you like eating at a common where the table is greasy or the waitresses and cooks look untidy and wear a stained apron? surely you would evaluate the quality of you r experience through proxies such as these. As ASOS. com is an online company their customer has obstruction not knowing how for example a dress will feel, look on them. ASOS therefore provides annual reports, articles, etc showing them that ASOS products are worth the value.ASOS helps customers with their products by giving them full information about the product. They have recieved awards that incline customers to buy online. First award was go pastn to them in 2008 from Company High Street Awards for Best Place To Spend and the second was given in 2009 from Drapers Etail Awards for Best Customer Experience Cosmopolitan Online Fashion Awards Best for Bargains. ASOS allows to give unwanted products back and their staff are always helpful and polite towards their customer as its one of their business objectives.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Abraham Maslow †Hierarchy of Needs Essay

Abraham Mas slump is a well-known psychologist for his surmise on human motivation, specifically the Hierarchy of motive hypothesis, and for his ca-ca with monkeys. Maslows surmise can also be defined as intensity at a task. This mover that greater the motivation, the more constant and intense adept will perform s specific task. The basis behind this theory is the knowledge that all behaviour is goal driven, meaning one will do tasks according to what they obtain after the task is complete. Maslow has been a very inspirational habitus in personality theories.The Hierarchy of Needs theory has four different levels before one comes to all-encompassing self-actualizing. These levels argon, in order, the psychological postulate, safety, love and care and esteem needs. The psychological needs are those one needs to survive, such as food, water, oxygen, shelter and more. Then comes the need for safety and protection for ones family these needs complicate safe shelter, security, protection from both mental and physical damage, and others. Thirdly is the need for love and care, which is the need for affection, friends and relationships in public. Lastly, the esteem needs. These needs are those that one gets from him or herself. There are two types, low self esteem and a high self esteem. The low self esteem needs include necessitateing the respect of others, status, fame, recognition and even dominance. The high self-esteem need is to have respect for yourself this is the higher(prenominal) of the two self-esteems beca design self-respect is harder to loose than the respect of others.See moreSocial Satire in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn renderSelf-actualization is to have all of the needs fulfilled and to be settled with a good job. According to Maslow, a person who is fully self-actualized, have the following character traits. According to his research, e stated that self-actualizers tend to be reality centred, meaning these people can distinguish between what is fake and dishonest from what is real and true. They were bother centred people treated intents difficulties as problems demanding solutions, the need for privacy and they were independent of culture and relied on their own experiences and judgments they were, in the best sense, non conformists. Those who were self-actualized had democratic values open to ethnic and individual variety, social enliven and they enjoyed having intimate personal relationships with a few close friends.Maslow recorded these findings by observing a aggroup of historical figures, which included Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Ghandi, Albert Einstein and others. In his findings, he also stated that self-actualizers have a dovish sense of humour, which means they would rather tell jokes about themselves or at the world in general rather than at others. These people accepted people for who they were they didnt try to change them to what they thought separately person should be like and they pref er being themselves than being pretentious or artificial.With all these high-quality traits, in that respect were some flaws with the self-actualizers studied by Maslow. These flaws were that the subjects that were being tested on suffered from anxiety and guilt. Some of them were absentminded, overly liberal and, lastly, they had unexpected moments of ruthlessness and a loss of humour.All of these findings of Maslow have created a basic understanding of what things are necessities to humans and which are non. For example, in the 1960s, this was or so important to those who were looking for meaning and purpose in their lives. This theory helped them look for a path to offer their life to success.Maslows theory was also inspirational to Mihalyi Csikeszentmihalyi and Douglas McGregor. Mihalyi Csikeszentmihalyi act Maslows concept of flow. This theory helped Douglas McGregor to make his theory of Theory X and Theory Y by being a building block. Without Maslows hierarchy of needs theory, these two people may not have come up with the idea/theory that they did.It is said that Maslows hierarchy of needs follows the life cycle of humans. The starting stage, psychological needs is a newborn babys needs, safety comes as the baby begins to crawl and walk, the social aspect come in when the baby is a toddler, they seek maintenance by doing something that no one has seen before and amazes the audience. The fourth need, esteem or ego, comes when humans are teenagers this means when humans are concerned with respectand popularity and only some humans go on to self-actualizing. Maslows theory being related to the development of humans helps for humans to realize how his theory truly does work and how it intertwines with the development of humans.Another way that Maslows was inspirational was, for example, the reason why humans inflame up in the dawning and what activates us to do so. Maslows theory states that by accomplishing goals, people motivate themselves to do even more. When a person is on the rise of success or promotion or an increase in business profits, they are excited and they motivate themselves to get up in the morning and to do more to get more excitement.Lastly, Maslows theory was a great importance to education. His theory applies to education because if the teacher wants to maximize the effectiveness of teaching programs round the schools and individual classrooms, the administrators must consider what the children want first. If the students feel that the workload is extremely heavy, then administration staff and teachers should take this into account and either demoralize the workload or give longer due dates for the students to finish their work. This gives the students encouragement to do their work as they realize the teacher has taken our problem into consideration and has given us what we asked for.Those teachers who know their students needs use this theory and are successful teachers. Both the administration an d student body like these teachers administration is quick-witted that students are doing their work mostly on time and the student body like the teacher because he/she cooperates and listens to what they have to say. Thus Maslows theory has had an impact on the teaching styles of teachers in order to carry off with the students.In conclusion, Maslows theory is inspirational not only to teachings but also to everyday life. His theory helped everyone in society to realize basic needs of life and to spend their money and time where it is most needed and worry about the luxuries after the necessities are complete. Without this inspirational theory created by Maslow, people around the world may not know what the basic needs of life are. For example, the third worldcountries and first world countries would have even less in common than what they do straightaway. At least today they have the same basic needs, maybe without this theory even this would be different. Therefore, Abraham Ma slow as an inspirational psychologist who has lead us to the right way of spending money and time.Works CitedAbraham Maslow Understanding Human Motivation 17 Oct 2003Boeree, Dr. C. George. Abraham Maslow. 16 Oct 2003Hoffman, Edward. The Right To Be Human. Los Angeles J.P. Tarcher, 1988.House of Essays Abraham Maslow http// Benson, Sharon Crosier, Linda Parker. Maslows Motivation Theory And Its ApplicationTo Education. 16 Oct. 2003

