Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gender Stereotypes And Gender Codes - 1754 Words

Essay #2 Evolution of Females in Film It is evident that over the course of time, the portrayal and depiction of females in film in regards to their acting roles has evolved. Film significantly influences how society perceive social norms, and gender roles. However, it appears as the roles of females in this platform are often depicted in the following categories: the lover, victims, and the revengeful women/the villain, which can also be known as the femme fatale character. These common roles that women actresses portray often re-emphasize stereotypes and gender codes in today’s American society by providing females with roles that often illustrate females as inferior to males. In this analysis, I will talk about how gender codes are†¦show more content†¦Kay wanted to be independent and was a teacher and she wanted to keep working and still be independent ,but it turned out to be the complete opposite of that. Kay was constantly being lied to by Michael. As Aaron Devor says in Gender Roles and behaviors â€Å"hence its popularity believed that the social position of females is biologically mandated to be intertwined with the care of children and a ‘natural’ dependency on men† (Devor 506). Kay was beside Michael as he traveled through his journey of crime. As Devor said women were dependent on their significant other, Kay’s character did not have autonomy over the life she was living anymore, eventually when they got married and had children she remained in her relationship mainly to protect and care for her children. Kay was being pushed out from being in control of her life and turned into living Michael s life of crime. Hence, the gender codes reflected in film at the time for females reflected the societal values of women caring for family, and being obedient, dependent and complaisant. The femme fatale role has been represented in film as an attractive and seductive female, that uses her physical attributes and charm to infatuate and enchant men and ultimately brings disaster to the life of the men who fall in love with her. This depiction of females, is a unique way of representing females given that the role breaks away from the initialShow MoreRelatedMedia, Youth And Culture : Application Of Theory1664 Words   |  7 PagesMedia, Youth and Culture Application of Theory to Culture Discuss the ways in which gender identities are constructed and expressed through media and popular cultures? This essay will address the way in which gender identities are constructed and expressed through media and popular cultures using Hebdige’s theory; Symbolic Interaction. 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