Monday, May 25, 2020

Love and Selfishness in Love in L.A. by Dagoberto Gilb Essay

Love and Selfishness in Love in L.A. by Dagoberto Gilb Love in L.A., written by Dagoberto Gilb, is a story full of irony and multiple themes. The story is set in Hollywood during the summer time. Written in third person objective, Love in L.A. guides the reader along through the story as opposed to an omniscient point of view. The story begins with Jake driving on the freeway. He is so enraptured by his daydream of better possibilities that he ends up smacking the car ahead of him. Jake considers driving away but instead he stops and finds out that the owner of the Toyota he hit was a beautiful girl. From there, Jake switches into his smooth talker role with Mariana. Jake then tries to con her by saying he doesnt†¦show more content†¦He needed an FM radioIt would have crushed velvet interior with electric controlexotic colognes all of these contribute to the theme of selfishness and greed. He does not need an FM radio but rather wants one. Everything he wants contributes to his rapaciousness. The most prevalent theme in this story is loneliness. Jake is obviously lonely, so much so that he stoops to such pathetic lines as, Im kinda hoping so, just so it takes a little more time and we can talk some. Or else you can give me your phone number now and I wont have to lay my regular b.s. on you to get it later. His loneliness also shows when Gilb describes how, her hand felt so warm and soft he felt like hed been kissed. Jake seems to crave the human intimacy of love, and yet all he does is flirt with a woman whom he does not even care for enough to be truthful to. This is also situational irony. Corresponding with this theme of loneliness is the concept that everyone is looking for love. This need is very evident in Jake and is also displayed in Mariana. No intelligent female would even relent a little in the face of such an apparent swindler as Jake. However, Mariana must be a little flattered and lonely because she smiles at his attentions and even makes small tal k with him. Among these themes, lies another one; there are infinite possibilities. Any one person can meet their match at any time. For Jake, Mariana could haveShow MoreRelatedOConnor and Dagoberto1591 Words   |  6 PagesIt is believable that O’Connor and Dagoberto are known as writers of high caliber. The way that they write is out of ordinary and their muses are unparalleled. Each of them offers a great taste of writing to their readers and their stories sound very pleasant to savor. However, this paper will oppose â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find† to â€Å"Love in L.A.† The focus will be on these themes: symbolism, characters, theme, tone, irony and moral code used in them. The demographic location of A Good Man is HardRead MoreA Love in La and Good Man Hard to Find Essay examples1244 Words   |  5 Pagesthink of it. I did not notice any of the characters of both stories in the sense of similarity. But the jack and grandmother were kind of same sense of selfness. The both character think only for them self and want all the intension towards them. Love in L.A, a story of the person whose name is jack and seems like he is very lazy and disappointed from his lifestyle, wants to get some change in his lifestyle. One day jack was driving on a free way in los Angeles, suddenly he hit a car from back side

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