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Challenges of Scholarly Writing

Writing is a means of expressing oneself through words and even a rule of sharing information about different fields of study. Many have enjoyed and appreciated various forms literature that have transformed readers to an other place or make them feel that they are someone else. The benefits of composing are endless. More so, it has become an integral disjoint of a persons life and an inevit sufficient component of the society. For without it, the gentleman today would be bland and monotonous.Since we were toddlers we were trained to read and write so that in our adult years, we provide be equipped with a tool that peck advance our status in the society which can either be for personal or professional purposes. For me, writing has been an arduous only if rewarding part of my life. At first, I was a little apprehensive about writing because it requires the generator to know a lot about sentence constructions, proper usage of punctuations and others. It calculateed that w riting was a tedious task that demanded term and effort in order to produce high-quality outputs.But after numerous writing exercises and trials, I was able to get used to with the rules and guidelines involved in writing. Because of this, I was able to be exposed to various forms of writing such as creative, technical and scholarly writing. Among the three, creative writing is the easiest and most enjoyable because it gives freedom to the writer to write about anything under the sun. It is like typing on the keyboard or scribbling on a sm altogether-arm paper everything that pops in your head. Meanwhile, technical writing demands technical knowledge about a indisputable plain which makes it harder than creative and scholarly writing.However, scholarly writing is a different story because it is arduous to write but the end results are beneficial and helpful particularly to the academe. During my age as a student, I was bombarded with a lot of scholarly papers which helped us to learn more about the courses that we took in college. thither were days that ideas just came flowing in your mind that helped me finished my research or writing papers in a short amount of time. But there are also moments when you can not seem to extract any good thoughts from your brain even if you spend hours and hours researching, reading and brainstorming.This type of incident is gorgeously known as writers block wherein the writer experiences a short-term inability to bulge or continue the writing process which is frequently caused by the lack of drive and creativity. Also, another writing obstacle is the generation of ideas or thoughts. The most difficult part of writing is the beginning and the conclusion phase. As a writer, I found it hard to organize and develop properly my views and perceptions about a certain subject matter. Even though there is a lot of information, sometimes it is difficult to synthesize all of them to make coherent and logical paragraphs.Aside from this, writers particularly students also go through many obstacles in scholarly writing such as poor structure of writing composition, incorrect usage of grammar and words, citations and plagiarism. When these factors remained unnoticed, the likeliness of generating a solid writing material would be impossible. The key to producing a well-structured scholarly paper is that the dissertation statement must be direct and concise. Also, it should be supported by strong arguments at the proboscis of the paper and followed by a conclusion that summarizes the main points and answers the thesis statement.More so, grammar and language used should be appropriate to the topic to make the paper credible and smooth-flowing. However, the most important factor to consider in writing is using proper citations to avoid plagiarism. In writing, it is inevitable to borrow ideas from other writers or foregoing studies. In order to avoid committing a professional misconduct, writers should cite all so urces that they have used in their scholarly papers as a sign of acknowledgment that the incorporated information were taken from other publications.As an alternative, it would be better if writers tried to create their own ideas instead of copying other concourses work thus their skills in writing and critical thinking would be further developed. There is no shortcut in making excellent scholarly papers. Writers must learn the basics of writing before they can be able to yield productive outputs. Moreover, there is no alternate for school term down and jotting down your ideas on paper so writers should make the best out of writing and try to be honest and responsible .

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Four Functions of Management Essay

1.How does the supplying function of management contribute to achieving organizational objectives at bottom your chosen industry? Planning contributes to achieving organizational objectives by planning for goals provided for your industry and looking for ways to achieve those goals. Planning is beneficial for making more profits and for encouraging others to work hard. When you use the planning function it helps your industry become more organized which leads them to the undermentioned function and helps them focus on the right path to success.2.How does the organizing function of management contribute to achieving organizational objectives deep down your chosen industry? Organizing contributes to achieving organizational objectives by decision making. It involves deciding who will be doing what and who will be in charge of which tasks. Being organized makes achieving those objectives so much easier rather than being unorganized and non knowing whats going on and who is doing what.3.How does the leading function of management contribute to achieving organizational objectives within your chosen industry? Leading contributes to achieving organizational objectives by giving associates a sense of motivation and inspiration. When associates be inspired and motivated they want to work harder which then leads to more positive outcomes in the industry. It is important to devolve when leading.4.How does the controlling function of management contribute to achieving organizational objectives within your chosen industry? Controlling contributes to achieving organizational objectives simply by monitoring the path to achieving the goal and taking action when something doesnt go as planned. When controlling you are basically setting the goals and making sure that these goals are achieved.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Overcoming Negative Thoughts

It was during the summer vacation and I was very excited having been offered a job as a gross revenue person. The detergent was new and I had obtained good results later on using it and so I was for sure that I would make many sales. In addition, the price was affordable. After a half days training we began the job. However, when I started the job I was disappointed to realize that I was not making as many sales as I had anticipated. This dampened my spirits a little.When the time to hand in our every week reports came, I was discouraged to learn that others had met and even exceeded the targets while I had barely met the target. This happened for two times and after this I started feeling like I did not measure up and that I could never ensure the targets. Even as I approached prospective customers, I could visualize them rejecting me and this translated to even less sales. One day I sat down and wondered why I could not meet the targets yet others could. I started impressive myself that I could do it if others could.I searched the internet for tips on direct selling and started to put them into practice. All of a abrupt my whole attitude changed and as I approached customers, I felt that I would make sales as I knew the tips. The most surprising thing is that people started being more enthusiastic about the detergent I was selling to them and the sales increased to a point where I became among the people who always exceeded sales targets. It is true that positive thinking is contagious (Sasson, 2010).ReferenceSasson, R. (2010). The power of positive thinking. Retrieved 30 April, 2010 fromhttp//

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Learning disabilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Learning disabilities - Essay ExampleThe fundamental characteristics of students with accomplishment disability are usually a lack in reading and written language wisdom. Lack these skills causes as inability to receipt and understand how the phonemes or speech sounds (omission, insertions, and revels) make a difference. An inability to decode unfamiliar words, poor comprehension and retention, and difficulty identify important themes is created. Also, difficulties in written language and actionance usually occur in the areas of handwriting, spelling, productively, text structure, sentence structure, and inability to copy correctly from book or the blackboard. In addition, these students have difficulties with math performance, due to poor visual perception, memory, copying problems incorrectly from one line to anther, difficulty recalling the sequence of operating(a) processes, difficulties comprehending word problems, and reasoning deficit. Students with learning disabilities have difficulties in time management, and are slow to start and land up tasks. There is a repeated, day-to-day inability to recall what has been taught, as well as difficulty adjacent oral and writing directions. The lack of overall organization in written notes and composition, demonstrate short tutelage span during lectures, and significantly decreases the chance of the student performing well.Students with learning disability may have weaknesses in specific social skills. They tend to use less socially acceptable behaviors in certain situations, and perform verbal and nonverbal skills at a significantly lower level than their peers. They also exhibit distant behaviors at higher levels than their peers, and misinterpret social cues. Much of the time, they are unable to predict consequences for their behavior.During a learning disability stimulation in the classroom, the instructor

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Network Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Network Design - Essay typefloods etc. Furthermore, the distance between the two buildings is 120 meters that is manageable for connecting the sites physically. However, in case of configuring a radio receiver meshwork, IEEE-802.11g Compliant will be recommended for covering the distance of 250 meters. Figure 1.1 demonstrates the current architecture and Figure 1.2 illustrates the network architecture for Tyrell stack Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 2 Addressing Deployment Approach for Departments Star topology is recommended for the wired topical anesthetic area network. It is the most widely adopted topology. The star topology musical accompaniments the centralized provision of network imagerys and services. The backup man staff can manage the network administrative and troubleshooting tasks centrally. Star topology helps to implement centralized tribute architecture for improved and enhanced security of the network. The network implementation cost can be salvage by provisioning the core systems located centrally. The security controls and backup systems are also located centrally for mend troubleshooting and management. For deploying the local network for Tyrell Corporation, CAT 5 cable is the best option. It supports both voice and data transmission. CAT-5 is in the form of twisted pairs. This cable consists of 4 copper wire pairs, connecting the network node with RJ 45 connectors.CAT-5 supports up to 100 to 1000 MHz speeds in a full duplex mode (Category 5 Cable. 2007). The Tyrell Corporation enterprise network will corresponds to request related to internet applications, online transactions, requests by sale contractors, file carry protocol and Emails. CAT 5 can support these features with ease. However, CAT 5 cable can support up to 300 feet equal to 100 meters in distance. A requirement of the scourge is mandatory for every(prenominal) 300 feet. Data cast offes perform packet distribution tasks within the local area network. Acting as a core backbon e, Tyrell Corporation network requires fast Ethernet switches to support the internet and external communication. The Cisco throttle valve 3750 v2 series switch is recommended to cater the requirements for the current scenario as well as for the future. The deployment of switches will be carried show up by disconnecting one department at a time on a non-working day, as the generalization will be conducted by the vendors or the staff available at Tyrell Corporation. From each of these available departments, gracious resource department will be the first one to be replaced with the new switch supporting(a) VLAN and addressing security issues. The next department will be the technology department itself for enabling compatibility with the human resource department switch, as proper configuration and testing is required. Each department follows the similar approach with finance department to be the last one. Cisco Catalyst 3750 is the OSI layer 3 stackable switch, supporting the en ergy force factor. Stackable means that more switches can be added to the current switch configuration for providing more network nodes. This switch supports the Cisco Energy Wise technology, which assist in the provision of power management of the big switch network. At the same time, the Cisco energy wise technology reduces the cost and carbon foot prints. The current invention to the energy wise technology is the Cisco Energy Wise Orchestrator which is a dedicated prison guard power management solution

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

A study of online shopping behaviour of Thai generation Y consumers in Essay

A determine of online shopping doings of Thai generation Y consumers in Thailands retail fashion industry - Essay ExampleAccordingly, this study concentrates on how independent variables, such as advertisement and promotion influences online shopping behaviour of consumers. Studies, such as Lin (2007), Haig (2001), Moschis & Churchill (1978), Chawla (n.d.), also argued that these components are quite vital when determining the leverage intent of the consumers. While these studies and many others assessed during the literary productions review did not put much emphasis on indicating the influence of price on the consumer decision-making to purchase fashion products. It was in this context that the gap was mitigated with the help of primary research, wherein the findings from focus group converse revealed price to be a major factor in determining the customer purchase behaviour.On the basis of the conceptual framework, it is vital to develop a hypothesis in order to evaluate the a lliance between dependent variables and independent variables. Henceforth, two hypotheses have been conducted for evaluating the relationship between dependent and independent variables by using the Statistical Test namely Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient as mentioned in Methodology part.In this world-class section, descriptive statistics are employed for analysing the primary information of the respondents demographic profiles. In descriptive analysis, the raw data are presented in terms of frequency and percentage. These data include demographic information, namely gender, income and age.The table above displays that there were 144 male participants which were the percentage of 45 of 100 and there were 176 female participants or 55% in this survey. Thus, the total number of respondents who was observed for this research was 320.From Table 4.1b, it can be seen that the largest monthly income realize was the group between 10,000 29,999.99 baht or equivalent to 150 - 450 for 170 respondents or 53.1%, the

Monday, May 13, 2019

Women swimming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Women swimming - Essay eventSeveral sport spunks are coming up these days to help people introduce sports in their daily routine. The purpose of these centres is to expose and orient people to different kinds of sports and activities. One such sport companionship was visited by me. This is called Muslim Welfare House.The Muslim WelfareHouse (MWH) is a community and sports centre in North London. It was founded in 1970 and is a registered charity since 1975. It was originally established to assist Muslim students coming to UK astound education. However, over the years, the focus of the charity changed and the multi-purpose building began to serve a dual purpose of a mosque as well as a community centre.The centre provides all sorts of social, cultural, learning activities for more than 15 nationalities, ranging from Algerians and Somalis, to Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. The memorial tablet is managed by an Executive Director along with six full sentence and three part time staff members. A good number of volunteers likewise participate actively.The programmes and activities in the centre involve high quality, affordable sports and leisure activities for all members of the local community from the ages of 5-90 years and above. The sports include Karate, Football, Table tennis. The centre also has a gym for fitness.The current study was undertaken to study a specific sport in the centre and to assess the operation of the sport centre. The study further looked into various programmes and activities run by the centre.Prior to data collection, first step was familiarization with the centre by making a visit to the centre. Observation technique and hearing method was use. This was further facilitated by discussions with the staff in the centre.A checklist for the observation was prepared to be used as a reference to observe the various activities in the centre. Observation of all the